

by MrDaksuten

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NOTICE: SUSPENDEDPlease try:"Roman Transmigratus" Do you wish to enter the world stage?Political turmoil all over the world, isn't it the best time to boost your military?The suffering of others might be a blessing for us. War? Kingdom building?Rally up the countrymen! We will take back our Kingdom! Maharlika will rise!Fictional Philippines settings.

God Realm : Light and Dark

God Realm : Light and Dark

by AgungOnDunked

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Two boring God start A game called War.

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era (Dropped, For New Story, In Tags)

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era (Dropped, For New Story, In Tags)

by Vivalavistamia

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After the events of the fourth loli war, every loli was devastated due to the damages it caused it's nations and landmarks.Murikon for the first time has won the fourth great war and Pianty once again lost.After that The World Of Lolinica agreed to never ever start a war ever again, so every loli and shota can unite together as one like the end of the first loli war.But after years later, The Nation Of Pianty has lost their queen due to an assasination, ice cream poisoning.The Nation's reaction …

Doomsday: Godly System

Doomsday: Godly System

by mannatbir_singh

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Gamer Viking

Gamer Viking

by Viincentt

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Erik, a young US Navy SEAL, found himself in the middle of the 10th Century attempting to gain divinity and favor from the Norse Gods as a Viking, with a system!Explore history as Erik rewrites it and builds an empire through war, magic, city building, trade, and culture!Join my Discord server for updates as soon as chapters are released!

The underworld monarch{the undead family}

The underworld monarch{the undead family}

by mystic_dark_100

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ɦɛ աas ɮʀօʊɢɦt ɨռtօ aռօtɦɛʀ աօʀʟɖ աɨtɦ tɦɛ ɦօքɛ օʄ ɦɨs ʀaċɛ ʀɛstɨռɢ ɨռ ɦɨs sɦօʊʟɖɛʀs ʄօʟʟօա ʍaʀċʊs as ɦɨʍ aռɖ ɦɨs ʊռɖɛaɖ ʄaʍɨʟʏ tʀʏ tօ ʊռɨtɛ tɦɛ ʀɛʍaɨռs ʊռɖɛaɖ ʄaʍɨʟʏ ɨռ a զʊɛst tօ ʟɛt tɦɛ աɦօʟɛ աօʀʟɖ ʀɛʍɛʍɮɛʀ tɦɛ tɛʀʀօʀ օʄ tɦɛ ʊռɖɛaɖs

My life as a human knight has begun

My life as a human knight has begun

by Ezu_san

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This is a story about Sheron Hunr, an elite foot soldier of demon lord, has bored by this undisputed victory in every single battle... went to the human side, to study their reason of defeat... in all for the sake of his amusement



by Asp3on

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Halo: Ghosts of Reach

Halo: Ghosts of Reach

by Guiscardus_X7

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It is the twenty sixth century, humanity has expanded across the stars, culminating in hundreds of worlds that humanity calls their homes, safeguarded by the might of the United Earth Government and the United Nations Space Command.The UNSC. having struggled beneath its weight under the insurrection which cut a terrorising swath across the colonies. As a result, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) launches the SPARTAN II Program to stomp out the insurrection and restore law and order to human…

The world in the central Hub

The world in the central Hub

by Karl_Her_Artyom

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They have conquered worlds before, every time growing richer and richer with every world plundered. But what will happen once they bite more than they can chew? What will happen if they find a desesperated dying world? What secrets from their past this world will discover?This is the history of a dying earth in the year XXII century whom gets a second chance.

Ertugral Story

Ertugral Story

by Mohsin_Malik_6767

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The Legend of Alex, the Archer Master

The Legend of Alex, the Archer Master

by Poke_Fan

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Alex and his friend were living your average teen life [expect for some bullying] one day the school decided to go on a trip while on that trip one of their rival school attacked, causing them both to fall into the ocean and drifted to an island, and something happened on that island that's changed Alex and his friends live forever, causing them to be able to stop the bullying and eventually, achieve their dreams.(Also the novel will be mostly written in first person)

The Lost Hidden Memory

The Lost Hidden Memory

by Zikori

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The Lost Hidden Memory : You wake up in a completely unfamiliar place without any memories of yourself surrounded by hostile soldiers. What is that like?The male protagonist gets a nickname Nemo and is forced to investigate a cruel crime in exchange for the Commander’s patronage.To solve the case, he joins the elite squad of soldiers and he needs to get the trust of his comrades in order to find the culprit. However, What if the murder hides even more secrets and solved mysteries will only raise…

the last hunter

the last hunter

by Aldusty

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a man that is as strong as an army. the one that the demons feared the most. has fallen while trying to protect his blood brother. he was given another chance by someone he saved many years ago and went back in time. not only him but also his blood brother.



by Navid_line

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Time travel of Huo Yuhao from god realm DD4 to DD1, 1 year before Tang sanDisclaimer: douluo dalo series belongs to Tang his San.



by White Dove

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In a realm veiled in mystery, Sophia's parents shield the secrets of wolves and vampires. However, curiosity compels them to reveal truths they'd rather keep hidden. Returning to high school, she delves into the supernatural, forging connections with wolves. Amidst this revelation, Alpha Jude, a vampire, becomes enamored with her. Entangled in a love triangle, torn between Max, her choice, and Jude's relentless pursuit, her authentic story unfolds—a narrative woven with secrets, choices, and the…



by yanglin

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My entry for the WSA contest 2021A detailed Synopsis will be added soon. Kindly look forward to it!Update Schedule : every Tues / Thursday / SaturdayWill try to promise at least 3 chapters a week to see if this book is appreciated.Cullen Azog, born from the leader of an Orc Space Armada and a local princess of the planet of Silicon. But he was trash in the eyes of the orcs for inheriting not his father's grand power as Supreme King of War.All he inherited was his immortality and an ordinary soci…

Prohorovka Trovishka Revoir Demolitions

Prohorovka Trovishka Revoir Demolitions

by Keetrix

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It's about a Big Organisation. Who's set foot into a medieval world. Dominating and befriending numerous medieval empires and villages.Two girls from a certain village survived their wrath, Will they fight for their village or Cowers and blindly obey the PTRD as they humiliate their village?

Lost Souls: New World

Lost Souls: New World

by CrusaderFaze_360

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Lost souls… three drift among the planes of reality, siblings by blood and now in a world they’ve only dreamed about. Follow the story of David, Smith, and Rebecca Fulton as they traverse their new world.I apologize in advance for being such a lackadaisical writer but life often gets in the way, truthfully I’ve written this story before so the general plan is already in place, I’m just brushing it up and making it suitable to publish. I make no promise to attempt consistent updates as my job wil…

God’s fist, Devil’s advocate

God’s fist, Devil’s advocate

by Swey_Baegles

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With the disappearance of both god and satan heaven and hell declare war on earth.Blaming the humans for the abandonment of their masters, the angels and demons that were once in an eternal war have joined hands.Now an army forged in hellfire and glowing with divine power bears their weapons toward humanity driving them to the brink of extinction.Led by the archangel Michael and his generals, an assortment of powerful demons and angels, named after the seven deadly sins, they've maintained the u…