Special Defense Force

SDF Special Defense Force

by Ehmjay_Sarmiento

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Yada Yada Hi Dharmashya, Glaanirvawati Bharata;Abhyutthanam Adharmashya, Tadattmanam Srijamyaham.Paritranaya Sadhunam, Vinashaya Cha Duskritam;Dharma Sansthapanaarthe Sambhawami Yuge Yuge.Meaning- Whenever there is a downfall of Dharma(righteous) in this Bharata( Universe), and upliftment of Adharma(unrighteous), I shall be reborn in this Land and free it from the cluthes of Adharma. I shall protect the righteous and followers of Dharma. And thus, in order to restablish Dharma on this Earth, I s…

The Rise Of An Assassin

The Rise Of An Assassin

by Chase_the_Highkage

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It's a story of a boy who lost both his parents and his family after the 3rd world war. His life changes when he meets a girl. He plans on becoming an Assassin who will destroy every evil in the society.


Book 1

A Return to War

Blitzkrieg Book 1 A Return to War

by Michael_Csiti

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Devils Of Heaven

Devils Of Heaven

by swapnadip01

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Naked War

Naked War

by Emilio_Gonzalez

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Transported in Another World - Philippines

Transported in Another World - Philippines

by Thenceforth

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A very modern Philippines is thrown in another world by a strange bright light, everyone thought it's just a science experiment for the space elevators that's being built.But no, when everyone recovered from their daze the sky is totally different than normal. Strange birds are seen flying in the sky.Everyone panicked, so the government have no choice but to issue a state of emergency. The Armed Forces are tasked to keep peace in the country and to establish contact with the neighboring countrie…

Zetrax chronicle: Soul merge project

Zetrax chronicle: Soul merge project

by zenketsu

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by Crownedkzng

(not enough ratings)

Theresa Ungeheuerlich the young prodigy of the Gemanity Empire, knew to her soldiers as the White Knight, the ideal soldier, the beacon of hope of the citizens but to her enemies the Black Reaper with her distinct use of the charge ability to enhance her physical abilities on the battlefield. With this accompanying with her emotionless and analyst fighting style she has prove herself to be the prefect killing machine.

The Trap Called Equality

The Trap Called Equality

by Captain_SoulFox

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Equality. Peace. Freedom. We humans had fought endless battles and wars for these thoughts. Big and small conflicts are fought in order to achieve this ideas! Diffrent factions. diffrent nations. Diffrent colors and groups all war against each other. for fhe sake of these words.. is it really worth fighting for? dying for? bleeding for? Maybe we will find out on our final battle and clash. Join Gray as he unlocks the truths and lies and separate the friends from enemies in this epic story that w…

War of Madness

War of Madness

by eylair

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In a world dedicated to war between countries, where the strong commands and the weak dies, a young boy clothed with rags made a promess under the stars... He shall dominate everything under the sky, one day, or die trying !



by Xcross_heart

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When humanity was on the brink of destruction, when all hope was lost and MC was attacked by alien hugemony, whose sole purpose was to destroy whole humanity.when MC thought that everything was over, he found himself in a very familiar place from where all this started.He was back in his home world that was destroyed long ago. he got the second chance to change the fate of human race.will he able to change anything?will he able to find out reason behind why alien species are so eager and desper…

The remains of the human race: Philadelphia

The remains of the human race: Philadelphia

by psycholimabean

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Supreme Martial System

Supreme Martial System

by OmnipotentDad


Zhong Zhihao, an Orphan due to poverty worked his best, trying to find the parents that had abandoned him.But when he had finally managed to have the information about his Family, Zhihao, our MC went into a very different twist of fate.Zhihao was drag into a World, where Power is Law, and Authority is second.Only the strongest will strive for wealth and women.But the story goes different, as he not only need to be strong, he needs to be the one who stood at the peak.Drag into the conflict betwee…

MAHABHARAT: Through My Eyes

MAHABHARAT: Through My Eyes

by Sahasranama

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This is my version of events of an Indian epic Mahabharat. This story down to its core is about brothers fighting and killing each other over property, but there are immortals, magic weapons, grate warriors, sages, curses, gods, demons davas and much more. To find out please read it. This is my first time writing and I have not found my style of writing yet so I might experiment a bit so sorry for the inconvenience. *Lastly I would like to say, from this story you will find that words have grat…

Spring and Autumn Cultivation

Spring and Autumn Cultivation

by nikaja

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Reincarnated to a strange and familiar world, the much prized prince of a decaying country must seek his fate, defend his fortunes and do his best to prevent his life being cut short.The wheels of history seem to crush everything in its way, can the prince saved himself from history? ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Ultimate kingdom system

The Ultimate kingdom system

by sudiotaku

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Given a second chance before humanity was teleported to a new world were they are the weakest race and not the only intelligent one and were destroyed. he with help of the ultimate kingdom system will change humanity fate from being destroyed.

United Nations In Another World

United Nations In Another World

by Mantan


The United Nations are developing a teleportation portal to ease the logistics on it's Aid Program in African Countries. Instead, the portal created is to another world in a medieval era. Turns out establishing peace is not easy. Featuring empires who seek domination, large scale military force and modern colonization?! Written with much realism.

Lost Kingdom

Lost Kingdom

by Otaku_Central

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Betrayal. A word we all know well. One that causes confusion, denial, anger. Your best friend, or lover. How can omeone whom you trust completely do that to you? Power? Wealth? Immortality? The reason is unknown but the path is clear. Revenge.

Emperor of the New Millennium

Emperor of the New Millennium

by BulletproofRecit

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In a world where might makes right, he will learn to leverage the power of the masses.It is his turn to carry on the legacy of his parents.An amulet charged with the life force of his father gives him the opportunity to live twice.He will do them proud.This is his journey to becoming the emperor of the new millennium.