My Checkpoint System Turned Me Into The Godfather of Humanity

My Checkpoint System Turned Me Into The Godfather of Humanity

by I Really Like Eating Chilli


Chu He transmigrated into a barren world as a lowly odd-jobber in the Xia clan. He had initially accepted his fate and was ready to spend his life ordinarily and peacefully. Little did he expect himself to suddenly awaken the Checkpoint System which rewarded him for checking into places! Ding, congratulations to the Host for successful checking-in. For your first check-in, your reward is the Golden Nine Turns. Ding, congratulations to the Host for successful checking-in. For your twenty-one-thou…

Family Cultivation: I Can Store My Ability To Understand

Family Cultivation: I Can Store My Ability To Understand

by Little White to Old White


After reincarnating to being a small-fry cultivate on a dying cultivation family on Double River Island, Chen Daoxuan thought that his life and future would be dim. Until the day when he turned 16, he discovered that he could actually store and accumulate his ability to understand knowledge...

Legend of the Mythological Genes

Legend of the Mythological Genes

by Fish leaping to the peak


Every myth and legend is a path to Godhood!When humans enter the interstellar era, ancient cultivation techniques shone with new life. Your genes exist with you! A single sentence showing the true meaning of cultivation. Myths and legends are not a fantasy, there are ancient mythological genes in the bodies of everyone.The Hou Yi Gene allows you to shoot a hundred miles, using a single arrow to break down the dome of heaven.The Kuafu Gene allows you to run with flying speed, chasing after the su…

I Can Extract Everything

I Can Extract Everything

by Mysterious_Pen


[Alternative tittle: I Can Duplicate Everything]One day, a friend asked him, "Brother Qin, why aren't you cultivating?"Qin Yi smiled gently and said nothing.Cultivating?Why should I cultivate when I can extract Cultivation Points from you?With Cultivation Points, I can upgrade my cultivation base at any time.Not only Cultivating Points, but I can also extract your Spiritual Mind, Body Essence, Artifacts, Pills, Bloodline, Special Physique, and others.So, tell me, why should I cultivate?…

Binding to Geniuses To Become Stronger

Binding to Geniuses To Become Stronger

by Li Hongtian


"Ding! Congratulations on binding God's Chosen One. You will receive 150% of the other party'scultivation comprehension and cultivation speed!""Cultivation-related matters related to the bound target can be obtained as additionalrewards.""Enjoy your cultivation!"…"You and the Great Tang Princess admire the purple aura, discuss the Heavenly Dao, and acquire thePurple Aura from the East!"You and the saintesses of the demon race explore the mystic realm and search for the legacy to obtain theDemon …

Immortal Hero: I Can See the Success Rate

Immortal Hero: I Can See the Success Rate

by Langya Shu


Lin An woke up and found himself in an Eastern Fantasy world. In this world, power was everything. The powerhouses could easily control it all.Those who were capable enough could claim everything, be it money, women, or power. A voice sounded in the mind of Lin An, who was still puzzled over his reincarnation to the Eastern Fantasy World.[Congratulations, host! You have activated the Success Rate System. Whatever you do, you will be able to see your success rate!] Since then, Lin An was able to …

Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

by Speechless wwyy


# developGrass and trees could become fairies and even snow and frost had spirits!After suddenly dying from pulling all-nighters, Jiang He discovered that he had arrived in a miraculous world of beast taming.He could form contracts and tame beasts. By uncovering hidden evolution pathways, he discovered unique skills for his monsters and explored this unknown world!He became a legendary beast tamer and champion of the World Beast Taming Championship. As the Master of Light and Shadow and the Rule…

Cultivator in the Beastworld

Cultivator in the Beastworld

by Puresol

(not enough ratings)

~No NTR/Yuri/Excessive Gore~You've seen tons of stories about humans going to other fantasy worlds to journey through hardships and tribulations. Using whatever system, skills, tools, or whatever else to achieve greatness or infamy.There are even piles of stories of angels, demons (succubi), goblins, skeletons, and even a necromancer or two.But have you ever heard of the Beastworld?A world entirely filled with beastkin of all different shapes, sizes, and genus from the most common ratkin to fant…

Reincarnated As A Baby? My Cry Is A Dragon Roar!

Reincarnated As A Baby? My Cry Is A Dragon Roar!

by Northern Wind Sword


Reincarnated as a baby who was in his mother's womb for a hundred years, the moment Lin Xuan was born, the whole world was shocked.When he took his first breath, he gathered all the purple qi from 30,000 miles east. He was dubbed the Saint Child by others.When he let out his first cry, it helped all of the cultivators around him break through their limits.When he first opened his eyes, his parents mastered the Divine Eyes technique.When he first moved his fingers, he tore open a crack in space. …

There's No Way My Dad Is A Legendary Cultivator

There's No Way My Dad Is A Legendary Cultivator

by Eternal Dream


Jiang Ping transmigrated to a world of the cultivation and became the chief of a deteriorating cultivation family. Most importantly, he had three cute and playful daughters.Because the world of cultivation out there is too dangerous and his daughters are too young, Jiang ping chose to hide their identities and live in a small town of ordinary people. He kept warning his daughters that the world out there is too dangerous, so don’t make any trouble.“Daughters, you must remember that there are ton…

Omnipotent Sage

Omnipotent Sage

by Snake swallows whale


Invincible fists, unrivaled hammers! Junior Leopard, who traveled through time and space, takes what he earns and does only what he needs to do, never undertaking too much responsibility nor being so chivalrous as to do every good deed. His so-called ambitions from his past life to change the world were cast aside. However, when a forbidden bloodline awakens in his body and his eternal eyes begin to shine once again, he discovers that his iron fists give him the power to force others to follow t…

Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

by Nate_Quinn


There are three realms in the multi verse; The Cosmic, the Mortal and the Nether realm.Hal grew up in the mortal realm with no idea whatsoever of who his parents were.His love for relics, adventure and the occasional danger would aid him in finding a genie's lamp.Rubbing a genie's lamp should grant three wishes, but Hal is struck by lightening instead and eventually arrives in the Cosmic realm with a large book in his mind space titled; The Primordial Cosmic Grimiore, that apparently holds all k…

Gate of God

Gate of God

by Xin Yi


This is a strange and inexplicable world...Mountains, water, stones, flowers, grass, trees, wood, the Sun, moonlight, stars... All creation under the Heavens and Earths are sources of energy. In this world, there are all the classics from his previous world, but there is a new addition: The Law of Dao. Fang Zhengzhi was conflicted. I can obtain power from reading books? Should I read Tao Te Ching first? Or should I read The Art of Becoming Invisible? What about the Analects of Confucius or... Th…

Tainted will

Tainted will

by EvilGrandpa


“Loyalty? I am loyal, but only to myself.”“Friendship? Only the dead are my friends.”“Love? it's but an obstruction.”....If given a chance, would you walk the path of a righteous hero who is blessed by heaven and earth or an unrighteous Demon who seeks to wipe out the heavens itself? This story follows the journey of a villain, Bai Ming. Transmigrating into this cruel yet beautiful world of cultivators, where strength is always absolute and killing is just a way of living. In a world where right…

A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign

A Gatekeeper & The Celestial Sovereign

by Mexulexi


Mao Lu was a regular Beijinger, well except for the fact that he worked four part-time jobs, was neck deep in debt and best friends with two rich conglomerate heirs. Normally Mao Lu led a tough but boring daily life, but everything changed when he received a mysterious letter.Follow his adventures as he travels between realms, falls in love with a powerful Prince and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy. This book will take you on a journey filled with emotions, action and secrets. A Gatekeeper and …

Awakening of the Ancient: Rise of the Fallen

Awakening of the Ancient: Rise of the Fallen

by Demonic_angel


Xu Ming was the son of the Prince of Heavens who was supposed to have a peaceful and enriching life, but it all turned upside down when a betrayal happened that took everything from him.What no one knew was that Xu Ming had the bloodline of a sealed ancient god who created the universe.The world filled with gods, demons and immortal cultivators will tremble when the Ancient finally Awakens for his revenge...Warning: Volume 1(Chapter 1 to 60 is an important prologue of the story that sets it up. …

Life of a Villain

Life of a Villain

by REaper


Our lives are based on lies.Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they?Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on.If these are the heroes, then who was the villain?Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain?Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were?Source:…

History's Strongest Son-In-Law Living With The In-Laws

History's Strongest Son-In-Law Living With The In-Laws

by Silent Cake


Left disfigured after an unfortunate accident, Shen Lang, a doctor, has become so ugly that no one dares to look at him. This makes him decide to become a noble spirit instead and save lives along war-torn borders. He lives a lonely life, remaining single until a bomb takes his life. At that fateful moment, he swears that if he can live again and get his handsome face back, he would use his charm to flirt with the most beautiful woman and live an extremely relaxed life.He transmigrates to anothe…

Overthrowing Fate

Overthrowing Fate

by Tinalynge


I never wanted much of life. A simple job as a guard and to provide for my sister Jealousy of man destroyed my dreams, and thus I thread upon the road of vengeance Entering a world filled with danger lurking around every corner A world where only the strongest can survive Filled with unwavering determination, I will not back down. I will gain my vengeance!

Rise of The Anti God

Rise of The Anti God

by Resurgent


He was chased to the very ends of the earth by those he once protected.Betrayed by his friends and the ones he cared about, he lost his wife and unborn child.Ending it all by throwing himself into the abyss, he was reincarnated into a world with Cultivation, where every being seeks to be the strongest.Love or hatred? Which is it that drives him in this new life? Will he ever be able to take revenge on the one who destroyed his previous life?Find out how the fate of the universe lies in Damien's …