I'm Cute and You're Horny (1)

Face dark, Sheng Qingyi reached for the sweet and sour spareribs.

Whoosh —

Sheng Yize picked up the last piece and put it into An Xiaxia's bowl. He then said gently, "Xiaxia, this is your favorite. Have some more."

Sheng Qingyi's hand froze awkwardly in mid-air.

Sheng Qingyi: … Son, you do realize I'm your only father, don't you?

With one setback after another, Sheng Qingyi hardly tasted anything during the meal.

After dinner, Grandpa and Grandma Sheng took An Xiaxia aside to chat again. Sheng Yize went up to the three and saw that An Xiaxia was teaching the elderly couple how to use the internet.

"Grandma, this icon that looks like a little eye is called 'Weibo.' You can post pictures and videos on it…" An Xiaxia held an iPad, instructing Grandma Sheng.

Grandma Sheng was like a little child as she poked around on the screen. At An Xiaxia's instruction, she become Sheng Yize's follower.