An ancient World

An ancient World

by Darxos_Gremory


This is the Story of a Man, A man who dies because of a phantom asteroid that without any apparent signal comes out of nowhere and without leaving him time to react appears to collect his life, with no other option than to die, reincarnates in another world, a world free of the contaminations of man, a new world with all the opportunities available, to explore, and virgin with practically only prehistoric humans.Ready to be conquered, Join our Mc in his adventure to conquer and dominate the worl…

High School Mercenary

High School Mercenary

by RoyalRipoff


It seems like just yesterday I was a simple high school student. How simple those times were.[Flashback]System: Complete one mission within 2 days or risk termination.Noticing this provocative statement he proceeds to exclaim out loud. "As if a game could kill me"The moment after provoking the system he feels a gun being forced against the back of his head, he quickly pleads with the system and soon the pressure is relieved. Turning around he sees a gun on the floor. On his screen, an eery messa…

Reincarnator’s Road to World Domination

Reincarnator’s Road to World Domination

by Schneizel_Viktor

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Hello, there dearest friends, What is it that your heart desires the most? Fame? Money? Power?Well, I could solve that for you. Just follow this simple guide.1. DIE2. ????3. Profit

PNW (Droppped)

PNW (Droppped)

by ddraigg

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This the old version of Portal to the New World.I rewrite this novel from the start. Change some details, characters and scene etc.You can read the new version. Just search, Portal to the New World or just go to my webnovel profile.

Under SOLS

Under SOLS

by SaiKirito

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Year 2039The world is getting more and more advanced through the passage of time! There's a lot of things such as the medical field, the educational field, the resources field, the science field, the economical field and at last, The Military field! Every country wants to be the top on the Whole Wide World! But there is always someone stronger or someone sneaky! During this new age of Modern world, a new division of Armed forces was created by every country, The "Under SOLS" meaning "Under SOLDI…

The First World Emperor

The First World Emperor

by Sovora


"If I die now, I will never truly see the world for what it was supposed to be" Charles a young boy who had been sold off by his parents finds himself in an arena! Watch as Charles shapes himself from an abandoned son to an Emperor that people will remember for ages to come! "With my blood and soul, I shall unite the land and create the peace I desire!"

birth of a king

birth of a king

by thiagomal1

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Gerald, born a Viscount's son, spent most of his life since he was six as an enemy Duke's 'ward', nothing short of a hostage. Until a shocking letter arrived requesting that he be sent back to inherit his father's territory and title.Now he has to return and rule the ruin that is his family's lands. Bandits roam and enemies leer. Conspiracies brew and wars rage. Meanwhile, Gerald has to rise with his house from the ashes.obs:good morning Good afternoon Good nightthis sponsorship is for you to fe…



by KiriT0me

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In an unknown year and and unknown place, There are territories at war. Arata, a young talented pianist is dragged into the underworld. Now his exiting journey starts as he looks at how amazing the world actually is.

Land Warrior: Discontinued

Land Warrior: Discontinued

by Allen_Clay012



The Doctor Of Death: From An Executioner To A Savior

The Doctor Of Death: From An Executioner To A Savior

by Sandwich_Author

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"Tick, Tick, Tick... Dead." The sound of death by just waiting for it to come... Sad, it seems. Neal Kirkstoic, a Doctor who cures the sick using death. His motives aren't intentional but that what it ended up as his job with a history known for being an executioner and the right-arm of the Secret Service. "Is it really worth dying for my success? Am I a bad person? My medicine is nothing to be proud of from a man who only knows how to create death-inducing medicine for execution. But working be…

Prohorovka Trovishka Revoir Demolitions

Prohorovka Trovishka Revoir Demolitions

by Keetrix

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It's about a Big Organisation. Who's set foot into a medieval world. Dominating and befriending numerous medieval empires and villages.Two girls from a certain village survived their wrath, Will they fight for their village or Cowers and blindly obey the PTRD as they humiliate their village?

Dynast of Wind

Dynast of Wind

by Jacky_Reisi

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Due to natural disasters, the Earth was close to it's destruction but a meteorite gave people the power to rebuild themselves. Therefore "New Earth" was born but the government of it has became corrupted and our main character Ariel K Wind wants to make a peaceful environment in this "New Earth" by becoming the King of Kings!

The Reclaimers

The Reclaimers

by MrFruity

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In the name of the Architects.21XX, With the rise in terrorist activity stretching from southeast Asia to the middle eastern countries, and north Africa, the United States of America has authorized the Joint Special Operations Command to conduct high risk missions to dismantle these groups.Sergeant Mike Randall of the 75th Ranger Regiment is reassigned to a task force to take down a terrorist cell in Pakistan. With the cooperation of members from the infamous Delta Force officially known as Spec…

Red Alert System

Red Alert System

by ChickenGod


He spend most of his days in the same daily life routine. But all changed in a single night when he was thrown into an strange new world.A world where knowledge have a different meaning and influence in the life of its inhabitants. How will he fare in this strange place and how will it affect him?Strugling to understand what happened and learning how to use these newfound powers, he advances on a quest to return home.But will he be able to?(Credits to Mght)This fiction is not mine..Warning: 18+ …

Roma vena

Roma vena

by Kaugmahan

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ROMAN TRANSMIGRATUS***Following the withdrawal of the Roman legions in Britain, various Barbarian factions flooded the British land. Roman settlements was pillaged from left to right, and whats left of the Romans flocked to Londinium.Now Londinium is besieged and with its port blockaded, the Romans was left with no other option but rely to a forbidden witchcraft.-----------Note:I will try to make it as much accurate as possible. Roman behaviour depicted may be different from what you know or bel…

Songur of Ixander

Songur of Ixander

by FranzJuniver

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Fourteen Years after the Kingdom of Alban's Fall before the Republicans, the Albanese state is now under the reins of Willemus and is soon going to form a nation with the newly powerful East Alban Confederacy. How will Ixander then live while these are all happening knowing that he is Albanese in a Foreign Land? Ixander did not know that there holds more secret to who he really is... and his name.Suddenly however, a man from our world died in a bar brawl, and.. VOILA! He is transported to this …

Warrior: The tale of a man defeating the God

Warrior: The tale of a man defeating the God

by ABK1

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Gods fall from the sky with the beginning of a certain story of a boy's life's end. Replenishing hate within his veins and death upon his name. Making him The End Of This Era without him even knowing. This tale is not that of a Hero standing above and saving everyone... This world is not kind enough to let that happen. This is the tale of Warriors giving rise to a certain Will and finding The Legend of 'Something Greater...'******Ok... it is my time! -Instagram: Author_abk_017-This novel that I …

Post World War II Germany in Another World

Post World War II Germany in Another World

by Mantan

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Every 10 Years in the planet Gargantua, a new Continent appears from different worlds, big or small. Various Superpowers are Dominating to colonize these lands. But this time, their in for a Surprise. Germany whom was Just Crippled from WWII suddenly Teleported to this Mysterious planet as a Continent! How will the Allied Occupations and Germany Survive?

The Life of Minato and his next generation

The Life of Minato and his next generation

by molten_massol

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Minato was a great person. Learn his life! And the next generation

I Will Burn Up My Kingdom And Disappear

I Will Burn Up My Kingdom And Disappear

by MagnusPhoenix1

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Rajid began his reign over the Djinn Kingdom with a dilemma.His father, King Justinian the Second, had manipulated his emotions to seek but a single goal. That is, to avenge the Djinn Kingdom from the horrible defeat of the Third-Year-War against the Lorope Empire.The Lorope Empire had summoned a diabolic beast known in legends as Salamander. It had single-handedly destroyed the Djinn Kingdom army and made Lorope win the war.How will King Rajid, the new King of the Djinn Kingdom, beat this invin…