System, Where Did You Steal This Wine From?

Babla looked up at Mag, and suddenly wished that she were dead.

Not only had a man laid his hands on her, she was now kneeling before him!

What was even more terrifying to her was that her face had slid down this man's body, all the way from his chest to his legs.

She was slightly surprised by the rock-hard body of the man beneath the clothes, but she was much more focused on the sense of asphyxiating humiliation that was crashing down on her.

How could something like this happen to her, Princess Babla of the moon nation?!

How could she let a man touch her body?!

This man should be the one kneeling before her!

And yet…

Babla discovered that she was completely unable to move. She was unable to muster up any strength in her feeble body, and felt as if her knees had been nailed to the ground, rendering her completely unable to move.

She wasn't even able to get out of this embarrassing position.