Who's Up Next

Who's Up Next

by QuestionLock

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The world as we know it changed. Was it for the better? Questions like this surfaces up quite often. A mysterious large island appeared. When our government found out about it... All hell broke loose. A special tournament was issued, the person to survive and win this tournament claims the Island. After 16 long years no one completed this tournament.Why is it so important...? because after this island appeared certain people developed superpowers. 《System Boot Up》 *Mission: Kill all that stand b…

Soaring sky Havens judgment

Soaring sky Havens judgment

by Rebel_Royal5

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A man reborn as a The god zeus and he will soar the the highest level of this world

Number One and Rising

Number One and Rising

by Hutchison_Writing5

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Being powerful was a label to Elias, being given the awful "Number 1" as his name. Being on the board wasn't a competition for him, instead it was a slaughter. And then how his so called competitors used his emotions, his friends, his family against him, that was the sickest joke of all. After successfully disappearing he decides to hide as a high school student as the School of Gifts, a school that prepares Magic users for life on the Board. But is seems that the new generation is quiet a lot m…

Killing Yourself to Live

Killing Yourself to Live

by TaintedMetal


Everyone wants a happy life, but not everyone is reasonable enough at how they make themselves happy. Elotro Risas loves his nation of Decou, but nothing breaks his heart more than seeing his fellow Decouns slowly killing themselves with a certain nootropic known as Blue Moon, as if Decou hasn't had its tough hardships enough throughout history. Within a nation of a bleak, weird and dark future, Elotro goes on a journey to not only eliminate Blue Moon, but with a new age full of firm rules, laws…

The Adventures Of The Detective Lara

The Adventures Of The Detective Lara

by CreativeParasite

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President David , the head of the fellow agents is being targeted by a brutal and murderous despot ; Gwendolyn , who is soon going to execute her plan at a celebration on catching a wanted criminal at a cruise ship. Will Lara be able to save the president?This is a story about a girl named , Lara and her adventures as a detective.A Friendly Note : It's my first time writing a story so if there are mistakes I apologise for that.Anyone can ask whatever questions they have. Please remember to give …



by CynicalPepper

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A boy insomniac experiencing school in a different town from where he used to live. Meeting new people and experiencing new troubles that were unfamiliar to him originally.



by Chlobo

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Bobby Fishman attempts suicide.Todd Patrick saves his life, claiming to be his sister's boyfriend. But Bobby's sister is dead...Is she really dead?Who is behind the online profile of Kathleen Fishman?

The Cartomancer (Fortune Teller Series book 1)

The Cartomancer (Fortune Teller Series book 1)

by Utahraptor

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Evan is fleeing his complicated life, running away from his sorrows. And what better place to run to than the circus? When he gets there, though, he finds that all is not as it seems. He apprentices under the fortune teller, where he discovers an ancient power. Can he tackle the seemingly magical nature of his master? Or will he do what he knows best and run away?



by Lycan_Stoor0

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The life of young john was not ideal, but not hard. he lived a comfortable life for the most part. what will happen when he met someone with life unlike his? the story starts with John returning home after a long time.(this is a story created by the young brain of my 13 year old self, hope you like it)

My end is nigh but the regrets are still lingering.

My end is nigh but the regrets are still lingering.

by Losing_Dog2

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"I am a sick man... I am a spiteful man." -Notes from the Underground, DostoyevskiThe following is a work of fiction, which includes a miserable mc and his cute childhood friend who abandoned her dreams because of him.

Hope: A Short Story

Hope: A Short Story

by fayovuni

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***SHORT STORY*** Void of any emotions, Ren Jia, a 27 year old shut in who has no interest in anything, is forced by his grandmother to undergo therapy. The therapist is tasked to unearth the reason behind Ren Jia's statue like behavior.*content warning*: talks about abuse and suicideFor those who love psychology, this short story is a must read. This short story was born out of an Abnormal Psychology class assignment. Tasked with writing a fictional story of a patient undergoing therapy, author…



by Andy_Taggart91

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LGBT: Keldin Somme has had a hard life. He was adopted at a young age and had a hard time coming out to those other than his family. And when he finally is comfortable with his relationship, tragedy slaps him in the face. He withdraws from everyone around him.He's comfortable with his family, but anyone else was always at arm's length. That is until he goes on the one mission that will change his life. Skander Giles is an artist who just wants to live a peaceful life. After being assaulted becau…

Silver Healer

Silver Healer

by Andy_Taggart91

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Paycen Alear hopes to have an easy job when he goes to California with Emery. But easy for him and easy for other people are two different things. Someone is killing Silver and Gold Court members but no one has any idea who it is or why. They end up in San Diego, and Paycen meets the lovely detective. Anna has raised her daughter alone since her husband died. She works hard as a detective to make the world a better place, even the supernatural world. When people are killed on her watch, she has …

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, (1951-2000)

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, (1951-2000)

by richard_rick

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Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, 1951-2000Over the past fifty years, the Nigerian novel has grown to more than a hundred titles. This may appear to be rather a handful, considering the relatively long stretch of time. The fact is that not many have tried their hands at the occupation, or gone beyond the first book. It probably goes to show that writing is no easy occupation. What may be more remarkable is that relatively few, out of that handful, is known by the reading public, or discussed by…

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, 1951-2000

Fifty Years of the Nigerian Novel, 1951-2000

by richard_rick

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Over the past fifty years, the Nigerian novel has grown to more than a hundred titles. This may appear to be rather a handful, considering the relatively long stretch of time. The fact is that not many have tried their hands at the occupation, or gone beyond the first book. It probably goes to show that writing is no easy occupation. What may be more remarkable is that relatively few, out of that handful, is known by the reading public, or discussed by the critics. Of course, it is t he task of …

The Knight's Dilemma

The Knight's Dilemma

by Vlad_the_impaler

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What is moral isn't always right. Stuck in a love triangle, Eric, a man who always believed himself to be upright and righteous must make a choice between standing for love or standing down in the name of justice. For the forces of evil, are sometimes justified in their vileness. And good men sometimes find themselves on the wrong side of history.

The Storm That Stilled The Surging Sea

The Storm That Stilled The Surging Sea

by SuzanneWoods

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On the eve of the Li and Huang families' plan to get their children Bao and Jia engaged, Liqin develops an insecurity for his long cherished feelings for Jia. Bao on the other hand faces an assault on the snow-capped peaks of Cervinia. As the families get together to unravel the truth behind the assault and protect their children from the danger lurking in the darkness it opens up and heals past wounds of betrayal, hurt and grudge of the elders as they seek to forgive each other for the sake of …



by Bruce_Hickman

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Devil In The Mirror

Devil In The Mirror

by CreativePotato

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Devil In The Mirror is the tale of different people told from their own individual perspectives as they battle with their own demons.

Yvette's Escapades

Yvette's Escapades

by DaoistJe464p

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Yvette is a young rich lady in her mid twenties. She is set to find a true love, but her obsession for sex gets in her way