Second Star to the Right

Second Star to the Right

by A.F. Henley

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Be it unrequited fascination with his straight best friend or impossible fantasies of rekindled interest with his heartbreaking ex, Mason has no clue why the perfect connection seems to keep slipping through his fingers. When another lonely holiday seems like too much weight to shoulder, Mason gives up on romance and seeks out the next best thing -- rented company. Jack is everything a person could want in an escort: willing, hot, and built like an angel.<br><br>Mason can't resist. After all, wh…

Twas the Play Before Christmas

Twas the Play Before Christmas

by Kris T. Bethke

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After the death of his wife, Nick Valenti is raising his twins on his own. It’s no surprise when his son, Quinn, gets a part in the holiday show, but Nick is amazed when he shows up at the parent meeting and finds his old high school friend is now his son’s music teacher.<br><br>Emmett James is full of passion and energy, and Nick is captivated by him. Volunteering to help with sets gives Nick the opportunity to get to know the man Emmett has become. Sparks fly, flirting ensues, and Nick wants n…

Summer Madness

Summer Madness

by Ruby Moone

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Ten years is a long time to have a crush.<br><br>Their high school reunion is Luke's chance for a shot at Alexander, whom he adored in high school. In training for the past eighteen months to shed the extra weight he'd always carried, he's ready to show Alexander he isn't the boy they called Podge anymore.<br><br>As the big day draws nearer and the summer days get hotter, Luke continues running with his next door neighbour Max to stay in shape. But everything is blown apart though when Luke almo…

Stallions and Studs: Back in the Saddle Again

Stallions and Studs: Back in the Saddle Again

by Terry O'Reilly

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Long ago, Mack MacIntyre left his life as a wild cowhand in the Big Sky country of Montana behind. For thirty-five years, he’s been a devoted husband, father, and successful New York City businessman.<br><br>One day his past comes knocking in the form of his former lover, Seth Buchanan. Seth has a business proposition, and a dream Mack finds hard to refuse.<br><br>Even though he’s widowed and his children are grown, does Mack have the courage to come out to his family and return to the wide open…

What We May Be

What We May Be

by Vivien Dean

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Fashion is Jared Harvey’s life. Once a top model, now an aspiring designer, he never expects to be attracted to a man who wouldn’t know his Versace from his Valentino. But Rick Paulson makes him rethink everything he’s ever assumed he wanted in a man. <br><br>Rick’s generous, built like a brick house, and best of all, hungry to let Jared take control. Together, they ignite passions in each other neither wants to extinguish. So what if Rick doesn’t care about Jared’s Cavalli? Life’s more than a r…

Put Five Rings on It

Put Five Rings on It

by David Connor

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Numbers mean everything to an Olympic marathoner, but for Gordon O’Dooley, his obsession with one number in particular might get a little out of hand.<br><br>Gordon literally comes running into Marty Walsh’s family diner one day, and their mutual attraction is instant. He comes on too strong, though, and Marty quickly slams on the brakes. When Marty suggests they take things slow, Gordon races off, and any hope of a relationship goes right along with him.<br><br>Four years pass, and Marty does h…

Stockton County Cowboys Book 3: Roping Cowboys

Stockton County Cowboys Book 3: Roping Cowboys

by R.W. Clinger

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Artist and former actor turned Midwestern country boy, Dixon Pierce, has fallen head over heels in love with cowboy Gray McKeever at Glock Ranch in Stockton County. The two cowboys plan to get married, with an extraordinary wedding service and reception to follow.<br><br>While Dixon works on art, Gray runs a hot sauce company called Roping Cowboys in downtown Tulsa. Both are occupied with their careers, but always come together in the evening hours for some heavy-duty, cowboy romp-time between t…



by R.W. Clinger

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Almost thirty, amateur boxer Daron Tulsa has a little mess on his hands. He just so happens to be falling for his best friend, Colm Frost, a sports-themed freelance writer for e-magazines. Life for Daron feels cataclysmically frostbitten because Colm is straight and has a stunning Hollywood actress girlfriend. For Daron, these major blocks leave Colm untouchable, both emotionally and physically.<br><br>As the Pittsburgh winter becomes a tempest of snow, ice, and cold, so does Daron’s heart. He r…

The Wrong Kind of Angel

The Wrong Kind of Angel

by Ruby Moone

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A reluctant angel, three not terribly wise men, two gorgeous men on a starlit chase to find a child ... It can only be Christmas.<br><br>It’s Christmas 1817 and Captain Charles Farrington has accepted that he is destined to live alone. That is, until Christmas Eve, when a startlingly handsome man crashes into his home and his life.<br><br>Harry Valentine is a man on the run. A man with secrets. He hasn’t time to fall for the angel who rescued him and, in any case, he knows that once Charlie real…

The Mule Man

The Mule Man

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Orr Loveless is exactly where he knows he belongs, rescuing and training mules. Despite their reputation, which he feels is undeserved, he knows they are smart, sure footed, and great mounts for trail riding and outdoor adventures. The only thing he lacks is a human partner to share the work and the fun, but he knows his lifestyle is not likely to attract one.<br><br>Jase Keller has returned to New Mexico, where his forgotten roots remain. With his high finance job destroying him, he desperately…

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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Bjorn Ritter only wants one thing -- to live his life away from nosey, demanding bears. That's easier said than done when you're the son of the female running the Bayside Bear Community.<br><br>Cecil Baxter might be a bat, but he grew up away from shifter communities and he's doing his best to continue to keep his distance. Shifters aren't an accepting bunch and Cecil has never fit the norm.<br><br>Already facing a dreaded meeting with his mother, the last thing Bjorn needs is a stranger using h…

Starting His Engine

Starting His Engine

by W.S. Long

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Athletic and handsome, Florida boy Caleb Youngblood has always wanted to race stock cars like his father and his brother. The roar of the engines, the smell of the burning rubber and the thrill of speed courses his veins. Racing is as much a part of him as the sun and surf of the Florida ocean he loves.<br><br>But, when Caleb falls in love with sports writer Sebastian Rush, he must make a decision. Will he stay in the closet and follow his dream, or can he make a life with Sebastian and follow h…

Dazzle Me

Dazzle Me

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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Tom and Santino’s anniversary is coming up, and Tom has a plan. He’s going to show Santino how much he means to him. The night will be magical.<br><br>Tom’s plan did not include a trip to Thailand. He doesn't do aeroplanes, doesn't do tropical climate, and he doesn’t do spas. Yet he finds himself without a stitch of clothing on a spa table, with a man he's never met before while Santino is away on a business meeting.<br><br>This was not how it was supposed to go. Tom will do his best to live thr…

Taming Brooks

Taming Brooks

by R.W. Clinger

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Not so innocent and somewhat rowdy, Randy Marke is a newly hired ranch hand at Copperhead Creek. After arriving at the ranch, he meets and falls for the sexy ranch owner, Dallas Brooks. Summer heat and a bath in the nearby creek draws the two cowboys together and their relationship turns intimate. Then Randy decides to tame Brooks the old-fashioned cowboy way, with relentless sex. Can love between the two last longer than a summer, though? Are these two ranchers meant to be together, or is their…

Mark's Midlife

Mark's Midlife

by Rafe Jadison

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Mark Dauphin loves his nephews, Sam and Logan, and he'll do anything his brother-in-law Cole asks, but when Cole wants Mark to play nice with Stefano Magnussi, Mark isn't sure he can comply. Stefano is hotter than fire, but Mark can't see past the fact that Stefano is one of those guys, the type of men who date guys half their age, the type of guys who made Mark give up on dating.<br><br>Of course, a little wine and several cocktails later, Mark finds himself dropping more than his defenses with…

The Privateer's Cross

The Privateer's Cross

by Alex Morgan

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Henry meets Cole in a spooky cemetery for a quick hook-up during Mardi Gras in New Orleans. During their encounter, Henry finds a beautiful object in a pile of dirt. They take it back to Henry’s hotel room and discover they have picked up an ancient and very valuable crucifix.<br><br>Suddenly, they find themselves haunted by the ghost of Jean Lafitte, a French pirate from the 19th Century who wants his treasure returned. Unfortunately there is nowhere to hide from a ghost, even among the thousan…

Hitting It Big

Hitting It Big

by Shawn Lane

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Six years ago, Billy Grant had a night he never forgot losing his virginity to the jock of his dreams, Mitch Crestfield. But Billy fled afterward, not wanting to hear Mitch’s regrets.<br><br>Now Mitch has hit it big, winning the lottery, and Billy finds himself invited to Mitch’s celebration. When Mitch suggests another night of passion, Billy can’t seem to resist. But Mitch has something more than one night in mind.

Deliver Me

Deliver Me

by J.D. Walker

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Daniel Carter rarely has time for fun. He teaches college freshmen in the mornings, works on his thesis in the afternoons, and delivers pizza at night for a vindictive boss. Life is hectic but the one bright spot in his days is Julius Tanner, one of the nicest guys around. He’s also ridiculously sexy and doesn’t see Daniel as more than a colleague. But he can dream.<br><br>When Julius unexpectedly asks for help, it’s a chance for Daniel to get to know him better. What Daniel discovers is the cut…

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys

Stockton County Cowboys Book 2: Riding Cowboys

by R.W. Clinger

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Cal Hoke, an onsite pretty boy veterinarian at Riding Ranch in Stockton County, Oklahoma, has a secret he will never share with his ranch hand coworkers: he happens to be in love with the ranch owner, Pax Raulton.<br><br>Straight and sexy Pax is a chiseled, handsome, aggressive businessman at Riding Ranch. For years he has raised and sold thoroughbred Palominos. Pax is a private man who minds his own business on the ranch. When he suffers a head injury caused by one of his prized horses, he spen…

Back from the Future

Back from the Future

by JL Merrow

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Ever since his one-night stand with big, butch, bisexual Bill, Marty’s been in the hopeless grip of a passionate yet seemingly unrequited love. Housesitting for the object of his affection, all he can do is cry on the scaly shoulders of Bill’s exotic fish ... until he meets the tipsy time-traveler who lives upstairs.<br><br>Arthur Prefect (not his real name) is a refugee from a dystopian time, and he’s pining, too, for the man he left back in the future. Over the course of a drunken evening, Mar…