Could there be a happy ending for me?

Could there be a happy ending for me?

by HidAnas

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Could there still be hope? Could there still be a happy ending for me and the man I love? Could I be strong enough?Or would just this be a dream for him and one day he will wake up without me by his side and there will be a time where I no longer occupies his heart and mind?

Hikari Origin : Hitaku Quest

Hikari Origin : Hitaku Quest

by Hikari_Aigami

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After defeating Yami, Hikari chooses to live with him. Before this, Hikari only has himself to face everything. But this time, fate has brought him to meet with a group called Hitaku. All of them have their own story. no matter what kind of things they need to do. Sometimes, they smile, cry, and... well,no matter what kind of situation they're in. they always have their way to face it. but the question is, Can they succeed in achieving their dreams in their way?

Where Do I Belong?

Where Do I Belong?

by ABK1

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My name is Rohan Sharma, and I'm traveling across the world with my father, because of his work. I'm originally from India but last time I was in China and before that. in Thailand, and it's kinda fun traveling the world, BUT because of this, sometimes I wonder.... WHERE DO I BELONG? Like I don't have a place to call home because I'm changing places all the time, my father parents are long dead now, I don't even has grandparents. Am I just going straight forward without even knowing WHERE DO I B…



by cnetta803

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A once great country known for its freedom and democracy has become a closed dictatorship, so Dr. Ava Washington has never had freedom of choice nor the right to vote.

Round Table Topics (Gossip Gurl Here!)

Round Table Topics (Gossip Gurl Here!)

by katty2024_06111981

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This is the compilation of short stories... =)

Quiet kids

Quiet kids

by Losing_Dog2

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The following is a work of fiction, which includes a triple murder, bruises, a lonely house, a girl who wants to disappear, and quietness.

The Lone Wolf

The Lone Wolf

by Alwination

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The Revenge story of Shane Goldfeder with the help of his friends.

The girl I like confessed to my childhood friend?

The girl I like confessed to my childhood friend?

by KampferIsHere

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One-shot I made on a whim, I have never written a story before so it'd be nice if I got some feedback or something.

Mr. Darcy Jr.

Mr. Darcy Jr.


(not enough ratings)

The novel was set on year 2024 at United Kingdom, mostly in Cambridge and London. This follows and combines the timeline of the following books, "Pride and Prejudice(1813)" by Jane Austen and "Bridget Jones(2001-2016)" by Helen Fielding. The books mentioned above may be Romantic and Comedic, but this one is pure Drama and Emotions with a little bit of Romance. William Darcy Jr. is at his 20 trying to find answers how his parents broke up when he was young, on his way, he will endure the pain of …

Jacks Journal.

Jacks Journal.

by Ace_XIII

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Jack is a boy who has always struggled with bullying, and mental health. Follow his journal, and the reader of it to both of their ends. (WARNING! This book contains sensitive topics!)

Rain Reminds

Rain Reminds

by Lebian_heart96

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Ethan Lee, the heratthroab of the class. Eyes followed wherever he went. He had everything, money, house, car and girls all wrapped around his finger. He was born with a golden spoon and never knew what absence was. In addition to all this, he was a particularly handsome man.But behind all that fame and popularity, he wore a mask to cover an ugly scar. Who would have guessed that someone as perfect as him was living in such a dreadful life. Among all the students who used him to their advantage,…

Oddity of Fate

Oddity of Fate

by katty2024_06111981

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The story of six teens who go to college in the city. These teens have different stories to tell about their college life. And, the city has changed their personality a bit.

On A Tour

On A Tour

by CC_Squad

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My first and only novel I will write...This is a short story I wrote just a few weeks ago and it may not be the best...I will upload everything as 1 chapter...

Sora's Diary

Sora's Diary

by Kirito_Manamia

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Sora, 16 years, high school girl. It's just an small diary of a high school girl and her experience of her life. WARNING: This book contain a LOT of grammatical errors. The Author is too lazy to edit the story anytime soon or none at all and English isn't Author's first language with less vocabulary.So, if you really prefer to read a good grammar story then this MUST NOT be your book and the "exit" button is always there for you to used. However, for the others who wish to continue to read the s…

Three Little birds

Three Little birds

by Brittni_Waites

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I never knew what it could be feel the sun on my face...until him. He became the sunshine to my world of darkness. He taught me how to smile. He taught me how to live.

Three Glorious Days of Sun

Three Glorious Days of Sun

by Losing_Dog2

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August 30 8:27 am - September 1 7:44 amThe following is a work of fiction, which includes a burglar, a blind girl, the end of the world, the sea, terminal lucidity, and tiredness.

Will to Live

Will to Live

by SchrodingerIsAlive

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Life is hard, even harder when it's about to end. What can one do when death is at the door? Can a single soul spark a dying man's will to live?

Goodbye, An

Goodbye, An

by stoplighttt

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Funny how one simple mistake can lead to a big change and a lifetime of regrets but you're gone and it's all my fault.I'm sorry, An.Warning: There may be a disturbing scene near the end, if you are uncomfortable with death and blood, don't push yourself :>10/30/1901/27/20

The Literature Maiden

The Literature Maiden

by Alicemagic17

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Adrian “Andy” Barringer lives out his teenage days as a high schooler. He was burying his dark past as a mysterious best-selling author who wrote under the disguise of a 14-year-old girl. At the opening ceremony, Aliceliese Granger was spotted him when she was eating a piece of paper from a book. Because of that, she forced him to join the literature club, and she’s the only other member of the club and a self-proclaimed “literature maiden” who precisely eats written words. Andy writes some shor…



by IchikaRika

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A rumor can only become a rumor if it's not certain. Once it is certain, it stops becoming a rumor.But a rumor that fulfills a wish becomes a legend.And that legend is just what Ryou and Mayu needs to support them in their current state.