Moon Over Min

Moon Over Min

by lilmamaaisha

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Min's world is revolved around fear and terror, what will he do to escape it all? And how will he come to terms with the being he was born as? ©2022 Aisha LivingstonPhoto: Made by Ai

The Escape from Hell

The Escape from Hell

by Melanie Dolton

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Lexi has always been a bad kid. People will expect her to be a girl with good grades, athletic, and all that stuff like her parents. She was the exact oppisite of her parents. Her parents are very religious people and they were perfect. Some people cant believe their daughter is Lexi but who knows. Lexi's behavior all changed when she meet The Devil. She was forced to go back in time and undo her "sins." Will she escape him? Will she help her parents get out of the devils watch? Was it all her f…

The Beast Within

The Beast Within

by princedewale

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I could feel my temperature rising as I watched the moon serenely glide up the night sky, the dark clouds making it look gloomy. I tried to ignore the sting I feel all where my skin is in contact with the chain, but I couldn't. It felt like being stabbed by a thousand sharp knives. I looked down from looking at the moon to look at Mason, He had this worry on his face like all this wasn't even going to be close to success.



by Clara Ibiam

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Roxanna Ferrer is the heir to the most powerful mafia in the world. She's trained her entire life to become an infamous leader like her father. After the ordered assassination of her parents, she promises to avenge their death and to protect her siblings at all costs. But sadly, her search for vengeance made her forget her second promise. Her anger and hatred for her parent's murderer blinds her as it kills her slowly from the inside. The darkness within her soul consumes her, can she overcome s…



by amna

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Hayan Rose is a women of cold demeanor who has no time to meddle in others lives. She has a set road that she doesn't deviate from but when she meets Keegan Trevor. Her straight path is no longer there rather it branches into daunting ways with deep ravens and steep mountains. Each way is more dangerous and threatening than the other because of which each step in her life is cautious. And each path unravels a secret that connects her back to the life which she had suppressed deep into her subcon…

Plans Against Zombies

Plans Against Zombies

by Skaoi Nott

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During a widespread epidemic, some humans have started showing cannibalistic behaviors. These zombies soon threaten the very existence of what is left of the human race!This book will take you through the journeys of several groups that are struggling to do the most basic of instinctual behaviors.Trying to survive.

Falak Talak - The God is Dead

Falak Talak - The God is Dead

by Afzal Razvi

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On the other hand, people outside were banging the door.“You’re not supposed to climb the ladder of crime so quickly child….Stealing and muerder on the same day? You want a soap right? I’ll buy you many soaps.”The inspector was luring the child. He was trying to make a deal to save his life because everything was in the hand of the child now. The inspector tried taking a step forward.“Stop…Stop right there!”The child yelled. The inspector was stunned. Everyone in the police station could now hea…

Seeking Justice

Seeking Justice

by Mariposa

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Losing a sister can make someone go crazy especially when you could not get the justice you wanted. Geraldine Matthews saw how her sister got killed. Traumatized and angry, Geraldine went crazy and was sent to a mental hospital. After three years of medication, Geraldine got discharged. Now, with or without help, she would seek justice for her sister.

The Family business

The Family business

by Ali Wolf

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Phenix is what they call us. We are assassins or as some call us hitmen. This has become a family business but it wasn't always like that. We met on that fateful day my parents died and who knows where this family will go. It soon might turn into more than just an assassin family.

Hateful Sacrifice

Hateful Sacrifice

by Enna Rika

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This was not who Mike was. He was always calm and collected but this all changes when the love of his life is taken away from him. He would sacrifice his love, conscience, even his own daughter... because the Mike who woke up without her, woke up with his heart twisted and his brain laser focused on one thing...He is going to kill everyone, every fucking one of them!!!*Any other person might have let them get away with it or even let justice take its course but not Liliana. She became their judg…

You Wished Her Well

You Wished Her Well

by bennC

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Azban, the trickster demon, has done it again. But this time, he's succeeded. He's lured a victim to the Wishing Well, where the soul of his master has been caged for a decade. The Mist shall finally be released, thanks to little Miss Phoebe Hughes.And then he will strike again.Jenarius Hughes has been haunted by the soul sucking demon too many times to count. This is the last chance he has to save his only child. He sets off on a dangerous journey from Washington State to Massachusetts, along w…



by Mira

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Expecting a normal afternoon twins Sunny and Violet decide to play a new game their mother bought with a few friends. Caedis seemed like your basic mystery game. But after rolling a dice they are very mistaken. They get sucked into the mysterious world of Caedis. Where they shall meet many obstacles and challenges. A place where surviving seems slim. Ezekiel, Sunny, Violet and Andrew will have to fight for their lives while trying to solve the mystery of Caedis it's self.Updated every 20th of t…

F. A. A (Aurora)

F. A. A (Aurora)

by Confidence

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Welcome to F. A. A; future achievers academy. This is probably where my future really lies, Aurora thought.She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and whispered to herself; "here goes nothing but a journey." "But a journey of a thousand miles begin with a step." So, she took a step and walked graciously to the academy.This might probably be where her future lies and might also be nothing but a journey. Read about Aurora, the girl who choose to be different.

Twisted Bloodlines

Twisted Bloodlines

by Oskar Leonard

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Wrenched from the world of the living, Kassidy is transformed into a vampire by crazed second-generation Sai—and polite sixteenth-generation Teddy. Struggling with the reality of becoming a monster and enduring her uniquely split bloodline, will she be able to survive in a modern world plagued by the undead?Cover Art by Joseph Caulfield

Not Alone in the Universe

Not Alone in the Universe

by abcdefaggot

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In today's world it feels like almost everything has been found out already. But in fact, no one really knows why certain things exist or how they really work. Why are we alive right now? Why do we exist? Who wanted us here?If everything has been discovered, why are there so many unanswered questions?Join this journey not to find out the story I am about to tell you, but to find yourself. Allow yourself to look for your own answers as you take in a small part from the reality I chose to show you…

Upside Down

Upside Down

by micahbotha

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When my life turned upside down, all I wanted to do was look at the good in people and that's the right thing to do. But what if always at the back of your mind you wanted revenge.Revenge, for what you ask? Read to find out The point is do I get revenge or do I just view the people who destroyed my life in a good way? Will I change forever or will I be saved?By the most unexpected person to be my savior.

Unknown number

Unknown number

by smsmesso

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for a simple phone that was a miracle in his hands, it really didn't help that much when he found out that it was a threat to whoever holds it. getting rid of the phone wasn't an option. and just when he ignored it his own stepfather dropped dead, and from here on out the plot of the story begins. trying to find out exactly what that phone is ,while preventing it from harming anyone else was the only obstacle , but remember to never ignore the phone. else it might harm you in ways you never imag…

Ms. Courtney

Ms. Courtney

by Mochi_Alexis

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Alex and his brother, Anthony were taken care by a lady called Ms. Courtney after they lost their parents in accident. Everything was fine until Alex know a secret about the villa. His brother's and his life is on risk. Will they be able to get out alive from the villa?




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As we all know, that vampires and werewolves are enemies for decades, and being in the Zth Generation Alpha and Luna of Werewolf clan and king& queen of vampire clan thought to end Animosity. They Agreed to create a relationship between both the community without knowing the upcoming crises and evil plots. will they find it outCan resolve the things which are on their doorstep or someone is going to stuck in between all this messwhat is her real identity?will Alpha's love make her fall for him…

Tailored By Death

Tailored By Death

by Thatchaini

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"My dear no one is normal. What appears normal to a spider, is chaos to the butterfly. Normalcy is what we make of it, what we create and imposed on this society but normal has never existed; and it will never be"A dead man. No evidence found. No lead found. The face has been cut off and sewed around the heart. This was enough to send a nation over the edge and send its authorities a race against time to catch the criminal.Singapore is known to be the safest country in the region of South-East A…