The Last of Humanity

The Last of Humanity

by Manan_Goel

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Liam and his friends go about in a zombie infested post apocalyptic wasteland. Only, the thing is Humanity can survive even the darkest of times, or can it?

DEAD or DIE [A story about Death and Life]

DEAD or DIE [A story about Death and Life]

by TetsuChris

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When a girl tries to escape life's pain only to be rejected by death itself, things started to get interesting. Watch as Bell tries to live a life between the border of death and life with her new friends[This story is going structured as Anime/Light Novel]WARNING: Gore, Blood, and Explicit Suicide Thoughts

Nights Like These

Nights Like These

by xxseraphinaaxx

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A game of truth or dare between a group of close friends quickly turns awry. (SHORT STORY)

iris [ONGOING]

iris [ONGOING]

by patriciamanrisa

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Book 1 Pt. 1"... is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil...""... if you see in their eyes and their pupil expands that means they really, truly love you..."A story of an intelligent man who joined the FBI to investigate a notorious organization and happens to meet a woman, a member of the organization, that supposed to be killed by their boss when he saved her. FBI gave the man the authority to protect the woman after knowing she w…

Dead, Not Dead

Dead, Not Dead

by AToastForADay

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"Let's do things more crazier. Only by letting all your darkest drive can you feel the thrill to life!"-----An ordinary ghost who suddenly discovers that he can possess humans by touching them. Because of his boredom and routinary way of life, having this kind of ability made him happy. Lay is a sinister yet cheeky ghost that wants to play with society's rules. Stealing...failed.Carnapping…failed.Kidnapping…failed.Smuggling…failed.He was always caught by the person entitled Detective Su who he w…

The Eternal Vampire

The Eternal Vampire

by Marty_Kate

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Steven and his girlfriend were walking home one night--and before they reach his dorm they are brutally attacked. He is sure that he is dying, for their attackers left them for dead. Now as he waits to die someone appears before him and asks if he wants to live.Tristan saved his life; Tristan is a vampire. Tristan is over two thousand years old. He has seen life and death come and go. He takes pity on the 20-year-old Steven and takes pity on him and saves him in the only way he can--he turns him…

Terror Park

Terror Park

by Gisele_Maindron

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A ~spoopy~ story about ~spoopy~ clowns. Or somethin' like that.

The Baghead Butcher pt VII: DELETE PLEASE

The Baghead Butcher pt VII: DELETE PLEASE

by evilantoniowriting

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You've seen him kill the KKK, murder the mafia, impale an imperialist plot, slaughter the CIA, and butcher the bourgeoisie... Now, in the newest installment of everyone's favorite slasher series, watch the Baghead Butcher travel to another world and wreck havoc on its inhabitants. No evil shall escape his gaze! All are pigs before the butcher!

The Grey World

The Grey World

by Alex_Parker_9041

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The world was dark. Monsters were circling the sky as the voices got louder in the minds of the last souls to flee for safety. Too much for elders, and for children alike, too soon for the young mothers and soon to be fathers. I remember the school's blood bath, the screams of the teachers as they ran with the shadows -the shadows that were supposed to copy what the owner did, just like Peter Pan. -----------Zach and his little sister Calia attempt to survive the worlds apocalypse. Calia looks o…



by EdeIweiss

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Currently, the vampire world is in turmoil due to the disappearance of the Vampire Lord it is up to his retainers to find the next person to Lead the Vampires.Ikki a teenager is actually the strongest vampire descendant the fate of the Vampire World is up to Ikki's hands will he rise and take on the responsibility?

My Rquest

My Rquest

by dummy_test

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I Once Knew Me

I Once Knew Me

by PeatieMaze

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14-year-old Erin Cruz grew up in a foster home. In the foster home, it's required for the children to attend a public High School. With that being said, Erin has to prepare for her High School years. Due to her previously sheltered life, she is not use to bullying or normal interactions that this new environment has out her in.How does she respond? What will she do to cope with the abuse from these bullies?



by naramentaya20

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Never imagined by Lusia! That day was the worst day of his life!He was forced to enter a forest area that was very sacred to the surrounding villagers and could not be entered by anyone!The forest is believed to contain a curse that has been so feared by residents for hundreds of years that it has always been guarded from being touched.However, due to an assignment from the company where he worked to accompany one of the company staff, the beautiful girl was forced to enter.And the curse is real…

The Monsterpocalypse

The Monsterpocalypse

by Blood546

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Sean is any normal millennial until Kim Jong Un decides to attack the U.S. with nuclear weapons. This causes a virus to break out throughout the entire U.S. Only some are not affected and these people are able to find each other and save themselves, later saver others too.



by Lovereading

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Ellie Matthews thinks she has the best job on the planet. She's a nanny to a very special little boy. His name is Brahms, and doesn't cause her any trouble. In fact, he's probably the easiest child she's ever had to care for. There's only one small thing...Brahms is a doll. A doll with a strange set of rules she's told she has to follow or risk consequences. Things are going well, until she breaks a rule and discovers that all is not as it seems with the doll. Odd things happen and before long,…

The Lost: Mindscapes

The Lost: Mindscapes

by Techmo_Storm_10

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While Battling to hold his own murderous, psychotic impulses, controlled by a second personality. The battle to live a normal life is just beginning for Terrence as he attempts to hold his own at his boarding school. Protecting his friends from everyone around them, and himself. Onto high school life, his quest shifts from month to month, year by year, from securing love to crumbling hearts.Destroying reputations to ending lives.Terrence desperately tries to keep out of the depth of depravity br…

The Boy That Everyone Knows

The Boy That Everyone Knows

by Acetoacetate0308

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(Complete) It is a story of a guy named Miko. He experienced different story of his life, But each story wasn't his story.He was charmed by different 'episodes' that he encountered as he forgot who he was...Everyone in each story recognized him except for himself...Join Miko as he search for himself of who he really is...

Fear under the ice

Fear under the ice

by Grace_Bonk

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Blooming Butterfly

Blooming Butterfly

by lazuardi_Zu

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"Lalu, apakah dia akan menguliti kulitnya, mengoleksi rambutnya, memakan daging serta bagian dalamnya, dan membuat furniture dari tulangnya?" "Aku rasa tidak, kalau dia melakukan itu maka bisa dijamin itu tidak cukup untuk tiga bulan." "Lalu apa yang akan dia lakukan dengan bangkai itu?" "Mungkin mengawetkannya?" Rizal menoleh pada wanita yang duduk disampingnya, "Diawetkan untuk apa?" Zu menoleh balik padanya, "Mau dijadikan asinan mungkin," jawabnya datar. "Ha?" Siapa yang akan membunuh dan si…

Since The Red Moon Appeared (STRMA)

Since The Red Moon Appeared (STRMA)

by SusshiRoll

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From the moment the red moon appeared in the sky, everyone in the world turned crazy. Except me! (Novelupdate synopsis)This is an unofficial translation. The first 39 chapters + 1 prologue is on webnovel. Same name without the (STRMA)I am also currently translating Sword of Dawnbreaker (my translation work is Sword of Daybreaker) please read that first before reading my translation.Update: My current focus is Holy Roman Empire (HRE), this translation will be put on temporary haitus.