by Pepper Espinoza
It's June 1972, and the Vietnam War overshadows Ed Sorenson's life. He's barely out of high school, and there's nothing ahead of him except war and death. On a whim, he packs up his old station wagon with California in mind. He invites his friend Sammy to join him on his journey, never expecting the other man to jump at the chance.<br><br>The station wagon barely makes it as far as Nevada. It dies on the shoulder during a freak summer thunderstorm, trapping the two young men and giving them no c…
by Chloe Spencer
As children, Kuro, his brother Mizu, and their next door neighbor Phillip were best friends, always playing together. In their teenage years, when the brothers’ emotionally abusive father fell ill, their friendship fell apart. For a time Mizu dated Phillip, and conflicted and frustrated, Kuro sought comfort from random strangers and did drugs.<br><br>The three men are now adults and Mizu and Phillip have broken up, with little chance for reconciliation. Without anywhere else to go, Phillip and K…
by Kassandra Lea
The weather is crappy, the fire is crackling, dinner is cooking, and Makai is nervous.<br><br>He's having dinner with his boyfriend Nolan, and there's something extra special about this date. He planned it all perfectly in his mind and rehearsed exactly what he wants to say. But now, when the moment has presented itself, Makai struggles to find the words.<br><br>Maybe the gift he has waiting will say it all.
by J.D. Walker
Bennett "Ben" Pachowski is a bouncer at Throwbacks. He likes his job, though he gets tired of being thought of as more brawn than brain. He loves books, prefers to be romanced before sleeping with a man, and has a crazy feline companion named Bessie.<br><br>Ben's favorite band, Rebel's Ultimatum, plays at the club on weekends, giving him an eyeful of sexy bass player, Monty Mabuse. Ben is content to flirt -- nothing more. He knows the kind of person Monty is, and commitment is not something the …
by Lynn Townsend
Brandon Russo can't stand the sight of blood and the current heat wave makes doing almost anything outdoors unpleasant. So when an SUV sideswipes a bicycle right at the gate of the storage facility in Burlington, Vermont, where Brandon works for his aunt, he considers just locking himself in the office and calling 911. But he's rewarded for letting his good nature overcome his squeamishness when the man he rescues from the ditch turns out to be absolutely gorgeous.<br><br>Scott Seay is a photogr…
by Sam Couste
Fresh out of a relationship, Jesse Velasco needs some downtime. He finds himself in an isolated beach town helping out with some family business. While he’s embraced his inner hermit, Jesse is not completely isolated; he’s got a new Twitter friend, a hot neighbor, and a celebrity crush to keep him entertained.<br><br>But it turns out all three of them are the same person; Jack Anders, primetime heartthrob who has his own reasons for dodging the spotlight in Jesse’s sleepy town by the sea. After …
by Michael P. Thomas
Henry Kavalauskas spends most of his time at YVR, Vancouver’s international airport. He works there, he hangs out there -- he knows the world is bigger than his fast-food job and his parents' living room, and he wishes he could find a guy to take him out into it. Someone to shepherd him through its teeming cities and sleep beside him in its fine hotels.<br><br>Someone like Zack Hoffman, to be quite specific, although Henry's first encounter with the short, sexy business traveler seems destined t…
by J.D. Walker
Trev Harding is a truck driver in his forties who loves having sex with a different twink every night. The only exception to this is one-time trick Grant Hess, a mid-thirties forklift operator on his daily route who could pass for twenty-three. Trev’s life takes a startling turn when he’s told by his latest conquest that the guys at his usual pickup spot see him as a shallow, dirty old man, and pathetic.<br><br>Tail tucked between his legs, Trev is forced to do some soul-searching and asks the o…
by J.D. Walker
John DeWitt loves men and sex. He’s good at his job and enjoys life to the fullest. But his self-confidence is about to take a severe blow. His new intern Lee Pearce looks familiar, but John doesn’t figure out why until one evening when he sees Lee at Throwbacks, talking to the hottest bartender on the planet.<br><br>The bartender is Lee’s brother, Wei, who owns the club. John has been lusting after the man for years, but Wei always treats him like a pariah. Unfortunately, John finds out the rea…
by Belea T. Keeney
Jared thinks life in his big cat refuge is perfect. Surrounded by tigers, lions, leopards, and cougars, Jared has moved easily from life as a college baseball star. Sultan, his favorite tiger, is healthy and happy; his wife Julianna is the same. Or so he thinks. When Jared suspects that Julianna is getting a little too close to the refuge volunteers, he faces a tough choice.
by Michael P. Thomas
If Chad is reticent to drop in on Dr. Fortescue's big annual holiday bash without a date, imagine his horror when he arrives to discover the party revolves around a city-wide scavenger hunt with a two-to-a-team policy stricter than Noah’s. Worse, his efforts to pair up with his hunky doctor crush are thwarted, and he winds up being assigned the doofus with an elbow in the punch bowl as a partner.<br><br>It turns out scavenger hunts are hard -- were they really supposed to dognap the doctor's nei…
by T.A. Creech
Chris wasn't surprised to find Will on his doorstep on a Friday evening. Standard operating procedure and all that. But going to Tucson Raceway Park in the middle of August was not something he wanted to do after a long day at work. Still, how could he resist spending the evening with the secret love of his life, even if it was just to watch cars go around in a circle?<br><br>But when they’re together, fast cars aren’t the only thing that can make a heart thunder on a hot summer night. Will's go…
by J.D. Walker
Marius Rabineaux lives with his daughter Sherie in an apartment complex. Across the hall is computer tech Xavier McDay, whose niece, Tonya, is best friends with Sherie. Taciturn, clueless nerds have never been Marius's thing, so no matter how hot he may find ‘Uncle Cranky,’ Marius leaves well enough alone.<br><br>One evening when Marius picks up Sherie from her playdate with Tonya, Xavier insults his parenting skills. Later, Xavier turns up at Marius’ workplace and, instead of apologizing, furth…
by J.D. Walker
Jared Page and Joey Seever have a complicated relationship. They’re ex-lovers and former band members who still play together musically on occasion. Whenever Joey needs someone to fill in for a gig, Jared is the one he calls, despite their past history and the fact that Joey hadn’t wanted to take their relationship to the next level -- marriage -- and then cheated on him. Jared still has feelings for Joey even after all these years, though he’s become bitter and resentful.<br><br>The next time J…
by Deirdre O’Dare
With his life torn apart by tragedy, Garrett finds a true lifesaver in the Golden Retriever pup, Mandy, that he rescues from a local shelter. Inspired by the heroic search and rescue teams he sees on television, he and Mandy become a trained SAR team. Their first big challenge comes when a series of violent storms with vicious tornadoes rip through the high plains.<br><br>Dan has come home from Iraq shattered by the horrors he witnessed. Like his father and grandfather before him, he takes off …
by J.D. Walker
Austin Murray is fifty years old, owns a bookstore, and loves to walk on the beach at sun-up. He's a beachcomber, too, always in search of something unique to add to his collection. One such winter morning, an unkempt, sad-looking stranger roars into his life on a motorbike and his heart turns over for the first time, ever.<br><br>Murphy Vickers is world-weary, hurting, and unable to connect with anyone. He travels from place to place looking for work, but never stays anywhere very long. He's tr…
by Eva Hore
Cassie has found the woman of her dreams. When she tells her best friend -- and former lover -- Sophie, Cassie recounts several escapades with Lessie, including one that nearly gets her into serious trouble.<br><br>Once Cassie confides her secret to Sophie, though, her ex is turned on and can't seem to keep her hands to herself. And it has Cassie wondering if she should come clean with Lessie, or give into Sophie's advances in order to keep secret the little interlude that just might ruin the be…
by Kassandra Lea
Bartholomew Jay Westwood, or simply Jay, is a suit fanatic. They're easily his one indulgence. He owns one in every color, which makes it nearly impossible to pick one for an upcoming holiday party. The only one that seems suitable is white, and he originally bought it for a Halloween costume three years ago. But he can't quite bring himself to wear it and settles for another number from his vast collection.<br><br>Unfortunately, tragedy strikes after he stops to pick up a last-minute gift. But …
by J.D. Walker
Bridges Barfield is a man of rigid standards and stern demeanor. He finds it hard to relax and accept new things, though he gives it his best. He’s still recovering from the end of a bad relationship, but he’s not letting it stop him from searching for love. Then he meets Trenton LeDoux and they hit it off, despite their differences. Meaning, Trenton’s magenta hair, lip ring, and free spirit.<br><br>Trenton is forthright, refreshing, and not afraid to go after what he wants. But the fact that he…
by Kassandra Lea
Heavenly Delights opened three years ago, manned by the hunky baker Dakota Webb. The very man who’s managed to snag the affections of postman Scott Marsh. He stops by the bakery every morning, hoping one day he might get up the nerve to express his feelings, especially with his birthday coming. <br><br>But Dakota has other things on his mind, like trying to come up with the perfect wedding cake for a woman known to be picky and bitter. Unfortunately, when things don’t work out quite as he hoped,…