Where Are The Rest Of The Bad Guys? (1)

Sheng Qingyi said in a harsh voice, "Do you even have any respect for your father? I'm telling you: break up with that girl now, or I'll…"

"Or you'll what?" Sheng Yize's voice was bone-chillingly cold. "I'm no longer that kid ten years ago. I have my own life now, I make my own choices, and I have a girl I like. Whichever path I choose to follow, it's my decision and I'll live with whatever consequences that follow! Are you going to shut me away again and drive me crazy? Or are you going to make me live like a walking corpse?"

Sheng Qingyi pointed at him and his finger couldn't help but start to tremble.

A lot of times, he had to admit that he was a terrible father.

He couldn't give his son a family, nor could he give him enough love. He even failed at his education.

Once, he thought he could control Sheng Yize with his authority as a father figure, but he suddenly realized that the teenager had flown out of his reach.