Living in the Future ABO

Living in the Future ABO

by Take_the_Moon


Chu Jiayi is a rich, talented and handsome young master also considered the greatest beauty in the region in the Ancient World of Martial Cultivation. Well, it all turns to ashes when he is murdered under a cruel scheme. With the soul about to dissipate, a great Goddess gives him the chance to return to live. Then Chu Jiayi became Mu Liang, the fourth empire prince of the Tang-Kai Empire in an intergalactic world and with three different genres. There are no martial cultivation techniques, there…

Transmigration Gone Wrong

Transmigration Gone Wrong

by cissy_eden


Transported to another world entirely by accident and forced onto a new body, the only resource Blake has is a broken system - which is much keener on transforming him into a slut than anything else.Only one question plagues his mind: What will become of me?--Update: Fridays, Sundays and Tuesdays. I do not own the cover. I will take it down immediately if so requested by the owner.

Seducing My Fiancé’s Lover

Seducing My Fiancé’s Lover

by Oscillating_Sine


It may have just been an arranged marriage, nevertheless the shame remained.“Violet, let’s break up! I love another woman.”“Fine.” With a turbulent smile, Violet was reborn.“Miss Hale, you seem rather confused about why the lights are off and you are chained to a bed... the answer is obvious.”“Just sit still, I need to see what that trash likes so much about you~”A story about revenge as much as love.

It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life

by hoodwinked


Ira, system 3298, is a transmigration system that guides his Hosts through various worlds and missions. Lately though, something has started to go wrong. And it has something to do with that soul that won't leave him alone.Support the novel and get exclusive content: (replace the "x" with an "e")

《CHOOSE》Bl Yandere Harem

《CHOOSE》Bl Yandere Harem

by gem_me_


Isaiah wanted to save his sick brother so, he signed up for something dangerous, to steal the gem of regeneration from the king of kingdom of darkness. He thought he could do it. He assumed that he was powerful enough after all the gruesome training he went through ever since he was a kid but he ended up being imprisoned by the crazy love of the king himself. It doesn't end there, he had even charmed the king of Blaze and the king of Ice who are twisted and many more men who are insane beyond re…



by MissReeed


Alexandria believed her brother and trusted no one but him. In the cruel world they lived in, she loved only his twin. But as days go by, a crack started to form between them. Due to an incident at the age of 10, she lost the ability to recognize her own feelings and emotion.It all changed when she met Clauzia in the field of flowers, the one who made her feel something strange in her chest, not knowing what that feeling was, Alexandria took a liking to the lady. Is it love or just an obsession …

Haven Of Peace System

Haven Of Peace System

by Heather_ANARE


(A boys love story)Cadel was a ruthless assassin. A human weapon, One of the many others who was forced to kill by the Soul parasite which threatened his world. One should not be fool by his frightfully beauteous and fragile appearance. Condemned by many, cursed by many, and in the end killed by many. He didn’t resist. Allowing his worthless enemies to cut him down into bloody pieces.He only said one sentence before taking one last breath.“Thank you for freeing me...”The world was a cruel place.…

Book of Reality

Book of Reality

by NinthMuse


A book that can alter reality to the writer's whims is dropped upon the world.P.s. Since the Tags have been messed with this novel contains Futanari, Incest, R-18, Female Mc... that's the gist of it more may be added later.

The Treasure She Never Asked For

The Treasure She Never Asked For

by PinkCotton


Lulu had been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years. At the peak of her career, she received an endorsement deal that was difficult to refuse.On the product launching party, she was handed a "prototype" of the final product but because of a bad accident that happened during the party, she woke up in Marcel's body, 300+ years into the past. Just in time to change the direction of the future, he would have chosen for himself.What will happen when the queen of the entertainment indus…

Eternal Love: Zombie Apocalypse (BL)

Eternal Love: Zombie Apocalypse (BL)

by ArtemisSabariaga


Wei Zhi Yin - A prince of the Edrinon empire died at the age of 30 during the zombie apocalypse. When he open his eyes again, he return back to the past, 13years before his death and 1year & 6months before the zombie apocalypse began.Since he was given a second chance to live, Wei Zhi Yin will do everything he can to change his destiny.Follow Wei Zhi Yin is his journey of changing his destiny and in uncovering the truth of the appearance of the zombies in their world, While he is being entangled…

My Dear Duke(BL)

My Dear Duke(BL)

by Sweet_Vanilla553


On his 20th birthday, Asher's mother confessed something he never expected. After the truth was revealed, she died giving her last blessing to him. That's when Asher found himself all alone, confused about his own identity and worrying about his future.What did she say?-He was someone special?-Someone people would come after?She said he was coming from a very rare but also a very special race called omega where men could get pregnant. Was it real? At first, Asher strictly refused to accept his m…

I transmigrated to a mafia character from a BL Dark novel!

I transmigrated to a mafia character from a BL Dark novel!

by Take_the_Moon


Lee Fei is a normal 30-year-old man who has a good job as a librarian at the National University in China. He is an avid reader and has always read everything, including BL and GL, even though he declares himself 100% straight.He died just like that.There was no truck.There was no car accident.No deadly disease.Lee Fei reincarnated and transmigrated to the world of the book he had read days before he died.Unfortunately, a BL Dark Book.The worst, he transmigrated as an insignificant side characte…

Doomsday Idol[BL]

Doomsday Idol[BL]

by thisworldofmine1


Lu Feng, a famous genius known as a fool.The only thing he ever did was predicting doomsdays.He died from drinking expired mango & peach juice on top of not sleeping for days.What would happen to him now?He gains a system and has to become an OP idol.427: "Hehe, you must become a face-slapping idol!"Lu Feng: "Why did I have to get an idol system?! Even a BL system would have been better!"*Warning: This is BL! Not so sure if it'll become a Yaoi story. Don't read if you don't like this type of sto…

How Did I Become My Favorite Character?

How Did I Become My Favorite Character?

by Eleets_Steele


Niall was the average male, but with an added passion for Sim Dating RPGs. One drunken night, while chatting with his friends, Niall finds himself in an alley with a blade protruding from his waist.----Welcome to Hero ChronicleRole: VillainObjective: Make this story yours.--You have been granted the Sim Breaker, enjoy Young Miss.Cover art is not mine. Will be removed if requested by artist.We have a discord server now: free to join! Crowe#4408 if you're having d…

The Way of the Sword (BL)

The Way of the Sword (BL)

by Take_the_Moon


Zemin Yan is an orphan who lived on the streets, until the day that the Celestial Sword Sect makes large-scale recruitment, in which even the beggars were analyzed in the Qin Empire. He who lived in an isolated village had managed to pass through the most difficult examination of the sect, but even so, his talent was the only medium. At best, his prospect was to reach the intermediate-level Aurore Core realm. Zemin Yan was happy with this prospect, after all, he was just a humble mumper, ov…

I woke up in the Prince's bed?!

I woke up in the Prince's bed?!

by DutyCalls


Ethan was just a shut-in who hated work. But one day, after a sudden accident, he found himself in a Prince's bed?! Ethan has to figure out how exactly he's going to cope with this unexpected predicament.

Demon Kings Pet

Demon Kings Pet

by tinypandahero


Ai Yui is your normal college student who happens to fall in love with a Virtual reality game!What more The top player seems to be obsessed with making him become his wife?! Wait, How did this happen?Watch as Ai Yui tries to flee from the Black Belly Demon King!This story is BL Please be warned!!!As a side note: Updates will happen depending on my work schedule.

Reborn: Kissing a Knight [GL]

Reborn: Kissing a Knight [GL]

by GCarre


A long time ago, a beautiful princess was rescued by a noble knight, and from that day she dreamed of becoming one. Fortunately, her father allowed her to join the ranks of the castle's men-at-arms in one condition, to never reveal her face.At the recruitment, the well-taught and experienced daughter of a retired noble knight, Morrigan, met a masked knight-in-training. Learning she was related to the heroic warrior made the mysterious novice request for her guidance. Reluctant but drawn to the s…

A Butthurt Survival (18+)

A Butthurt Survival (18+)

by Swift_Deviant


Maddison, even with all his knowledge about Transmigration and Isekai, had but one second before realizing what was about to happen. He could only mutter, 'Oh', before being sent through a peephole in the dimensional fabric. And if luck didn't already stomp on his face, then through a complex line of events and absurd coincidences, he is left with a broken sexual system. Now subject to the whim of his captors in a hollow Crypt and underground hierarchical society, how will he survive against the…

Raven Ink (BL)

Raven Ink (BL)

by forever_fiction


There was a rumor going around, that the ink master, Xi Ken, recently paired up with someone called Raven, which was a shocking news for all the 7 provinces. With how fearsome and mysterious Xi Ken was, they all wondered about this talented newcomer, since Xi Ken never had cared for anyone or took in anyone before. But reality was, that this Raven was actually a pitiful little bean who had somehow transmigrated from Earth and was just trying to stay alive.