by Kris T. Bethke
After the death of his wife, Nick Valenti is raising his twins on his own. It’s no surprise when his son, Quinn, gets a part in the holiday show, but Nick is amazed when he shows up at the parent meeting and finds his old high school friend is now his son’s music teacher.<br><br>Emmett James is full of passion and energy, and Nick is captivated by him. Volunteering to help with sets gives Nick the opportunity to get to know the man Emmett has become. Sparks fly, flirting ensues, and Nick wants n…
by R.W. Clinger
When sexy mechanic Dayton O’Hare moves into professor Nino Spiro’s home as a boarder, the two men are attracted to each other and romance blooms between them. Then Dayton meets landscaper Michael Block, and what unravels is quite simple: Dayton lands the landscaper, breaking Nino’s heart.<br><br>But Nino keeps close tabs on Dayton and his new paramour. As summer unfolds, Nino indulges in voyeuristic fun, watching the two men at sexual play.<br><br>The dynamics between the three men change dramat…
by Terry O'Reilly
For Dave Felder, his junior year of high school starts with a move from his small hometown to a larger city. With the new home comes a new school, East Leyden High.<br><br>He isn't the least bit reluctant to leave his old school. Once popular and well-liked, things changed when he was outed to his fellow students.<br><br>A new school gives him a fresh start, where no one knows him or his secret. Tall, handsome, and athletic, he soon finds himself surrounded by new friends, the popularity he once…
by Eva Hore
Sophie finds it difficult to lose her inhibitions, even with her lover Mary. So when sexy neighbor Julie suggests she come over for drinks and a chat, Sophie allows herself to be seduced. Julie teaches her how to love her own body in ways Sophie has never before dreamed of. She can't wait to show Mary all she's learned ... but Julie just might beat her to it.
by Jaimie N. Schock
When Cillian’s daughter accidentally poisons a bison-sized alien child, he goes to prison. But intervention by another alien sends him and his family on a journey to a nearby solar system. Along with a group of humans and aliens, he investigates a planet with glee, but soon enough, all hell breaks loose.<br><br>Meanwhile, Cillian meets a priest named Father Whalen who helps guide him on a path to faith. Whalen is helpful ... at first. Shortly after the mission begins, he becomes obsessed with Ci…
by J.D. Ryan
The cowboys of the T-Lazy-A and the M-L Connected just don’t see eye to eye. In fact, they hate each other. So when Hank Collins rides up to the waterhole to find an M-L Connected rider floating on his side of the pond, his hackles naturally rise. And when that rider challenges him to a bout of fisticuffs ... well, what red-blooded cowboy could turn down such a dare? There's only one problem: Hank quickly becomes all too aware that his opponent isn't just physically fit, but downright arresting.…
by K.L. Noone
Space opera, Regency romance, and an invitation to an Imperial ballroom among the stars ...<br><br>Captain Catherine Everington loves her starship, her crew, and their mission of interplanetary exploration. New worlds beckon, and Kit's always wanted to discover them. But a summons from her mother brings a reminder of Kit's family obligations, including the title and place she'd once given up among glittering Regency society, on the capitol planet.<br><br>The Regency is ending, and the new Empero…
by Jovana
Easy McClure is a hot-headed little spitfire named after her father’s favorite saloon girl. When her father is killed in a range war, she inherits his ranch. Alone now, and facing the responsibility of taking care of a large spread, she packs away her bloomers and corsets and wears tight jeans with a six-gun strapped to her hip.<br><br>One day, a bleeding cowboy rides up to her house with a bullet in his shoulder. By the time she learns he’s a notorious gunslinger, his whole gang arrives. She ha…
by Gareth Vaughn
Friends Colin and Edward are ready for a night of tabletop gaming. But when no one else shows, they decide to go ahead and play anyway.<br><br>A little just-for-fun roleplaying takes a steamy turn when a few chance rolls of the die put Colin's and Edward's characters in bed together. They could stop playing at any time, or see where luck takes them ... and their friendship.
by Etienne
After the death of their mother, Chris Bottoms adopted his little brother Ted, and Chris and his partner Mickey settle down to raise him. Through paperwork left by his mother, Chris learns his brother has a deeply troubled past.<br><br>During a Thanksgiving visit with Chris and Ted’s maternal grandparents, they find out Chris’s grandfather allowed his friends to abuse Ted, so Chris severs all ties with that side of his family.<br><br>Through his job at a hospital, Chris hears of a surgeon at the…
by Chris Bedell
Nonmagical people are being demonized and falsely blamed for Magnifico’s economic problems after Queen Vivian’s bloody rise to power. But politics very quickly become more than abstract views to argue about when secret police wolves are deployed throughout the country to kill those born without magical abilities.<br><br>Seventeen-year-old Maximillian’s best friend Katherine is one such nonmagical person. In a bid to keep her safe, Maximillian turns to the queen’s estranged younger brother, a man…
by Jamie Craig
Stopping a murder that happened forty years earlier may be the only way to heal a tortured mind ...<br><br>Six months after Jesse Madding is brutally tortured by Marcus Brooker, he is still experiencing flashbacks, panic attacks, and jumping at his own shadow. His lovers, Gideon Keel and Emma Coolidge, would do anything to help him, but Jesse refuses to be hospitalized for treatment, or even visit a therapist. Desperate for a change, Gideon and Emma suggest a radical solution.<br><br> Jesse want…
by Etienne
RN First Assistant Chris Bottoms enjoys being a bottom. Though abused by his stepfather as a boy and conditioned to enjoy sex only one particular way, he’s come to make the most of his life. And he enjoys bottoming to the hilt whenever and wherever he can.<br><br>As if colorectal cancer wasn’t enough of a trial, the subsequent botched surgery robs him of normal bodily functions, so no more prostate massage for Chris. In the middle of his medical drama, his best friend, Mickey O’Donovan, accepts …
by J.M. Snyder
Jesse McCray ekes out a hard living cutting cattle from the local beef baron of Defiance, Texas. He's known for his quick draw and his steady aim; no one outguns him. Whenever he and his ragtag group of friends known as the Rustlers ride into town, the local cowboys hold their breaths, waiting for the men to ride through. But one evening, while playing faro at Billy's Saloon, Jesse's attention is drawn to a new face in the crowd.<br><br>Ethan Phillips is an idealistic tenderfoot from back East, …
by Deirdre O’Dare
Orr Loveless is exactly where he knows he belongs, rescuing and training mules. Despite their reputation, which he feels is undeserved, he knows they are smart, sure footed, and great mounts for trail riding and outdoor adventures. The only thing he lacks is a human partner to share the work and the fun, but he knows his lifestyle is not likely to attract one.<br><br>Jase Keller has returned to New Mexico, where his forgotten roots remain. With his high finance job destroying him, he desperately…
by J.M. Snyder
Five years ago Joah was culled -- kidnapped by the government to be trained as a soldier. In the process, they erased his memory, destroying his past, his dreams, everything but his name. Armed with that alone, Joah escapes from the facility in search of someone to help him recall the man he used to be.<br><br>That person is Tobin, Joah’s husband, who never gave up hope of finding him again. He refuses to believe that the strength of his love alone won’t be enough to bring back Joah’s memories o…
by J.T. Marie
Once the daughter of a prominent dentist in Philadelphia, Natalie Allen wasn’t happy with the life she was expected to lead, so she left society behind and headed west. Now, in the little town of Junction, she’s known as Nat, a cowboy working on Boss Daddy’s cattle ranch. She keeps to herself, renting a room in a local boarding house instead of staying in the bunk house, and with her dungarees and short hair, no one realizes she’s living as a man.<br><br>But Boss Daddy’s pretty daughter Miss Luc…
by Dale Chase
Outfielder Tommy Knox is said to "own" pitcher Wayne Kerley because he always hits well when Wayne is on the mound. What the public doesn't know is that the two men have long been involved in a committed, loving relationship. They met and fell in love while playing in the minor leagues, but were called up to the majors and now play for opposing teams.<br><br>Tommy and Wayne have managed to stay together through twelve closeted years. Being on different teams means they have to spend most of the …
by Drew Hunt
Bitter and depressed after his boyfriend walks out on him, Garth Morgan cancels Christmas. Garth’s mom has other ideas however. She reminds him there’s still Adam, Garth’s eight-year-old son to consider. So Garth braves the Christmas Eve crowds at the shopping mall to buy gifts.<br><br>Despite aching feet and arms that feel like they’re being pulled out of their sockets, Garth agrees to wait in line so Adam can see Santa.<br><br>Adam asks for a new boyfriend for his daddy because the last one ma…
by R.W. Clinger
Toby Cartwright hopes his work as a blogger about gay masculine bears will help him find the bear of his dreams. When English teacher Blue Danning asks to borrow a few of Toby’s articles to teach writing methods to his students, initially Toby refuses, until his best friend and gym owner David King persuades him otherwise. Toby and Blue hit it off and start dating.<br><br>Then Toby meets musician Grant Stevens. Not only does Grant find Toby attractive, but he also buys the blogger a drink. Follo…