My Conscience Is Clear

Under the Tree of Life in the dim cave, Irina was dressed in white, sitting cross-legged. A blue light was circling around her and the tree behind her.

Fireflies were flying around her through heart-shaped leaves. She looked even prettier in their light, and the golden moon between her eyebrows seemed to be glowing. She was calm and relaxed as if she had become one with the tree.

The cave was so silent one could almost hear the fireflies beating their wings.

The door of the cave opened a little, and in came Firis. She ran towards the tree, calling, "Princess Irina!"

The green twigs touched her, but didn't tease her like they had before.

Irina's eyes stayed closed. "What happened, Bean Sprout?" she asked calmly.

"Snarr got hurt…" Firis whispered, sad. There was a line of blood under her chin as if she had been whipped.

Irina opened her eyes. The green light disappeared, and the fireflies flew away.