Magnum Deliritas

Magnum Deliritas

by Glypsumduke

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Caldessia is a continent full of insane people, places, and abilities. Nations are constantly at each other's throats, and the citizens live an eventful day-to-day life.In the midst of this hot-pot, Dionysus lives. A man who made a bar out of a previously-existing dungeon, he's one of the few people with peace in life. One day, it all wasn't enough for him, but his greed threw him into the middle of the insanity, and there's no way.

The Time That I Got Revive In Another World With Magic

The Time That I Got Revive In Another World With Magic

by Zaku_kun

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Seventeen-year-old Zandro Subaru was Luckily pick by God to be Revive with a three request. But he can't be revive to his world again. Zandro uses his Request to get a Lightning magic and be Revive in a Fantasy World.God add Zandro's a High Physical, High Magical and a Power to Sense a Ki and a Mana to Avoid Zandro to Easily get Killed.Zandro befriend a Many Different People, Mainly Girls and High-ranking People In Another World.He Begin to Travel Country to Country, Solving Quest, political dis…

The Cursed

The Cursed

by Sleepilyn

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Celestine Salvador lives in a town full of mystery, She met Stefan, a vampire whose brother was kidnapped by the same person who kidnapped her mother, and together they will find them as they uncover the truth.

Teenage fight (kazara)

Teenage fight (kazara)

by Abati peace

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Lovers of myths or werewolf's stories would love to read teenage fight.It's about a stubborn guy,who loves disobeying orders doing the opposite of what he is told, which leads him into a very horrifying and great adventure

Questing System

Questing System

by Ekeriel

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Icarus made a choice, leading him to a mistake. A mistake which cost him almost everything that was dear to him. He died wishing for redemption and in death, he was offered a choice again. 'As with every choice, you pay a price and gain a privilege'. Will Icarus be able to afford the privilege or will he pay the ultimate price?*Contains coarse language*

Fire Opal Eyes

Fire Opal Eyes

by garfsnargle

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Teenaged Akicita (Cita) finds himself on the open plains with no memory of how he came to be there, under attack by the Infected. After being rescued by Bilal, they journey to the east and are joined by Rashida, a healer with a mysterious past. With the Infected attacking in waves and behaving as never before, the trio continue eastward toward the source of trouble.*****It's official - the last chapter is published. Now, the 'current' storyline of Midnight Wings has begun. So excited!

Journey of a Knight

Journey of a Knight

by Thomas Robertson

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"Journey of a Knight" is an interactive story. Meaning, the story contains decision-making junctions where the readers have to choose their own path and discover various endings that reflect on the decisions they made earlier.The story has 4 decision-making junctions or quests. They are The Beggar’s Quest, The Darkest Night, Maiden Flight of the Golden Eagle, and lastly, Temptation and Restraint.In the Beggar’s Quest, the readers are given the choice to help the beggar. If the readers are kind e…

Orphan Wolf

Orphan Wolf

by RUHU95

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An elementary aged wolf raised by humans. Everything changes after his first shift. A continuation of "Alpha Lilly". You can read it without reading the first but you'll know the characters better if you read them in order. The next book will be "Raised By Wolves" a werewolf pup adopted by wild wolves so check it out when it becomes available.Story excerpt "I was found bleeding in the road. They took me to the hospital and saved my life." I say"What were your wounds?" He aks."Nope my turn. What …

12 Works of Vidian

12 Works of Vidian

by ShuckleChuckle

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A story of adventure, love, pain and hope. The gods give an ultimate task to a mortal, something that the gods themselves could not do. The mortal that accepts the task is Vidian, a working man that lives in his hometown by the Great Desert. His adventure will lead him to the brink of death and even further. But he knows that if he is to fails, not only will he die, but everyone will and he would have failed himself, the people he knew, the people he didn't know and the gods of the Eternal Domai…



by ShinyFireET1

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Long ago, ancient beings warred for control around the world. There was one race, a race fueled by destruction, The Fomorians. They lost to the Danann in their first rising and not one of them has been seen for six thousand years. Evil does not sleep, it waits, they waited until all the land had rid of gods and mortals now rule. The last Fomorian rises, he will resurrect his kin and they will conquer with their second rising. The Danann however, are not lost, their souls and abilities attached t…

High-expectations and haughty thoughts

High-expectations and haughty thoughts

by Akichi

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When you wake up in a forest, not knowing why, you don't normally just think that now you don't have to go to school and proceed to hunt down a cave life, right? That's not supposed to be relatable, because this protagonist definitly has more than one screw loose. No real motivation, yet he wants to find one. Now outside his home, Aki doesn't really want to simply 'live' anymore. There's magic and a system, no reason not to become a badass mage-king and raise a harem. Though he is more of a rom…

The Normal Farmer

The Normal Farmer

by krushandkill

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A normal person is suddenly summoned to another World. Upon arrival, a group of Mages, Guards and a spoiled Prince waits him. His status are pitiful and made him weaker than the average Farmer. In the second attempt, they summon a dog, a K9 German Sheppard Police Officer. Oddly, with low status as well.Upon escaping the cave to where they were summoned, starts their new life in a strange, medieval, and magical World.What happens when he finds out that he can also use Magic, but at a scary level?…

Battle of the Undefeated

Battle of the Undefeated

by Sabina_SAV

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No matter how good or bad you are, weak or strong, fast or slow. Without your strength, you will fail.And in life failure is not an option. Battle Of the Undefeated With a portal suddenly opened, a group of teens set out to protect the ones they love the most. With a raconteur, the king of Vandermouth, King Alexander demanded these nine teenagers who have the 'power' to battle those who are fallen. Without knowing what is ahead of them and not know what the future …

Stray Souls

Stray Souls

by Empress__Red12

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Out there was a very perfect-like landIn this present year of 1994, nothing much to have troubles or problems. But there are many folklore and stories from the oldies that tell about Monsters and Scary Nightmares that live everywhere in the land.A girl who is always asking questions about monsters and tales, however, it would end up to shut her mouth as her parents said; "You don't need to know. Can't you see it?! Everything around our land was already perfect. Monsters and those stories never e…

STUCK TO YOU: Untold story

STUCK TO YOU: Untold story

by MGBobbyKE

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A story of a young sophomore, Bryan Gindi, from Peak university who suffers from schizophrenia. After his parents death he has to live with his grandmother back at the highlands.It was not until he broke up with Abi that he found a new dating platform and got a chance to vibe with a governors daughter, Sela Maeia.Read to know how Bryan developed a special ability to overcome his illness as he gathered wealth to become the world No. 1 youngest billionaire.Follow me on Fb as MG Bobby and IG as Mg …

A Prophecy Foretold

A Prophecy Foretold

by Craig_Hoffman

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In a land far away, a descendent of Merlin was called upon, by the Minlovian council, to help eradicate a red dragon and those in league with it. Kyjus a teenage earthling is about to embark on a quest in another galaxy. He must forget that he will be an alien on a distant planet. Instead he must concentrate on how he can become the great mage from the High Elven Queens foreboding.

The Cave's Voice

The Cave's Voice

by cephiius

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All Rhys Harrison ever wanted was to leave the small town of Winterville. But when his friends forced him to join their little trip through the mysterious forest that lies within the edge of town, he hears a voice. And it was pulling him more and more. As he roams to find that voice, he finds something else... a compelling yet curious pitch black entrance to the unknown. Just what could be waiting out there for the sluggish and dull life of Rhys?

Tales of Norbul

Tales of Norbul

by SanderTomson

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Under the tree they woke, remembering none and recaling of what they are. What is the purpose of not remembering ones past? Who is the man with the spear? Where will the world go to under the path they will walk?Many creatures and people awaits. Watch the protagonist journey throughout the world and even other realms. He will meet powerfull people with different view on things, and not all are going to play nice. Some of them will require something in return of their favor.



by Tonyluis

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Nirvanah is a magical land and a land of peace and prosperity. most of it's inhabitants are supernatural being's, full of knowledge and extraordinary intelligence, with magical powers. After a millennium of peace and harmony. Nirvanah's peace came to a halt when their beloved king Hamman died, and his wife aricia a member of nambitian diaspora took over the throne. Evil and darkness encroached Nirvanah, as a cause of the Queen's bad governance and corruption.As a leader of a kingdom is so w…

The Home Of The Dead (Book 2)

The Home Of The Dead (Book 2)

by W3TBananas

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Book 2, a story about what goes on after the attack... Ben has to find the ones that he loves, and make sure that they are alive... Along the way, he must help others as well... Shannon, believes that Bens sister cuased the attack... Ben has to think about that in his head, while trying to save the people that he loves at the same time... Book 2 of The Dead Dont Talk, will Ben make it on his own, with some help along the way, or will he fail, and lose everyone, and everything that he has ever ca…