Too Much Drama Is Going On In Your Head

"You and Songsong have the same blood type. I've read your medical file and the two of you are compatible on many points. Therefore, I'm begging you: please donate your bone marrow to Songsong. Please save her."

An Xiaxia realized what was going on instantly. She was Rh negative — the so-called "panda blood" and a blood type very hard to come by.

So, all that food had been for her bone marrow.

An Xiaxia lowered her head, feeling deceived.

Mr. Song took it as a sign of her reluctance. He then took out a check book from his inside pocket, swiftly wrote down a figure, and put it in An Xiaxia's hand.

An Xiaxia's eyes opened wide. As if the check burned, she drew back her hand immediately.

Mr. Song cleared his throat awkwardly, pondered a moment, and took the check back. He then wrote a new check.

This time, he only signed his name before handing it to An Xiaxia.

"Feel free to write whatever figure you want."