Wake Him with a Kiss

Wake Him with a Kiss

by Nell Iris

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When Lo is dragged into the tattoo shop by his bossy cousin, he steals everyone’s attention. The big man is afraid of needles but wants a tattoo to celebrate an important moment in his life. And he wants Amos to do it.<br><br>Tattoo artist Amos is mesmerized by Lo from the moment he lays eyes on him. He’s huge but kind, strong but gentle, and his freckles ... God, his freckles.<br><br>They hit it off immediately, but Lo grows nervous as the big moment approaches. Will Lo flee from the tattoo mac…

Below the Boarder

Below the Boarder

by R.W. Clinger

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When sexy mechanic Dayton O’Hare moves into professor Nino Spiro’s home as a boarder, the two men are attracted to each other and romance blooms between them. Then Dayton meets landscaper Michael Block, and what unravels is quite simple: Dayton lands the landscaper, breaking Nino’s heart.<br><br>But Nino keeps close tabs on Dayton and his new paramour. As summer unfolds, Nino indulges in voyeuristic fun, watching the two men at sexual play.<br><br>The dynamics between the three men change dramat…

Fireside Romance Book 2: Burning Brighter

Fireside Romance Book 2: Burning Brighter

by Drew Hunt

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After declaring their love for each other on Christmas Day, Simon Peters and Mark Smith settle down to a cosy life of domestic togetherness.<br><br>A new year brings new joys and challenges. Sam, a neighbour boy comes to stay for a few days and adopts Simon and Mark as honorary dads.<br><br>A promotion at work gives Simon more responsibility. Mark finds employment at the local café. The purchase of a car allows the couple to get out and about to explore the Yorkshire countryside.<br><br>Snuggle …

Miracles in Space

Miracles in Space

by Kris T. Bethke

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Captain Brody Phillips commands the space station Elovaris, and excels at his job. He thrives on the challenge that comes with running such a large facility on the edge of the neutral zone and takes pride in caring for the two thousand beings aboard. When one of his commanders asks for help, Brody doesn’t hesitate. And not just because he’s attracted to the man.<br><br>Sol Sousou, is part of the Ssarften military stationed on Elovaris. He also has cycles where he is biologically driven to mate. …

24 Dates

24 Dates

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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When Victor Hill bought a house with his boyfriend, Jian Kouri it was a dream come true. But now, two years later, instead of living their happily ever after, they hardly see the other awake.<br><br>With Jian out the door before Victor gets up in the morning, and asleep on the couch nearly as soon as he walks in the door, the life Victor imagined couldn’t be further from reality. They don’t talk; they don’t touch, and Victor fears he and Jian have already drifted too far apart.<br><br>The holida…

Beau's Baby

Beau's Baby

by A.C. Katt

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Right after Jack Romano kills in man in the line of duty, he finds out his bemoaned first love's wife has died in childbirth and his ex-lover killed himself, leaving their sickly newborn to Jack.<br><br>Carlo Del Monte has been chasing Jack for nine months and sees the baby -- Isabella, Bella for short -- as an opportunity to get Jack in his house, as well as his bed, permanently.<br><br>The two men set up housekeeping with the help of friends and Carlo's big Italian family. Then little Bella en…



by Rick R. Reed

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After Todd's mother dies from cancer, he moves back to his hometown in the foothills of the Appalachians from Chicago. It's 1997 and he's just been given a death sentence -- an HIV-positive diagnosis.<br><br>Todd expects his remaining time on earth to be spent alone. But Cal, his handsome next-door neighbor, has other ideas.<br><br>Cal is not the only surprise in Todd's new life. Todd begins having visions of an older woman, Essie, when he dims the lights. Is she just a figment of his imaginatio…

On the Down Low

On the Down Low

by J.M. Snyder

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Nick's the only white guy at his roommate Tyrone's hip hop party, but Tyrone's friend De'Andre is the center of attention. The moment Nick notices him, he gets sprung. De'Andre is big and black and hot damn, but he's sexy.<br><br>Nick feels out of his league -- he's young, he's white, he's gay, and he's desperately looking for a chance to spend some time alone with De'Andre. As much as he hates to admit it, that man is fine.<br><br>When Tyrone finally introduces them, De'Andre seems just as inte…

Mann of My Dreams Book 6: The Best-Laid Plans

Mann of My Dreams Book 6: The Best-Laid Plans

by Tinnean

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Plans. Everyone has them. Rush Dalton and Tad Jackson plan to live happily ever after. January Stephens plans to ease the hurt of a declined marriage proposal with alcohol. Josh Cooper's plan is to conceal his feelings for Mopp. And Mopp? He simply plans to hold tight to Josh's friendship.<br><br>Meanwhile, Eric Jameson arrives from DC with plans of his own. He intends to elicit information from Jan in an effort to find Babe, the woman who’s taken refuge with her son at the big house called the …

Nobody Else's

Nobody Else's

by Nell Iris

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Mars enters Pisces, giving Beckett Cooper the opportunity to assert himself when it comes to a secret infatuation; his best friend’s younger brother Levi. But can Beckett trust what’s in front of him and be brave enough to take what he wants?<br><br>With Venus in Virgo, people usually become more reserved, but Levi Byrne always takes the opposite road of what’s expected of him. So, instead of pulling back, he reaches out for a man he’s been interested in for years; Beckett Cooper.<br><br>Is it t…



by K.L. Noone

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An epic motion picture! A gay Napoleonic War love story! Ballrooms and battles at sea! Romantic happy endings on the silver screen! And a film that’ll change everything for its stars ...<br><br>Jason Mirelli can’t play adrenaline-fueled action heroes forever. He’s getting older, plus the action star parts have grown a little thinner since he came out as bisexual. This role could finally let him be seen as a serious dramatic actor, and he needs it to go well -- for his career, and because he’s fa…

Of Starlit Balls and Starship Captains

Of Starlit Balls and Starship Captains

by K.L. Noone

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Space opera, Regency romance, and an invitation to an Imperial ballroom among the stars ...<br><br>Captain Catherine Everington loves her starship, her crew, and their mission of interplanetary exploration. New worlds beckon, and Kit's always wanted to discover them. But a summons from her mother brings a reminder of Kit's family obligations, including the title and place she'd once given up among glittering Regency society, on the capitol planet.<br><br>The Regency is ending, and the new Empero…

Forbidden in Uniform Box Set

Forbidden in Uniform Box Set

by W.S. Long

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Two of W.S. Long’s best-selling gay romance stories are now available in a box set! Fall in love with Pad and RJ’s love story. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>Ask and I’ll Tell</strong>: Raised by his aunt, after his mother died, Pad McLaughlin enlisted in the Air Force to see the world, and save money for college, but he didn’t expect to fall in love with his supervisor, RJ Davis, a handsome, dashing officer. Rather than return home right away after his tour of duty in Saudi Arabia, Pad …

Something About Trevor

Something About Trevor

by Drew Hunt

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Paul Harrison is completely straight. His house will not flood again. And gay men don’t play cricket. Eventually Paul will find out just how incorrect these preconceived notions are.<br><br>When the river overflows its banks, Paul is forced to find temporary accommodation. The only practical suggestion comes from Trevor, an out and proud work colleague. Despite Paul’s hesitancy regarding Trevor’s offer of hospitality, he accepts and soon grows to admire Trevor, his humanity, his determination, a…

Bottoms Away

Bottoms Away

by Etienne

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Chris Bottoms is glad to be home from undergoing the first of two surgeries that will free him from the ostomy bag he’s been wearing for more than a year. He’s anxious about the upcoming second surgery, but life is keeping him on his toes.<br><br>The bank hierarchy is clearly grooming Chris’s partner, Mickey O’Donovan, vice president of a megabank, for a promotion. That doesn’t help reconcile the family who turned their backs on Mickey for not going into the family business. To make matters wors…

Surface Tension

Surface Tension

by Drew Hunt

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Wounded by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan and suffering post traumatic stress as a result, Andy Johnson is given a medical discharge from the British army. Shunning attention, Andy lives a quiet and lonely existence on his pig farm in Yorkshire. His peace is threatened when his friends take him to the city for his birthday. They buy him a kiss from Luke Wales, a twink porn star.<br><br>Overwhelmed and needing some air, Andy escapes outside. Luke finds him there. They talk and Andy begins to rela…

Love Songs Box Set

Love Songs Box Set

by J.D. Walker

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This new box set by best-selling author J.D. Walker features seven sexy stories of men who find love through the power of music. Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>I Can't Get No Satisfaction</strong>: Georgie Baldt is dissatisfied with his life. Working dead-end jobs leaves little time to find that spark he’s lost, let alone someone to love. Then a trick from his past becomes his new produce manager. Ry Archibald remembers Georgie, but they end up arguing constantly at work, despite the sexua…

Red Light, Green Eyes, True Blue

Red Light, Green Eyes, True Blue

by David Connor

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The line between friendship and love can sometimes become blurred. Sal, Major, and Abby have a complex relationship. When Major and Abby call off their engagement and Major announces he’s leaving the country, Sal is devastated and wonders if he’s to blame.<br><br>Five years later, Major returns in time to find Sal obsessed with tracking down a stranger he flirted with at a stoplight. Wanting nothing more than for his friend to find true love, Major agrees to help in the search. The two enlist Ab…

Love Never Dies

Love Never Dies

by Pelaam

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Brother and sister team Midnight and Aurora Pendragon have a successful airship business taking clients on trips to be photographed with their pet pterodactyl. The last thing they expect is to have one such trip hijacked by the dashing adventurer Voltaire Crevin and his right-hand man Trevilian Hawke.<br><br>While his sister and Voltaire repeatedly lock horns, Midnight finds himself increasingly drawn to Trevilian. Finally, Voltaire explains they are trying to prevent a weapon of mass destructio…

Major League Shutout

Major League Shutout

by Terry O'Reilly

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O.B. Benson knows that, as a gay baseball player, his only chance to keep from being shut out of the Major Leagues is to stay as far from the public eye as possible. His low profile is threatened when the team manager insists O.B. take part in a TV interview to help boost lagging fan support.<br><br>Avery Turner, TV reporter, is handsome, fit, and definitely pushes O.B.'s libido into high gear. He’s also out -- something O.B.'s situation doesn’t allow. And Avery believes in monogamous commitment…