Shadow On The Eyes

Shadow On The Eyes

by Natashia_Lou

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What did Sam find out? What do the horrific nightmares mean? Whose shadow does he keep seeing?After trying to hold on to his sanity that was lost along with his wife and child, Sam pushes himself into writing a new book based on the story of William, a young boy who haunts him day and night in Sam's newly purchased home. All the while, the townspeople look down on him for not farming the land where the house is located, Sam discovers a mystery of abuse, accusations, and secrets.



by midnightrising15

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"I just need... a little bit of fun" She pouted, licking the blood off the blade she just yanked from her therapists heart, her dark blue eyes shining with a crazed frenzy that she gained from the taste of blood. I stepped back, gulping."you're a sociopath " I hissed out, barely able to control my racing heart. she laughed, a laugh that sent chills down my spine as her blood dyed platinum blonde hair flipped over her thin shoulder. Slowly she skipped over to me, her hand poking my chest." Deep d…

Unpredictable (Paybacks are sneaky)

Unpredictable (Paybacks are sneaky)

by Olivia_Christopher

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Whether we know it or not, spirits live among us, each with an agenda. All Rufus ever loved was a life of fun. But his sweetest weakness became his greatest undoing. Someone he wronged in the past has returned to extract her pound of flesh. He now comes head to head with a monster he unwittingly created. He is forced to depend on the most unlikely source for any chance of winning this fight. Will he win or will he be consumed together with his helper?

The light out

The light out

by Saira_Jutt_5530

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The End is near

The End is near

by lor_dave

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by Ricky_E

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On New year's day 2016, something occurred that changed the way we view our mortality. More than that, it changed everything. There are questions that must be answered in order to find out exactly what happened, why it happened and who did it.

Bird In The Red Shadow

Bird In The Red Shadow

by AizhinTM

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In a normal morning a girl with her big dreams starts her day by doing something for herself which was one of the biggest moment of her life but what happen when she met a person which wants to show an inhuman act to the whole world.A psychological drama novel about the serial killer who starts a game of terror against the justice

The Ordinary Me And Unordinary Her

The Ordinary Me And Unordinary Her

by MinxMean

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An ordinary high school guy was heavily run over by a truck when he crossed the street and died. Or so he thought, but he woke up only to find his body perfectly healthy on a hospital bed next to a paled nurse as if she had witnessed a dead person coming to life.The next day, he was met with many unfortunate events that almost took away his life once again. Yet he prevails each time by a hairbreadth.This is a slice of life of a perfectly normal high school guy....The book cover is edited by me, …

Deranged Nurse's Assistant

Deranged Nurse's Assistant

by Lilniaproductions

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Gukun Sara is a nurse who is very deranged, but is great at her job. She hires another young girl as her assistant and secretary. However, Sara is not willing to let her newly assistant out of her sight because she knows about the recent murderer that's currently on the loose. What will happen as she and her assistant goes about their jobs?

The tears devourer

The tears devourer

by Ze_Mario_7

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Fifteen-year-old student Rachel has just moved into a new home with her mother and sister after her parents divorced. In better spirits, his mother encourages her to regain the hobby she left behind: athleticism; due to problems at home.The first morning that Rachel decides to go for a run, she will get lost in the new neighborhood for walking in the clouds, thinking of a boy from high school, but luckily, that charismatic boy was passing through the lonely place. However, when Rachel gets in th…

Not Alone in the Universe

Not Alone in the Universe

by abcdefaggot

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In today's world it feels like almost everything has been found out already. But in fact, no one really knows why certain things exist or how they really work. Why are we alive right now? Why do we exist? Who wanted us here?If everything has been discovered, why are there so many unanswered questions?Join this journey not to find out the story I am about to tell you, but to find yourself. Allow yourself to look for your own answers as you take in a small part from the reality I chose to show you…

An Unknown Explosion

An Unknown Explosion

by AlurringEthereals

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A bomb of some sort went off. We don't know what it is or what will happen to the things that were affected, we're just surviving in a basement.

John Death

John Death

by Richard Shekari

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In the search for protection from his enemies, a wealthy businessman hires the service of John Death, a hero to whom he owes his life, and hands the keys to his empire which within lies his sole possession; his daughter. A move which would later see its folly.

Dead To You

Dead To You

by Ecaille12

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It was a summer of love at Little Brook, but not for Jack. His boyfriend Michael had just disappeared at the stroke of midnight.However, any attempt to find Michael was cut short. Indeed, a zombie plague had just struck their town. Now Jack and his friends have to find a way out of this hell on earth.This is a story where noble ghouls and malicious angels tread. A land of dreams and nightmares that come true. A fairy tale during the apocalypse.*A new chapter every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday!*…

My Psychotic Girlfriend

My Psychotic Girlfriend

by Anime_VerseNovels

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This is a story about a male who doesn't know he's dating a psychopath. The woman he's dating is a serial killer and only kills for fun. When he discovers this truth he does all he can to get away from her and turn her in to the police.

Girls versus Zombies

Girls versus Zombies

by cinematique

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"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." -William Shakespeare. When you thought everything already fell into its place, the dead suddenly walks the earth. Get your guns ready and prepare to grit your teeth for some action. Girls versus Zombies is about the breath-taking adventure of four high school girls trying their best to survive. But will they?



by Shivering_water

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Infusion of love and horror of life.Note: fictional, please read without comparison with your lover or ex or beloved or someone you think you know more than him or her.Please read with open mind. Trying to be the lost descendant of Shakespeare when English just a language to speak to convey our feelings not a barrier with subtle rules.

Don't Fall Asleep

Don't Fall Asleep

by avikdgupta_2021

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It all began with a nightmare. Disappearances ensued. First a girl working in a BPO. Next a corporate employee. Third a family of husband, wife and their young daughter. Different people. Different secrets. Different ways of death. But now it seems someone is controlling them. Does the dead really die or change worlds of different dimensions in space and time ? What if we close our eyes one night and wake up in an alternate reality the next morning ? The Mechanic is a pervert psychopath from par…

Grief in Oblivion

Grief in Oblivion

by Ashley Baker

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When a Necromancer loses his twin sister it sends him on a dark path full of many mistakes. His lack of trust for anyone allows dark forces to come into his life such as The Black Eyed Girl that follows him around and The Cult Of Lilies, trying to use his powers for evil.Uncle Malakhi was supposed to protect Mark and Amber from their vampire father and demon mother. He succeeded for about ten years, but when his father tried to save Amber from Lilith, he is caught red handed by Mark as he puts h…

The People That I Once Knew

The People That I Once Knew

by Vikingr_6904

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WARNING: THIS IS MORE OR LESS FICTIONAL AND YOU SHOULDN'T READ THIS STORY IF YOU CAN'T TAKE JOKES AND/OR (IF) YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Viking had lost his family long ago, he doesn't really recall who they were or why he was even put to this earth. He has found a new family now. A family consisting of him and four other persons, Hei…