My House of Horrors

My House of Horrors

by I Fix Air-Conditioner


The hearse with the weird odor slowed to a stop before the entrance. The sound of pebbles could be heard bouncing on the ceiling. There were footsteps coming from the corridor, and there seemed to be someone sawing next door. The door knob to the room rattled slightly, and the faucet in the bathroom kept dripping even though it had been screwed shut. There was a rubber ball that rolled on its own underneath the bed. Wet footsteps started to surface one after another on the floor. At 3 am, Chen G…

World Of Monsters

World Of Monsters

by PJ_Lowry


In order for Alyssa to survive the Zombie Apocalypse, she was going to have to trust another kind of monster.

The Manor

The Manor

by Itarow

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This young man has traveled the roads since his mind remembers. Never finding a place for him to stay. All he wanted was to find that haven, so he could get what truly desired. His wishes were granted when he came across a manor in the middle of nowhere. Finally, he could get what he wanted.

TWO [short story]

TWO [short story]

by kikikki

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A short-story featuring a parasomnic boy, TWO flits between hallucinations and reality as it depicts the night of two roommates and their nightmares.

Demon's Isle

Demon's Isle

by Middlejourney

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A group of adventurers dared to set foot to an unknown island. In first glance, it is heavenly. But little do they know, the island is the home of a sadistic and savage demon. Now, they are the one being hunted. I'm telling you right here and now. This story is bloody and brutal.

Inside My Head

Inside My Head

by IHateMySelf

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Then In this story I'm going to share My Nightmare or My Nightmare story and I'm going to tell you what kind of Nightmare it is. And It's not just a simple nighmare that will end in one night I been experiencing it every night. I've been suffering every single night, and because of that I became afraid being in the dark, I can see the trace of someone standing In the corner of my room staring back at me but I don't know who it is. I can feel the chilling air, I had a goosebumps wondering what w…

Biscuits For Dinner

Biscuits For Dinner

by Sigheti

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In 1789, a prisoner held at Entrago, Spain, slowly loses their sanity and identity, as the gravity of their situation is put into perspective.

Tearing Off My Skin

Tearing Off My Skin

by Jkaloko

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It's already hard being Black in America, but it's even tougher surviving America as a Black Vampire. N, who is a vampire, has been on a long search finding the police officer who killed his family and cut off half of his tongue when he was young. He believes that the cop is in Virginia; he goes on a grueling battle to find him. But he also ends up falling in love, meet other unique black vampires like him, find his true origin, and leads a revolution to end police brutality and racism. Black li…

Death: A Biography

Death: A Biography

by vaitkevi0

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Death, a Biography, is a fictional horror novel. It is crass, violent, profane, and not meant for the light hearted reader. Imagine living in a world surrounded by fools. For years your frustration grows, and no matter what you try to do you cannot free yourself from the preverbal ideocracy. Nom DePlume is just such a man, only one day he is granted the dearest wish of his heart. Nom, a grad student working as a truck driver is: intelligent, well educated, and the sort of person who always can f…



by Akiro_Spencer

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Ren Leviste, lived a wonderful life with his father a pilot, and her mother a former chef. There is nothing else he could ask for, but everything changed when his father died. The mother he always saw that took care of him turned out to be something that would ruin him for the rest of his life. And thus on her death, he shows her that she had already broken him and that he will execute his revenge on her once more once they meet in hell.

Greta - The Ghost

Greta - The Ghost

by sun_writer

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Carter is a newly appointed software employee working far away from his home town who has to cross a large forest and cemetery to move towards his home, one day having a huge amount of work in the office he has to stay up to late at night in the office, he has to cross the forest in the midnight, he used to hear from his grand mother since childhood that there are ghosts in that forest and the one who crosses the forest at the midnight after 12:00 am will be killed by it . . by thinking about th…

Nights Like These

Nights Like These

by xxseraphinaaxx

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A game of truth or dare between a group of close friends quickly turns awry. (SHORT STORY)

Don't Go Inside The Room

Don't Go Inside The Room

by Hocus_Henry

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The creaking of the door's hinges could be heard throughout the house. Always at 12 am and then those... those things would spill out into the halls. Samuel shouldn't have opened that door. He should have never went inside The Room.

When the day bleeds

When the day bleeds

by syeda_iqra

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People say that the lunar eclipse has a specific purpose and a relationship with the demonic powers.Some even say that moon less nights can call out all the dark powers.But this is the dark power that has audacity to come out in the sun or I must say the "Solar Eclipse". "That day when the sun becomes red Making the blood cells of souls shed"This is a story of a struggling teenage boy who is strangled with the ropes of past and is lost in a maze of present. Trying to find the best for his f…

The WolfMan of Hanover

The WolfMan of Hanover

by Mobile_GamersBd

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In post world war 1 era ,The city of Hanover was being terrorised by a mad man .So terrifying that history still bears his name.

Macabre Morgue

Macabre Morgue

by Rezelox

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Jack's dad has died, and he went to put him by himself in a morgue. As a result of a small mistake, he became in big troubles and his friends will try to help him. later on, new secrets will be known...



by Angelo_Nevermore26

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Corbin Ascelin has had a rough childhood growing up. He was born an orphan, lived moving from home to home, and bullied. That is until he finds his way home. Finds a reason to go back, face his past, and meet a loved one.

Johnny and Matthew

Johnny and Matthew

by Madelyn_Woods

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Take them to the voting prompt...IF YOU DARE



by CiaraJessy

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Where the dark mistress dwells, a son of Adam and a daughter of Eve come matching in. Would they ever make it out alive? Or dead?!

Blood of the Pecos (by Pauly Hart)

Blood of the Pecos (by Pauly Hart)

by paulyhart

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A small town is infested.