I Don't Need You Pointing Your Finger!

An Xiaxia bolted to her feet as if she had just heard of an incoming formidable enemy. "Your father?? As in, your dad?? Aaah! I'm so nervous… Do I have to go see him…"

Sheng Yize looked at her mildly. "There, there. I'm here with you."

There was something very calming about his voice. His slender fingers stroked her hair gently, which comforted An Xiaxia greatly. She pleaded with her eyes for a while but to no avail, and she finally nodded with a pout.

Sheng Yize led her into a ward, holding her hand.

Two guards in black stood outside the door and several stern-faced men were patrolling the corridor a short distance away.

An Xiaxia was a little flustered. Everything indicated that Sheng Yize's father had to be some significant figure…

Pushing the door open, she saw a luxurious ward with interior decor that reminded her of a normal home. It even contained a regular living room.