What If I Love You? (4)

Everyone began to rush toward the door. However, it was such a violent earthquake that the building collapsed within a minute.

Had it not been for He Dongyang, who had pushed An Xiaxia out, she would have been buried under the ruins as well.

Nero Zhou was the fastest. Looking around, he murmured, "Gosh… Wen Qing and He Dongyang are still inside!"

An Xiaxia's face changed.

The two of them stared silently at the restaurant, which had practically turned into a pile of bricks.

"We must save them…" Tears welled up in An Xiaxia's eyes and she began to run toward the ruins. However, Nero Zhou stopped her. "Stop right there!"

An Xiaxia looked back at him in confusion and Nero Zhou said with a straight face, "Don't forget what you are: a reporter!"

"What does that have to do with anything?!" An Xiaxia yelled.