Forget Me and Find Someone Nicer (3)

Yuan Hotel.

A vaccine for the epidemic virus had been worked out. If everything went as planned, He Jiayu would come back home next week.

Su Xiaomo was finally able to smile again and she even ate more than usual.

Everything felt so perfect as she and An Xiaxia chatted over their food.

A smiling man paused at their table as he was walking past.

"Mrs. Sheng?"

An Xiaxia looked up to see a very tall man. Despite the cold weather, he only wore a shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned, revealing his unnaturally fair skin.

"Hello, I'm Bai Ye. Do you mind if I join you?" He sat down next to An Xiaxia in a familiar manner.

An Xiaxia was embarrassed. She didn't know who this man was!

But she assumed he was one of Sheng Yize's friends and thought it impolite to turn him down in public. Moving to one side awkwardly to make room for him, she said, "We're almost done here. Would you like something else?"