Chronicles of Toria

Chronicles of Toria

by Lazy_Author_san

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Volume 1, Act 1: The Century of a Rising Sun, summary:In the Far East, stands a nation whose history and culture would tell a tale of a nation headed toward destruction, a ruined empire, and a traumatized population. Yet, against all odds, the first Eastern Democracy would defy all its enemies and stand victorious atop their ashes. The flag of the rising sun would wave alongside Western Europe in its darkest hours, forging with it, its own path and not succumbing to the whims of the so-called "S…

How to Arm Entire Armies While Being A Professor (Null Route)

How to Arm Entire Armies While Being A Professor (Null Route)

by Sandwich_Author

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Imagine a new Professor just came into the most prestigious high school in the west. North Rayleigh Academy. When the professor's side-job is to be a world-renowned arms dealer for private armies. But this time what if you kept in touch with your past a very vivid touch with your horrifying past and embraced it once again"Give an artist an inspiration... they'll make art. Give a student hope.... they'll thrive and be the best they can be. Give an army a stockpile of weapons... they'll create not…

A King's Tale

A King's Tale

by Oxydusprime

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Upon seeing the blazing Meteor passing by, wouldn't anyone stupid enough to believe in such nonsense utter a wish? Well, either stupid enough or like in this case, utterly bored to death and lying in bed and fantasizing about being transported back into the times of Mediaval Strife and Warfare.Imagine then the surprise of our young "Hero", awakening into a new world, being thrown into said mediaval Times.Follow him into great adventure, hard times and of course War.----This is my first time tryi…

Barandia: A country that didn't exist got isekai'd

Barandia: A country that didn't exist got isekai'd

by Alphahead_27

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June 29th, 2021- Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean- A Fictional Country of "Barandia" is celebrating its "247 year anniversary". roads and highways are packed with millions of people. But then a huge storm engulfed the whole Country that sends them into another world where countries fight each other for land, independence, revenge, and to be recognized as a superpower to the whole world. What will the country of Barandia do?

My Last Respawn: Terrorist Ri

My Last Respawn: Terrorist Ri

by Plot_Armors_Clone

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Swords & magic, modern & advance technology, mythical & demonic creatures, fantasy worlds & outer-space, systems and superpowers, Ri woke up from his last and final respawn after his death in a world he called Hell. Only to see carnage before his eyes and a lunatic piloting an X-series 700 infantry Mecha causing a mass genocide.Desperate for answers, he killed and ran. Ending up awaking in a white room with an A.I. tending to his injuries.Now he has soul decline. A severe condition that was akin…

Caught in the web

Caught in the web

by Itz_Calcifer

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Anthony Reid was killed but brought back by a recarniation static by an old friend but his death and resurrection caused the inogal tribe to come back again will he be able to clear the mess he caused

Contingency: Zulu

Contingency: Zulu

by geforcecore437

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Superior Firepower in Fantasy!

Superior Firepower in Fantasy!

by PassingWriter

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He didn't know what happened, Mike just wanted to play a new game. But why in the hell is he in a Fantasy World?! With Superior Firepower, I will live!

Mahabharata : battle for the throne of Hastinapura

Mahabharata : battle for the throne of Hastinapura

by Harsh_Kumar_4574

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The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic where the main story revolves around two branches of a family - the Pandavas and Kauravas - who, in the Kurukshetra War, battle for the throne of Hastinapura. Interwoven into this narrative are several smaller stories about people dead or living, and philosophical discourses.

Left Past to Future

Left Past to Future

by Salman_R_Rahman

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Allow me to introduce my self. I'm Salman Rahman. English isn't my first language so please consider my mistakes.This story is about a guy named izek. He was a weak person at first but later he rebored and became stronger. For some reasons the time line of the universe has been broked. What if the past generation people comes to present and present generation comes to past generation because of broken timeline. How unbelievable it could be for both of the generation people's.well read the rest o…

Into the Unknown of a different world

Into the Unknown of a different world

by GermanWolfSwat

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This is all fictional and for fun,So no offense to anyone if something I write offends you. This is my very first story so... yeaThe U.S. decides to pull out of the UN no longer wanting to be controlled by them they decide to look for new ways to improve their military for any retaliation to come from them. Returning all their military from all around the world to mainland U.S. ,Hawaii and Alaska Suddenly in a turn of events happen and they find themselves in another world Confused but ready to …

Will of Iron Fantasy (Old Chapters)

Will of Iron Fantasy (Old Chapters)

by Jinglered

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This is the old chapters from the original novel

The Trap Called Equality

The Trap Called Equality

by Captain_SoulFox

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Equality. Peace. Freedom. We humans had fought endless battles and wars for these thoughts. Big and small conflicts are fought in order to achieve this ideas! Diffrent factions. diffrent nations. Diffrent colors and groups all war against each other. for fhe sake of these words.. is it really worth fighting for? dying for? bleeding for? Maybe we will find out on our final battle and clash. Join Gray as he unlocks the truths and lies and separate the friends from enemies in this epic story that w…



by Luke_Lavine

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I Got Teleported To The Wrong Battlefield!!

I Got Teleported To The Wrong Battlefield!!


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Miles was suppose to be teleported into a battlefield to give support to his allies and push back the attackers. Just long enough so that the others can be evacuated to safety.But just before himself and his team can be sent to their designated mission the base was also attacked. Chaos erupted and their portal chamber was shot causing it to spark and black liquid oozed out. The green light inside turned to blinking red lights. A female robotic voice said "WARNING 'PORTAL NO.12-F' IS UNSTABLE. PL…

War of Warrior (dropped)

War of Warrior (dropped)

by sam_keyton

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God gets bored. Every week five hundred humans thrown to the battlefield for one month.An Island full of danger and opportunity. Go and feel thrill of survival game with our MC.

The Princess from the Western Kingdom (BL)

The Princess from the Western Kingdom (BL)

by Goldfigure

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In the Western Kingdom they say the city streets are painted with gold and the air always smells of honey. The men always bow when the women come to town. For in this kingdom women are the law. Men are only seen and barely heard. They have little rights or power. Woman rule everything here and that's how it's been for the last 800 years. So what is the Queen to do when she gives birth to a boy!?

Better Butter Fingers for Butters'

Better Butter Fingers for Butters'

by StaticCharacter

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Butter is for Fingers not for Butters'



by Overstorm872

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Ellen is a policewoman who does not believe in spiritual things and does not believe in God has a case where people die mysteriously. Until one day she met the mysterious killer who turned out to be a devil eater of human age. When Ellen was almost killed she was saved by her neighbor, Paul, a Church Speaker. Paul is not an ordinary church speaker and the church where he preaches is not an ordinary church either. Eventually Ellen and Paul worked together with the aim of capturing this supernatur…

Extreme Bloodlust

Extreme Bloodlust

by darktone

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at the age of 16 Augusta fell in a well and hes lost all of his memories and doesnt remember anything but his name. and cursed with some madness that makes him go crazy and kill people he is on the run to find a way to heal himself and repair his reputation... I don't own the cover photo I found it online if the owner wants me to take it down I will.