Say You Will and I'm Yours (4)

"Little Xiaxia, don't just stare at them! Try some!" Grandma Sheng smiled at her, almost wishing she could feed the girl herself.

"Hm…" An Xiaxia picked one up, took a bite, and her bright black eyes sparkled. "It's so good!"

Grandpa Sheng was a great cook!

"Help yourself." Grandma Sheng seemed to have turned into a magician, taking out a dozen dishes out of nowhere and devoting herself to helping An Xiaxia with each one of them.

As An Xiaxia happily ate her way through the dishes, Grandpa Sheng couldn't keep his poker face anymore. His stern look was gone, replaced by a broad smile.

All cooks wanted to see their food get love and An Xiaxia looked very appealing when she ate. Her mouth was stuffed full and her eyes shone, delighting all those around her.

Sheng Yize was also smiling. He was finally relieved now that he saw that his grandparents adored An Xiaxia.