Everything that went wrong with us

Everything that went wrong with us

by Synnon_

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She did not want to remember that again.She's changed; she doesn't do those things anymore. She doesn't want to bother and cause trouble to everyone around her anymore. And there's been results: This time people actually like her!Airi is your typical girl who thinks, more than most people, that everyone was out to get her childhood friend who happens to be perfect in every aspect: Ren. But when her protective instinct turns to full-on obsession, she determined that distancing herself and transfe…

DES VU, Moments turned Memories

DES VU, Moments turned Memories

by pen_girl_20

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DES VUAwareness that this moment would become a memoryPeople are complicated and their feelings even more so. They are always aware that the moments they spend with others would end up becoming memories. Sometimes those memories are so precious that people would go to length to save them and sometimes ,they so horrific that people would want nothing but forget they ever happened. This is a story about a girl whose precious memories end up being the source of her pain. But unlike other people, pe…



by Tush_library

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"Love, obsession are two different things. I don't know why you don't get it" I shouted at him already fed up of him stalking me"This is not obsession but, love" he shouted at me back "I love you, Christiana" he said calmly, it almost sounded like a whisper"Gabriella is dead! Were you the one that killed her?" I asked him as i looked at him curiously He didn’t say anything as he continued looking at me"You killed her? I am going to report you to the police for thos crime" I said to him as I brou…

Disguised As A Boy To Attend Belmont High School

Disguised As A Boy To Attend Belmont High School


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Excerpt~~George's eyes locked onto Olivia's, his gaze filled with adoration. "I can't help but love you," Olivia whispered, her voice barely audible. "Just where have you been all my life?" she asked, her eyes searching his face. George's heart swelled with emotion, his love for her overflowing. "I've been waiting for you, Olivia," he replied, his voice filled with conviction. "I've been waiting for the moment when our hearts could beat as one." Olivia's heart skipped a beat as George's lips met…