Please Save Her (2)

The meal Mr. Song had prepared was in fact a banquet of delicacies enough to feed a roomful of people. The dishes ranged from Chinese to Western-style cuisine, which made Glutton Xia's eyes pop. She was over the moon and one could almost see pink bubbles rise out of her head.

After exchanging some pleasantries, Mr. Song announced that it was time to eat and An Xiaxia happily dove into her food.

Mr. Song smiled at An Xiaxia, whose cheeks were puffed up with all the food in her mouth. He blurted out, "I hope you'll feel at home here."

"Thank you, Uncle," An Xiaxia mumbled, and the light in Mr. Song's eyes dimmed a little.

Sheng Yize put some of An Xiaxia's favorite food on her plate and cautioned her, "Slow down. Your stomach will burst like this."

As it turned out, An Xiaxia overate in the end.

She never been so voracious, but all the dishes today just happened to be her favorites.