What If I Love You? (3)

She stood still, raised an eyebrow, and said in a sarcastic tone, "An Xiaxia, you're as shameless as ever!"

An Xiaxia frowned.

Li Fanxing…

"You're as undereducated as ever yourself," she retorted calmly.

Li Fanxing sneered and turned to Sheng Yize. "Are you going to explain this? Do you still have a thing for her or is she throwing herself at you?"

Sheng Yize looked at her indifferently and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" Li Fanxing raised her voice. "I should be the one asking what are you doing here in Ye City! Didn't she hurt you enough seven years ago?! Did you forget about it already or do you want to fall back into that rut?"

An Xiaxia said in a hurry, "There was nothing between us before."

Li Fanxing gave her an "are you f**king kidding me" look. "Why, you're in denial now? Do I need to remind you that he's Sheng Yize, the ex-boyfriend you dumped seven years ago?"