Where Are The Rest Of The Bad Guys? (2)

She struggled with all her might as she shouted, "They're not police officers! They're human traffickers! I'm a student at Qixia High School and I'm not a thief! Help… help.. mhm…"

Hearing her plead, someone in the crowd began to question, "Could she be telling the truth…"

"She's lying!" the granny from earlier said resolutely. "She's a thief! Just leave it to the police!"

An Xiaxia was going nuts. She was told old people were getting worse; why did she feel that it was because the bad people had grown older?!

This was outrageous!

Could it be… that all these people were working together as a group?

That only made An Xiaxia even more frightened.

If that was really the case, it was a premeditated kidnapping…

She peeked at her phone in her pocket and secretly dialed Sheng Yize's number before resuming her struggles.