Dear heart

Dear heart

by cute_angelsin

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In the heart of Seoul, fate whispers secrets to those who listen. Amidst the bustling streets, two souls are about to cross paths, unaware that their lives will soon become inextricably entwined. A chance encounter, a spark of destiny, and the course of their lives will forever be altered.Their love story is one of serendipity, laughter, and adventure. It's a tale of two hearts beating as one, despite the odds and obstacles that seek to tear them apart.As they navigate the ups and downs of life,…

Alexander the Caracal and the Holy Grail

Alexander the Caracal and the Holy Grail

by Bryan_McCarthy

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Book 2 of the "Alexander the Caracal" seriesWhen the thieving Caligula Nero Filcher steals the family loving cup from Quebec Castle it is up to Alan Carter, his cousins Ian and Hippolyta Smith, their classmate Agatha King and the gardener's daughter Gemma Cook to retrieve that, which Alan and Gemma had used as the Holy Grail in their childhood games. Along with them goes Alexander, the male of Captain Smith's two hunting caracals, and by doing so, finds himself going forth from Quebec Castle for…

Alexander the Caracal

Alexander the Caracal

by Bryan_McCarthy

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Alexander, offspring of champion hunters, is acquired by Captain Kull Smith of Quebec Castle in Oshawa, Ontario, as a mate for the rescued circus caracal Roxana. Chronicled here is his first night and day upon the Captain's estate.

Voice of Heart

Voice of Heart

by E_igh_t

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The story revolves around an IT professional named Lee Won who looses his job under certain circumstances & how he gets success that he always imagined off getting in his life. Will he be successful? Will he be happy with his future?For that just read the story.If you liked it or have any opinions just comment below.

Quiet kids

Quiet kids

by Losing_Dog2

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The following is a work of fiction, which includes a triple murder, bruises, a lonely house, a girl who wants to disappear, and quietness.



by TragicTales

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Don't read the story just a waste of time, I am quiting this and trying to get this deleted.I mean if u wanna read my messed up story u can.....

New Story: The Husband

New Story: The Husband

by mhirkun

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It's been 7 years.Kongpob graduated in his masters degree abroad and handle his dad's company while Arthit continue his work at Ocean Electric. Both of them are stable... "I'm smilling looking around. The right time has come, the preparations are all set, the venue, the caterer, the music is lovely. It's all done, all I need to do is to calm my self, smile and wait for him!"THE HUSBAND is coming but whose that person on the point of view? the wife or a husband too

As nameless as me

As nameless as me

by Benavidez

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Fresh out of high school and jobless, Sander spends most of his time aimlessly wandering and playing video games. That is until one day he runs into a mysterious girl who starts to point out his flaws. Before he knows it he becomes intrigued by her, but knows nothing about her, not even her name! All this makes him wonder: What is her end goal? What's her name? What is his purpose?

Cold Monochromatic World

Cold Monochromatic World

by Daum_net89

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Choi Dae-Jung, a well-known cold and conceited honor student of Unghaehan University. A teenage man, who usually doesn't care with everyone and think of his own sake. He will rather choose to be alone, away from the presence of people. Unfortunately, what if he just woke up in the same place, same name, but in different situation of life? A new opportunity to repuzzle the unjust mold of yesterday, but will his consciousness ingress the color of the world and realize the importance of time?



by MichaelNet_

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More Than Just Surviving

More Than Just Surviving

by EdwinC765

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This is a novel from fanfiction. I am not the author. If the author wants me to take this down. Please inform me.The last update was in 2020. I am posting this with the hope that someone is inspired and writes a story like this. could not figure out a way to post it in fanfiction so it is a novel.



by JefinJeevan

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Repair your life

Repair your life

by Volma_Company

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Matched: A Collection Of Original Shorts

Matched: A Collection Of Original Shorts

by PrincePakote

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4 short stories from Melodrama To Violence and betrayal

Words And Worlds

Words And Worlds

by Rizzzle

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There was a prize that was once wanted by everyone everywhere and somehow some random guy with a-strange-smell-kind-of-like-strawberries-but-less-sweet won. How he uses this prize to change his life, well i'll let him explain it....

Nothing to Normal

Nothing to Normal

by S_H_I_N_R_A

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One Hundred and Twenty Minutes

One Hundred and Twenty Minutes

by sepatuboots

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What has been a mundane Thursday quickly takes an unpleasant turn when second-year Pramudya finds himself left to do the mandatory, after-school clean-up alone. Things get even more distorted when, having done all the taxing chores—sweeping, mopping, and everything in between—he encounters Anastasia, the girl he has long harboured his feelings to, in the least elegant way he could ever imagine. The afternoon unfolds to be one he would forever learn from.

Unapologizing ( Lyric Book )

Unapologizing ( Lyric Book )

by DariusClayton7

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It's been two years and everything's changed since the last lyric book in 2019. Pandemics and justice for who and Rallies from left and right has for sure opened eyes and with our eyes being opened, inspiration is always born. Over the past year, I've learned so much about myself yet learned nothing at all. I don't have much to say about my project because a it's pretty self explanatory. I now present to you, my precious baby! Unapologizing! Enjoy



by DeQuan_Wren

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What if you could flip white and black with a simple switch? This book explores racism in that exact way, taking you through a history we are all familiar with in a totally new way. With police brutality and racial division taking the front page more often then we'd hop in our world for today, I thought it was my responsibility to use a medium of some sort to promote equality.

The Way Back Home

The Way Back Home

by intherabbithole

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Quinn Mercer just moved into a new house and the old shed in her backyard contains a ghost. She and her new friend, Peyton Cleft, are determined to get rid of the ghost, no matter what it takes. In the process of getting rid of the undead soul in their backyard, their friendship grew into more.