Forget Me and Find Someone Nicer (2)

"Shit! You bit me!" Bai Ye kicked him away with a grim face and Chi Yuanfeng grimaced in pain, but wouldn't stop yelling. "You son of a bitch!"

Bai Ye chuckled and moved quickly to Chi Yuanfeng's side again, pressing a dagger to the latter's neck.

"This SOB can turn you into a lifeless body in a minute. Would you like to try it?" Bai Ye smiled brightly.

Sheng Yize crossed his arms. "Are you done?"

Bai Ye reined himself in somewhat at Sheng Yize's words, and began to peel an apple with the dagger. "I have a proposal, I'm wondering if Mr. Sheng would be interested."

He then whispered a word.

The look on Chi Yuanfeng's face changed right away. "Brother, that's illegal! You can't agree to that!"

Sheng Yize's face remained impassive. "Compared with that, I think Mr. Bai would be more interested in a different deal?"

"And what would that be?" Bai Ye chuckled, his gaze lingering on Sheng Yize's body like a slithering snake.