by Pat Henshaw
Everything about thirty-five-year-old Stone Acres hardware store owner Frank McCord is old-fashioned -- from his bow tie and overalls to the way he happily makes house calls. He dreams of lasting romance, true love, and marriage.<br><br>Frank’s ancestors have run the store and been mainstays in the small California town for over a century. While genial Frank upholds tradition and earns the respect of friends and neighbors, he fears he’s too dull and old to attract a husband. Maybe it’s time to b…
by S. Park
All the world changed in a single moment. Lives were ended, and even more lives disrupted. For magic had come back into the world, destroying all modern technology in an instant. And with the magic came elves, dragons, were-folk ... and vampires.<br><br>Thomas is one of these, and one of the oldest, for he was there when the world changed. He has been alone for a long time. When a chance encounter leads him to Justin and Ian, a mated pair of werewolves, he finds that he may not need to be alone …
by Emery C. Walters
Whit is different. Not only is she an outcast at school, but she has an alter ego, Dusty, who embodies the transgender side of who Whit really is inside.<br><br>She finds an unlikely companion in Danny, also an outcast, who comes out to Whit as gay. However, there seems to be something more than friendship brewing between the two.<br><br>Their art teacher Mr. Jay tries to help them come to terms with who they both are, but will their relationship be able to overcome the hurdles created by being …
by Deirdre O’Dare
Bobby Estrada is tired of school, rules, and boredom. He wants to have adventures. Eventually he arrives in southwestern New Mexico on foot, tired, and hungry. Orr and Jase, the mule men, give him a job mucking corrals. Six months later he has grown up, learned a lot, and bought a young mule to train. That’s when some exotic visitors show up.<br><br>Doyle O’Brien, an Irish aristocrat, is dedicated to caring for his young niece for whom he became guardian after her parents were killed in a tragic…
by Clare London
Although he's nervous on his wedding day, Pat is taking all the stresses and mishaps in stride until his mother announces that Nicky -- his first boyfriend -- is at the door. Unexpectedly.<br><br>While his mum and sisters fuss around with family crises and preparations, Pat lets his mind wander, remembering how he met Nicky, their growing friendship, and the closeness and love that led to so much more. The fun and sexy passion they shared ... and the painful fights.<br><br>But why is Nicky here,…
by Deirdre O’Dare
As head of the Border Patrol’s Paranormal Operations Unit, Clay Chiles has found a place where he can function and a surrogate family to replace the one he never truly had. He keeps hidden a lot of secrets, and both fears and longs for the day he may be able to take that one long step out of solitude and darkness into love and light.<br><br>Before he can do that, however, he has to face some surprising facts about himself and deal with some horrific enemies. Although not a weak man, he’ll never …
by Deirdre O’Dare
Beaten by the IT recession, Justin has come back to his hometown where he’s inherited a small house from his mother. Surely Barry, his old crush and sometime nemesis, is long gone. Jobs are scarce, so impulsively Justin seeks to buy into a pet grooming business. But when he has to visit the local bank for a loan, who sits behind the big desk but Barry?<br><br>Justin’s appearance jolts Barry out of his miserable rut of a life. What if they were to pick up where a brief boyhood attraction abruptly…
by Deirdre O’Dare
With his life torn apart by tragedy, Garrett finds a true lifesaver in the Golden Retriever pup, Mandy, that he rescues from a local shelter. Inspired by the heroic search and rescue teams he sees on television, he and Mandy become a trained SAR team. Their first big challenge comes when a series of violent storms with vicious tornadoes rip through the high plains.<br><br>Dan has come home from Iraq shattered by the horrors he witnessed. Like his father and grandfather before him, he takes off …
by J.M. Snyder
Christian "Magic" Magdziuk is a minor league hockey player with dreams of heading to the NHL someday, and he'll do whatever it takes to make that dream come true. So he only plays with the Richmond Rebels for one short season before he asks to be traded to the Bedford Blizzard, a farm team for the American Hockey League where he might get a little more notice from scouts.<br><br>His attitude on the ice left him few friends among the Rebels ... that is, until teammate Ronnie took a liking to him.…
by J.M. Snyder
Greg Chennault has been a golf fanatic since he was a kid. When he was twelve, he managed to sneak onto a local golf course in search of a job -- there he met Trevor Johns, who taught him the sport. Greg caddied for Mr. Johns all throughout his high school years, and still recalls his time with his former employer fondly. His memories of Mr. Johns' young son Junior, four years younger than Greg, aren't quite as rosy. The boy annoyed Greg, and once he stopped caddying for the father, he promptly …
by Kassandra Lea
Living in a mysterious house overlooking the town, Seamus haunts the halls with his dog at his side. He's doomed to un-life, cursed, essentially a zombie, but without all the icky rot. His only human friend is a delightful fella by the name of Tibbit. Sweet Tibbit accepts him for who he is, and oh, how Seamus loves him for that.<br><br>But can there ever be love between a lonely human and a man whose heart doesn't beat the way it should? Love got Seamus into this mess; is it worth it to try agai…
by Kelly Wyre
It's been a year since Clark and Daniel found one another, and the bartender and the professor have found harmony.<br><br>However, Clark's work for Lucian Gray, the New Amsterdam Mayor's son and leader of an underground vigilante network, still continues, and it isn't without danger. Clark knows it's only a matter of time before the risks become too great for Daniel to bear, and his prediction comes true when a BDSM scene turns into a captive discussion.<br><br>What happens when the men must bal…
by Emery C. Walters
It's Sky Morgan's 22nd birthday. He's unemployed and just had an awkward dinner with his dad. There wasn't even any cake, and Sky loves cake. Angry and morose, he decides to go out for a drink and randomly chooses the Grotto, a nearby gay bar.<br><br>The Grotto's clientele is different from the rest of society in more ways than one. However, they are very kind to Sky. He has a most comforting chat with Everest, an old drag queen, who is the first person ever to understand how awkward family can …
by Kassandra Lea
Nathan Pratchett’s last relationship ended because he spends too much time at the barn with his mare, Birch. But he finds peace in the saddle.<br><br>However, Birch seems to have other plans.<br><br>After losing a shoe while out on a trail ride, Nathan is forced to use a new ferrier. After that, it seems like Birch is a different horse. She’s gone from well-behaved to running loose! And, for some reason, she keeps winding up at the home of a dreamy fella named Lucas Shaw. Is it possible the mare…
by Terry O'Reilly
Bryan Jacobson has thrown his cheating boyfriend out. Gracie, Bryan’s little beagle dog is glad. She never liked Rob much as he was mean to her. Good Riddance as far as she’s concerned. She’s happy now it’s just the two of them. However, Gracie soon discovers her Bryan is not content.<br><br>Even though Rob was a jerk, it seems Bryan needs more than the love of a little dog to feel complete. So, Gracie maneuvers Bryan into taking her to the dog park where she’s sure she’ll find Bryan a new man t…
by Unknowntothepublic
Follow the journey of Lexa from her high school years to her last days on earth. This is book 1 in the series."This is the story about me, a girl who so dumbfoundedly fell in love with my high school teacher. I knew from the very beginning that it was a stupid idea and the fact that I had no chance in hell to be with her. Yes, I did say her; I love girls - I need better wording for that the next time I'm coming out. Going back to where it all started; the beginning of my sophomore year in high s…
by Clare London
In recovery after a serious car accident, Dan struggles with pain and depression until it becomes an ingrained part of his life. His most important support has come from his best friend and boyfriend Aaron, yet Dan knows he’s not giving as much as taking from the relationship.<br><br>When he and Aaron are snowed in at a winter sports resort, Dan has to face up to both his physical and emotional restraints. Aaron is determined and devoted, and always willingly there for Dan, but Dan can see his w…
by Terry O'Reilly
Ivan Tykovsky is a security guard at Hinkleman’s Department store and has come to despise the shopping element of Christmas. The holiday season means his workload of apprehending shoplifters and breaking up fights over merchandise increases.<br><br>When the Santa the store has booked shows up drunk, the six foot six, 240 pound, red-bearded Jewish giant is forced to stand in. Ivan isn’t happy about the idea, but there’s one compensation -- the diminutive Skip Mueller, an out-of-work actor who’s b…
by G.D. Penman
A body in the mud by the Miskatonic River is just an average day for Detective Vergil Levard. But when the cadaver shows signs of something more sinister afoot, Vergil is forced to make a deal with the devil and work with the leader of the local bootleggers, Jimmy Hogan, to track down the killers.<br><br>If Vergil were a normal copper, the strange sigil wouldn’t have meant anything to him. If Hogan were a normal mobster, Vergil wouldn’t be falling for him. And if the fishing village of Innsmouth…
by Kelly Wyre
Ellis Parker is a military man who puts his faith in truth, duty, honor, and living for the moment.<br><br>Keeping that peace isn't easy, and he reveres the person who helps him stay on his chosen path: Ellis' former Dominant lover and New Amsterdam's most well-connected bartender, Maxwell Clark.<br><br>So when Clark makes a rare and unexpected offer that might let Ellis relive the days when Ellis was Clark's, who is Ellis to refuse such a chance?