You've Committed a Severe Breach of the Rules!

In the northern region of the city, where the Roth Empire's embassy was, Cayrols made his way out of his study and passed an envelope to the waiting butler. He wore a serious expression on his face as he said, "Send this letter to Prince Josh via a messenger falcon."

"Yes, Master." The butler accepted the envelope with both hands before hurrying away into the backyard.

Cayrols was just about to return to his study when a series of slightly urgent footsteps sounded from behind him. "Father, I have something to speak to you about."

A tall and thin young man approached him quickly from the courtyard outside. The young man's hooked nose bore a slight resemblance to Cayrols' and he had a head of brown hair. His face was of a slightly sickly pallor, but he seemed to be in high spirits as he quickly made his way over to Cayrols.