A Town Called Friendship

A Town Called Friendship

by Tomiiiii

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"We figured. That's why we want to offer you something." British boy said."You can call it a proposition." Boy number 5 piped in."Or you can call it an offer of a lifetime." Boy number 4 chimed in, earning an eye roll from me."So exactly what are you saying?" I asked hesitantly."Let's take you to the fun side of town called friendship." Boy number 2 responded."A town with no rules on the basis of love, where friends become family. It's that easy" Boy number 3 finished.At least that's what I thou…



by Philipa

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16 year old Ada seems like your average Nigerian teenager. She goes to high school, gets good grades and gets bullied a lot too. But what her peers don't know is, she's a top secret agent who works for an undercover agency called "The Conversion"; an agency that recruits as well as trains the best and most deadly secret agents and assasins. Most people think these things don't happen in Nigeria, well, think again.Ada has managed to live a normal life by balancing her two worlds well but her focu…

30 Days in Rome

30 Days in Rome

by Philipa

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Ruby Adams, the notorious daughter of the American president, is sent to a strict catholic school in Rome in an attempt to change her ways. . With the loss of her twin brother, will she survive? When she gets there, she encounters a lot of typical issues such as homosexuality, bullying, racism and suicide and perhaps.... A forbidden affair with her English teacher..... Who happens to be a priest in the making.

Beauty and The Beast

Beauty and The Beast

by Philipa

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I partied every night.... He spent most of his life in jailI had tons of boyfriends.... He barely spoke to anyone I was the center of attention... He was the boy at the back of the classThe saying really is true: Opposites attract Or rather.... They clash. And when that happens, there's bound to be an explosion. #1 bad boy series

The Legacy

The Legacy

by aarrriba

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Eastwood is divided into groups from ages, it's a place where everyone thinks they're better than others, What will happen if someone chooses to rebel?Ashley had just begun college and was settled in her room. She was ecstatic to explore the dorms and the facilities it offered, meet new people of course, but that went to hell, when it all went dark.Derek Lockwood, is most probably the hottest guy on campus and has few friends. But his life changes when Ashley learns his secret.

Her Crystal Tears

Her Crystal Tears

by clydieM

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Sylvie came from a poor and broken family. Even if she’s rich, she didn’t get all she want to have. She stays with her mother side because she’s scared of her father, her father that’s always hurting her. That’s why her parents separated. One day, while she was making her report for her work on a coffee shop. A guy accidentally pour his drink on her laptop. She didn’t know what to do because all of the things that she need to pass on her work was there.What will be the role of that guy in her li…

Delicate Desire

Delicate Desire

by Henrietta_ Otu

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Alisa Daniels is a young college girl who finds herself lost in her own world. Being a nerd, she has no friends and that doesn't seem like a problem to her since she is more of a quiet person and finds it more comfortable not being noticed. She is not known by most of the students and teachers in the school and the few who knows too didn't really pay attention to her. But everything takes a turn when Nick Walter, the school's bully suddenly started paying attention to her.Every single day in sc…



by Rutba

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"weeb, otaku and fujoshi"- are the key words to describe this girl and not to mention her obsession over 2d men. she is a girl who's head over clouds and denies reality living in her own fantasies.Meet 'Nishiko fujiwara', a 17 year old stepping onto her high school journey with big hopes for a school romance. But realities often meets expectation.Not in her world, her crazy fantasies never meets reality.or does it?wait till she joins the drama club.jump right in to know what comes out of her mis…



by Elpida

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Captured by his eyes. Weakened by his voice. Perished by his touch.A man with no greatness.A man with no warmth of mind or feelings.A soulless one.

Don't speak

Don't speak

by Constance.0172

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Grayson Jones and Morgan Stanley meet when they are 5. Grayson hasn't spoken since he was 3. But now he meets a girl who keeps asking things will he talk or will he stay quiet

Pain In Love

Pain In Love

by Avril

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It's a love story but a dark one... You won't expect what you'll see.Amy who is facing a lot of family issues falls for the most attractive guy in her class. She has to manage her emotional problems along with a relationship which might go sour. Is Michael as good as he seems? Will she be hurt at the end? Pain In Love

The Soul of Music

The Soul of Music

by Shaina_Tambor

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Being a teenager is one of the stages of a person's life with different challenges. And those challenges have there ways to overcome them.Four teenagers will come across what to say their breaking point that will cause them to help each other and finding friendship through MUSIC...butFaith has something in store for the group of teenagers! Becoming part of each others lives...will they unravel and solve their problems? Can they save their friendship? Can their hearts take the drama of there own …

The Zebra

The Zebra

by micahbotha

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What do you think of when you hear hoofbeats, a horse probably, what about a zebra? Did you know all zebras are unique, like a fingerprint, not one zebra has the same stripes as another. In the same way, anyone who's a horse is normal, has normal sickness and can carry on with life. A zebra, contains all the rare people, all the rare diseases that go unnoticed because everyone thinks of a horse first.This story is about a girl who's a zebra, she's not normal, she doesn't know it yet and no one c…

Rising from the shadows

Rising from the shadows

by Kaepjjang17

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Reputation is all the rich families care about, but the secrets they bare under that glittery character will come in between them and their reputation when Mia looses her patience

CRUSH [Highschool Series #1]

CRUSH [Highschool Series #1]

by smileyicon


In highschool life, it is natural to have a crush. A simple attraction towards someone. But what if it goes deeper? Can you still say that it's just a crush?

The Call

The Call

by Nahi

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An innocent young girl was put on life race at an early age without awareness. A love she thought was real set her on fire and took her life to an expected path.



by Maikite

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Via Castillo is an only child.She was ten years old when her mother passsed away.And she is facing another big test in life.Because her father remains comatose.The money that she was saved was not enough,but because she had a strong grip on the top,she heard the girls prayer. someone came to help her,but there was a replacement.The calvary of her life will not end there.Because she still has a big problem to tackle. But who is the person who can help her?"Ms.Castillo,your dad is still in a coma …



by luciaa_

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A teen male and female fall inlove with each other accidentally

She's Back With Her Sweet Revenge

She's Back With Her Sweet Revenge

by Sisaaa

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A story about Cheyenne Megumi and her sweet revenge you won't forget.

If I Let Go

If I Let Go



Felicity is just an ordinary teen, but her life turned 360° on the day she lost everything, she moves back to live with her grandparents house and suddenly finds out about her past.All her life, was it all a lie? How will she overcome all the obstacles and her life's deepest darkest secrets slowly unfold.What will you do?A.N.UPDATES DAILY!& Feel free to comment, vote, and rate! It'll inspire me to do better. Thank you!!!