

by Vyolett

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A single mother raising two children of her own when a strange man comes knocking on her door with a very unsettling warning. She pays no mind to it, but that was a mistake. She hoped for the best, but the future only played out the worst.

My Demons and I - (Moved to a New link)

My Demons and I - (Moved to a New link)

by Autumnleaves_4335

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Monsters are not like what they show you in films and movies they are not humanoid creatures with unearthly features that hide underneath your bed or in the dark closets waiting to grab you when you list expect it. No, monsters can have beautiful glowing skin, delicate eyes and a smile that could turn a stormy day into a Sunny one just like Alexander's. Unlike the movie monsters who lay in wait in the dark, monsters like him, prefer to hunt their prey in broad daylight. Something about being abl…



by Atharva_karkande

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The smith is fallen in problem. The rose is her lover. They have to find the treasure.How will ghost treat smith and rose?. Can they find the hidden treasure? and what will be the real mystery behind all this things?. How will be the romance?.How far can they go for love?.How spicy can be the adventure? Who will be the real gamer of all big adventure and mystery?.Can the treasure safe after being finded? Let's see the adventure,thriller,and horror and the biggest mystery

BROKEN : Half-Demon

BROKEN : Half-Demon

by Eluna_Autora

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The beginning of the disaster began when Nick Erhan was looking for a dangerous tribe in the jungle. A tribe where people don't find men inside. It was a group that hunted down male tourists, raped them, and then killed them with horrible motives. In a tragic search, Nick, who was part of a community leader, fell in love with one of the girls from the group that was supposed to be executed. From the girl, Nick had a magical boy named Dev Sasaka. Dev, in a certain condition, can turn into a human…

Guns a blazin'

Guns a blazin'

by tenlong

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This story is an abuse boy and his struggle to survive on planet Flinkaz. This world is ruled by the mafia families.

Apocalyptic Invasion

Apocalyptic Invasion

by REaper

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What will happen if your planet suddenly faces an apocalypse?What will you do when you discover that the Apocalypse is the result of an invasion?Experience Alex's quest for truth by following his journey.

The Unbridled Man

The Unbridled Man

by HuliJing5

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The Unbridled man is feral indeed...

The Hole In The Wall (Horror Collective)

The Hole In The Wall (Horror Collective)

by Ozmund_Wolfe

(not enough ratings) keep the free collection alive!The Hole In The Wall' is a collection of horror stories all residing in the same twisted Universe crated by author Ozmund Wolfe. from things that go bump in the night to terror in broad daylight.. the collective shares the stories of things we should fear when laying in bed on a quiet night. October doesn't end when you're glimpsing through the hole in the wall..

Between the Dark Pages (HIATUS)

Between the Dark Pages (HIATUS)

by meixiaolian


Life went twist and turn as Alexander Hughes, a 20 year old college student who discovered an equivocal book from online. Dismissing the rumors and warnings before reading the book, chapter after chapter, Alexander questioned his sanity and contradicts his life values after experiencing it in a first point of view as a series of horrifying events mentally triggered him. As Alexander tried to escape and continued to find answers, he discovered something that he is not preparedly to confront.This …



by Smart_Asosa_7470

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"WHO SO EVER SHALL READ THIS BOOK AND MENTION THE PHRASE" BLOODY MARTA" SHALL EXPERIENCE A CURSE OF MARTA INVITING HER TO YOUR HOME AND SHALL SURELY DIE. “WHO SO EVER SHALL STAND IN MARTA'S WAY TO PREVENT THE CURSE SHALL SURELY DIEAssuming you just finished reading a popular novel and that novel came to life killing ten million readers in one night and this night is your night to join the dead what will you do?. If you stumble into an entity that gives you the ability to kill anyone with the str…

The Sick Team

The Sick Team

by Hollowlives

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The Modern era which was rising has suddenly ended and a new era arrived . The apocalypse era ! After escaping into a safe place and becoming a Boss to a group of survivors , Ethan who failed to awaken an ability still became popular among the group of survivors . But suddenly one day , a survivor has awakened a ability that changed the order of the group. People started to have second thoughts about working under Ethan and the plan to overthrow the leader appeared in their mind ! Ethan peaceful…

Shadows of the Mythos

Shadows of the Mythos

by FutureScribes

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In the desolate aftermath of "The Eclipse," where the world is overrun by mythical creatures and humanity struggles to survive, one young man named Ethan emerges as a beacon of hope. With an insatiable curiosity about the ancient myths that have become terrifying reality, he embarks on a dangerous quest to restore balance and save humanity from impending doom.Guided by an enigmatic ancient journal handed down through generations, Ethan sets out to find the scattered remnants of a long-lost artif…




(not enough ratings)

This story of young witch named Judith. She was happy with her mother once and good family they are once but one day tragedy strikes and now we have to see her darker path, where she will goes



by Authors

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Stories for not sleep

Stories for not sleep

by DaoisttRpHHo

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Welcome to the place where your nightmares will come true, in this book I will tell you the most terrifying horror stories.Everything you thought was just a nightmare becomes reality here.

Journey of the damned

Journey of the damned

by Jin_Kizaraki

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Whispers of Sikar

Whispers of Sikar

by AeonVerse

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Adea was only 8-years-old when the nightmares began, leaving her terrified of the dark. After being disregarded by her own parents, she turns to her older sister, Lyda, desperate for help to stop the dreams. Ready to do anything, Adea could never be prepared for the dark places to which her sister is willing to go to protect her - but as the years go by, and Lyda descends deeper into desolation, Adea fears there may be more to her sister's personal studies than either of them are prepared to liv…

Curse Store System

Curse Store System

by WizPThief

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MC: "Man, I want that new game but I need money to buy it and my allowance doesn't come next month!"???: "You want money, I know a way to make some."MC: "Oh, how so?"???: "Want to be an entrepreneur? Then open your very own store!!"MC: "That sounds nice but I need money to open and run a shop along with other things."???: "No no, you misunderstood my intentions. I'm giving you my old store to run on your own!!"MC: "What's the catch?"???: "Haha, it seems you are smarter then I thought. You see th…



by Sharimam_Saleh

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There is always a point of paradise in one's life and that was the case of Lola Baldwin. Her life in Seattle, America wasn't perfect but to her it was like paradise. She's twenty five years old, graciously endowed with a beautiful face, green eyes, an hourglass shape and a crazy personality. Lola Baldwin lived in a small house with her loving and sweet boyfriend till one day everything changed. She finds herself sold as a s£x slave to one of the most heartless and inhumane men alive. Who is he? …

I'm Not The Demon King Lackey

I'm Not The Demon King Lackey

by crinix

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Lin Jie, a transmigrator, is the owner of a bookstore in another world.He’s kind and warm-hearted, often recommending healing books to customers who are going through a tough time. From time to time, he secretly promotes his own work too.Over time, these customers begin to respect him greatly, some even frequently bringing local specialties to repay his favor. They often seek his professional opinion when it comes to selecting books, and share their experiences with this ordinary bookstore owner…