The Incident Today Is A Terrible Blow To Me

Mag and Luna took a stroll in the sunset light, while Amy and the kitten played and giggled.

Luna told Mag that the decimal system and the multiplication table had made quite a splash among the mathematicians in Rodu. They were trying to verify their validity. They were using the decimal system too, but only for currency.

The Roth Empire mainly used the sexagesimal system, while the elves adopted vigesimal system.

They considered the decimal system too complex, so it had never got popular.

But now, everything could be changed. By memorizing the times table, even a child could do multiplication easily.

It used to be extremely difficult to do the multiplication of three-digit numbers, but now they might have found a much easier way.

Still, some people were more reluctant to embrace the decimal system than others. They preferred the old way, the traditional way. They were unwilling to change.

Mag smiled as he listened to Luna.