A Stand Worth Taking

A Stand Worth Taking

by Wysatine

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Captain Rhodes and his passionate, but also inexperienced, band of men have been stationed at a vital fort posted at the Southern border, safe from the conflict that rages up North. Or so they thought. When a scout returns from his rounds bearing grave news, the defense of the fort is left to Rhodes and his men. Loyalties are questioned, supplies run low, and reinforcements are still days away, that is, if reinforcements are even coming.

Blood demon

Blood demon

by Just_Franck09

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King George, an ancient pure evil with vampiric powers from our world, transmigrates in a cultivation world.Author’s note:.Don’t worry, my dear reader, as our protagonist will never share his vampiric powers with anyone, even temporarily. Nor will he have any real followers as all whom fallows him are his peons. Most importantly, my dear readers, I know you’re really concerned about this one and are probably wondering if the protagonist will ever have a leech cough, cough; I mean, female love in…

War Horizon

War Horizon

by Radiance101

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A Gamer named Sergeant Arthur Brown is a fan of War Horizon and military video games, especially virtual reality, but what happens when you wake up in a fantasy world filled with monsters and dragons and Knights and things that are keeping you in one piece, is your trustworthy M27 rifle and ability to build your own modern army in a medieval era?Find out by following the story of sergeant Arthur Brown of the United States Marine corps infantry soldier and how he overcomes many difficulties alon…

B35: The Unknown World Savior

B35: The Unknown World Savior

by poziomowiec

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The year 2096One year ago WWIII ended after only a few days. While everyone were ready for the end of world mysterious agent show up while saving them. From this year Everyone around the world knows that legends about Black Agents been real and everyone started looking at them. Matthew Anderson is a normal guy who goes to Manchester Military School as one of the few civilians. He doesn't have a good life while he been bullied by almost everyone especially one band who exalts themself while only …

No cheat isekai: Kaelud

No cheat isekai: Kaelud

by Elder_Plant

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Kaelud has reincarnated in an another world without any special abilities or over powered treasures reserved for the 'main characters'.Worse, he was born without 'Kardia', an organ which produces mana and essential for both martial arts or magics, which almost everybody possesses it from their birth!Follow Kaelud on his journey as he discovers new things and challenges the impossible in an another world starting from a normal human being.

Level Swordsmanship

Level Swordsmanship

by PJComix

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How should one 15 year old react to his mother dying in a war? There is no simple way to put it. His mother left an honorable legacy to fulfill, and Kenji is going to fulfill it. With the work of teammates and the swift power of magic by his side, he will find a way to defeat even the strongest of demons or the most powerful of gods. Kenji is going to avenge her at all costs.

Untitled Goose Novel

Untitled Goose Novel

by The_Goose



War of the Two Kinds

War of the Two Kinds

by Crackgear


Humanity was slowly dying out, resources scarce and only the reliance on technology and/or old primitive ways were the only choice to continue. Discovering old artefacts of yonder time, they found out the second being of life naming themselves as the Guardian species. With immense power in possibilities and their likeliness to humans, it was their only salvation as both kinds struggle their way to continue their desperate measure to keep the world alight.However, this wasn't all. A secret govern…

The Legion of Steel

The Legion of Steel

by LiquidCallous

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Yang Chen Found some thing that was out of this world, will he live long enough to enjoy it.

The underworld monarch{the undead family}

The underworld monarch{the undead family}

by mystic_dark_100

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ɦɛ աas ɮʀօʊɢɦt ɨռtօ aռօtɦɛʀ աօʀʟɖ աɨtɦ tɦɛ ɦօքɛ օʄ ɦɨs ʀaċɛ ʀɛstɨռɢ ɨռ ɦɨs sɦօʊʟɖɛʀs ʄօʟʟօա ʍaʀċʊs as ɦɨʍ aռɖ ɦɨs ʊռɖɛaɖ ʄaʍɨʟʏ tʀʏ tօ ʊռɨtɛ tɦɛ ʀɛʍaɨռs ʊռɖɛaɖ ʄaʍɨʟʏ ɨռ a զʊɛst tօ ʟɛt tɦɛ աɦօʟɛ աօʀʟɖ ʀɛʍɛʍɮɛʀ tɦɛ tɛʀʀօʀ օʄ tɦɛ ʊռɖɛaɖs

Guardian Demon

Guardian Demon

by Kim_Lei

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[Mature Content Warning]Blood covenants bind the destructive magic of a demon to a human's soul across lifetimes. When Iehan binds the demon of destruction and vengeance to his service, Mayrion the Black One Who Calls the Void, they raze kingdoms, ruthlessly slaughtered Iehan's enemies, and devoted countless blood orgies to Mayrion's name. Mayrion's presence on earth is tied to Iehan, so when Iehan dies, the seething abyss imprisons Mayrion. When Mayrion awakens to meet Iehan's newest incarnatio…

My New Life in a New World

My New Life in a New World

by AEI

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I wished for a new life. I read novels everyday. While I'm reading, I always Imagine myself as a character in the novel. I always think, what would I do if that was me? If i was given the opportunity, what road would I take?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my 1st novel and so if you have any ideas to help to keep the story going then please to comment. I am open for critic…

The Reclaimers

The Reclaimers

by MrFruity

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In the name of the Architects.21XX, With the rise in terrorist activity stretching from southeast Asia to the middle eastern countries, and north Africa, the United States of America has authorized the Joint Special Operations Command to conduct high risk missions to dismantle these groups.Sergeant Mike Randall of the 75th Ranger Regiment is reassigned to a task force to take down a terrorist cell in Pakistan. With the cooperation of members from the infamous Delta Force officially known as Spec…

Last Coordinates

Last Coordinates

by FlowerandAnt

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A UN (United Nation) Peacekeepers escorted a journalist and a convoy of medical and food supplies on a poor refugee area. Not knowing after they left. 2 technical vehicles started to ambush and fire at them. In order to escape, they turned on the road that is not on the map. After that, a mysterious place suddenly appears.

Battleship Indomitable

Battleship Indomitable

by Freebram

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A lone ship is all that remains of once a proud nation.After years of political corruption and foreign scheming a war breaks out that bring ruin to a once proud nation. A war they most definitely should’ve fought and won with the tools and training available to them.But no.Instead they surrendered, giving up without a fight and turning in their weapons and equipment to the enemy who was solely responsible for this. A result of the corruption that lead to poor leadership for far too long. All exc…

King Whith No nation

King Whith No nation

by mitik

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In a world of wars there is no saint or devil ,only kill or be killed.This is a story about a prince that lost evrything in one night.Will he surrender his fate or make the world kneel under his sword.

Alpha [The Beginng]

Alpha [The Beginng]

by Nokatozuki

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At the beginning there is absolutely nothing in this univers, and through out series of event and massive amount of luck the univers being born, proton become active creating a pulling force that create a massive material and through out time it no longger active and as time goes on the material is explode and the first big bang happen in the empety univers as time goes on series planet emerge a billion or even sexalion solar system is being born, and just by cause earth is being born a planet…

Humans and Zombies

Humans and Zombies

by _jessitayylor


The world is black and white, zombies and humans living separately in the same world. It won’t take long before the population increases and it wouldn’t be enough to share the world with each other. Reese Kaddius and his team stumbles into the zombie territory and realizes there may be a way to prevent an all-out war between two worlds.~~~Zombies of today have evolved, they aren't mindless, they aren't after our brains or gutting our intestines raw. They're not pale like vampires and they defini…

Mightiest Civilization

Mightiest Civilization

by GleamInAbyss


Carve a path using your blood and sweat, prove your will, and become the overlord of life itself. Rise up and become a Paragon!-------------------------------------Radd, a white collar worker from earth suddenly found himself on an unfamiliar world where mortal kingdoms wage a never ending war for supremacy and glory.Men of aspirations battle for a chance to have their dreams accomplished. Bodies of the weak and unfortunate lay dead for the lucky few to step on. In this tumultuous world, life of…

Dystopia Against Fantasy

Dystopia Against Fantasy

by NaranNarman

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What would happen if a Dystopian Earth came across a fantasy world? Portals open up on a Dystopian Earth where fantasy monsters and medieval armies flood through to wreak havoc and claim the Earth as their own. Follow an elite team of supersoldiers who are sent to the world on the other side where they will encounter magical beasts and dabble in the world's complex culture and political landscape, all the while sowing the seeds for Earth's counter-attack!