by Demense
How can a marine win on the battlefields of Iraq, and now in world of imperialistic warfaring nations that want nothing more than his death and the deaths of his people? That's simple: kill them.
by Anantabet_Official
Anantabet Pilihan Situs Slot Gacor Terbaik hari ini bisnis judi online di indonesia akhir akhir ini membuat para pelaku bisnis perjudian mengambil kesempatan ini dengan membuat berbagai portal situs dan penyedia game beting online seperti slot online, poker , togel , casino, toto, tangkap bola, sabung ayam hingga situs taruhan judi bola seperti sbobet, ibcbet cmdbet dll, namun dibalik itu semua ada niat tersembunyi dari oknum oknum yang tidak bertangg…
by themusicaddict
"Hah, given enough time, I probably—no, definitely—I would have stopped you." John laughed, his eyes fluttering as his vision blurred."I will give it to you, that second chance you talked about, but do not fail my expectations," Pallas said, as John's consciousness started to fade, and his eyes closed.John, who had lost the strength to keep his eyes open, overheard the entire conversation, trying to make sense of what these two ancient beings were talking about. But before he could conclude his …
by Willfried_Jilib
In the past , there was no light , no joy , no pain , no laughter , no regrets, .It was just me ,me and an eternity of darkness, then i created the heavens , i created a place for me , i created my followers .I guess it was quite fun.For a God like me protecting , creating, was one of my specialty as i love it like i created many dimensions , many universe , many live , at least it reduced the darkness.But as they say good things don't last . things started going wrong.Then , things starte…
by Nathanthemlgderp
A young man from the modern age appears in the age of where Japan will begin its legendary feats.
"I...will...not...Lose" these are the Words that Haunted Seth For Years. Seth an child who was abounded by his parents near Verlmon River was found stranded by a Farmer Named Gin. The Farmer raised him as his own and gave him all the love he needed - at an age of three Seth had a Nightmare that Haunted him to the point that its affected his mental health. At the age of 5 he became paralysed and live a vegetable life - this caused Gin to Seek help from outside in hopes of curing Seth's Nightmare.…
by blobo
A young boy rescued by a young girl who turned out to be an engineer working for a secret military unit lead by the government. What happens next is that same young boy will become something special; After taking the Maze X serum, a serum designed by the military secret bio lab facility, hoping to create super soldiers. Men who can transcend even the strongest or fastest of man humanity can offer.
La Primera Guerra Mundial, la guerra de las grandes potencias, el fin de la verdadera nobleza, el infierno llamado las trincheras. En 1900, con tanto infierno por delante, resultó ser el hijo mayor de una prestigiosa familia de la Armada Imperial que murió en el primer golpe. Por lo tanto, habrá algo más que el Frente Occidental.MAS CAPITULOS DISPONIBLES EN MI PATREON: PUEDES ENCONTRARLA EN MI CANAL DE YOUTUBE:…
by Nathanthemlgderp
"The streets roam with cannibles. No individual can walk freely."The year is 1814 and Europe is in chaos as a new disease unfolds being called Blight...(Based on the game Guts & Blackpowder)
by Jason_Bolton
The book follows Private James Collins, stationed on Ascension Island during World War II. Ending on the islands of the nation of current day Tuvalu as the war ended in the European theatre of war. Initially seeking adventure, he confronts the stark reality of isolation, monotonous duties, and the constant cacophony of wideawake terns. As he navigates the challenges of military life, including emergency landings and increased U-boat threats, Collins develops camaraderie with fellow soldiers. The…
by Hans_2273
Questions, questions and questions. There are numerous questions that pop up in our mind randomly, but there are only a few that we bother to find the answer of. But what if one of those questions had the ability to change our life? Here, lies a story of a man and a woman, who give importance to even the most random questions that pop up in their mind and find answers to that. Their love begins and continues as the questions and answers arise as they please. But there is a problem. Their differe…
by 0HumanBrain0
In the wake of a catastrophic meteorite strike on July 31, 2024, which decimated half of humanity, the surviving world is plagued by deadly creatures known as Gorefiends. As the military fights back against the Gorefiends, a lone orphan boy navigates the desolate, ruined city. Amidst the wreckage, he stands on top of debris, staring into the darkness with a deadly hatred for everything.
by Itlen_tc
En un mundo envuelto en sombras y despiadada lucha por el poder, surge Vraken, una figura colosal entre los miles de señores del Norte. En un reino desprovisto de reyes, donde la ambición y la crueldad reinan despiadadamente, Vraken se alza como uno de los más formidables. Su sed de dominio es insaciable, su crueldad tan temida como su astucia.En esta tierra desolada por la brutalidad y la falta de avance tecnológico y social, Vraken ve la oportunidad de forjar su propio destino. Sin leyes más q…