Daughter Of Blackness #2

Daughter Of Blackness #2

by Hannah_HentselGage

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The 2d sequel to Like Mother Like Daughter. These books is based on Hannah's life as an Autistic Non disabled girl in a world as an outcast. Her goal on webnovel is to show people an understanding of kids and girls and teens like her. She's lives a life as a outcast. still trying to find her place in the world. Along the way she overcomes many challenges in her life. until finally he gets the respect and heart she deserves!



by Pinky_Julie

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A high schooler on therapy runs into a campus bad boy......It all started with him sneaking into her room through her window in the middle of the night. Atlas, a horny 24 year old handsome douchebag taught the naive Adora his own kind of pleasure.Things went as far as Adora running away from home to stay at his condo. Both messed up by their families, Adora thought he was her knight and shining armor....but was he?Atlas charmed all damsels in college to his den, tasting the shallow and deep wate…