by Shiro_Nishikujou
Edisi spesial tahun baru.Menceritakan kejadian 2 tahun sebelum rugio di hancurkan oleh ksatria hitam. Sosok berjubah hitam yang selalu menghantui umat manusia dengan pembunuhan yang ia lakukan. Sosok itu tidak membunuh sembarangan orang, namun, ia sangat terobsesi untuk menghanbisi orang yang mirip dengan sang pahlawan di masa lalu.ORIGINAL STORYMENGAMBIL NAMA TEMPAT DARI GAME TORAM ONLINESELURUH HAK CIPTA DILINDUNGI UNDANG-UNDANG
by Fendi_Koda
How people's lifes alter after returning from hell to complete a mission before the king of hell arrives to claim Earth.What if the barrier that separate our world from the underworld is pulled down and all the magical creatures, demons and angel invade our world?
by Kshauz
Humanity is heading deep into space for more Vermillion. White has been sent to the farthest point of space, tired of the monotony and repetition of empty space, decides to connect his mind to the human neural network, knowing the wonderful and fantastic Nidavellir an acclaimed MMORPG as the best of today.After more than thirty years of a frighteningly high success, the game servers are shut down and shut down making your life extremely boring again.Arriving at the end of his destination the coo…
by Coolball98
A world of myths and legends. What evil forces await the main charater
by Luciano_Saunders
Autumn Brooks and his friends found themselves lost and confused after they gain memory of a very unfamiliar boy, Evan Stone. As memories come flooding back so does secrets and dark events.Join the 3 part story of Autumn's adventure to feel every emotion, every heartache, and escape from the terror that is the mind and body.
by Deadly_Inferno94
After defeating the Demon God, Damien, Ben must now uncover new secrets, as a new enemy arises. Can Ben gain new power to fend off the upcoming new evils?, or will he succumb to the power of it?. SEASON 2P.S.THIS IS A CONTINUATION FROM "In The End: The Outcast Rises", READ THAT BOOK FIRST, THEN COME BACK TO THIS ONE. THANKS.
by Zorkary
David has no idea how long it's been. There are only the scratches on the wall. There is only the next time. and the next. and the next. Until he wins, until he's free, until he gets her back. There is only the loop.
by I_Y_I
in the end I couldn't finish this work so please read my other ongoing workMORTAL'S QUEST.
by Hatka_Bobra
You can leave comments with no registration here: action takes place in beautiful fantasy historical surroundings of Ancient China (though with no cultivation, just silk trade!) Both leading characters are males. A young man of an honorable clan treacherously robbed his family and broke his own uncle's heart. Total nightmare. I will drown myself to death.(Reader 1:) - The most important thing is that it is so funny all the way that the reader is constan…
by misterfive9891
A fist time off islander decides to explore the vast seas of the world, but ends up being sold off to the wicked pirate Captain Bloodteeth.
by Shiro_Black
It is a story about Dean a half incubus struggling to have control of his inner incubus then meet a girl named Maria a transfer student that is also a descendant from the Hijiro Clan which are a clan of demon hunters.
by CatHam
Joseph. The kid is around 13 years or so, but he's crazy. But not like 6 year old murderer crazy, but more of a "I'm gonna sell my organs" kinda crazy. The kid never liked his family since they were all in his face, though most of them were down from his face (since they are short). And he's always been scared of murdering someone. Till chapter 1 that is! (how stupid :P) The fool is scared of blood, but he loves seeing death and torture. What a creep! The worst part is, the kid is nuts. The guy …
by Barbara_Boot
In a small village nestled in a valley at the base of a huge mountain, people have grown up for centuries knowing a story about a terrible beast that lives in the mountain and every time there is a crimson moon a Dreamer arrives to make sure the beast remains asleep. For if it awakened it would destroy their beautiful home. Except this time it is someone else who emerged from the shadows of the trees, dressed in a light green half coat.
by Adash_Dhakal_4279
The deadly betrayal, and the ruthless revenge! (Please read my next and best novel that I am currently working on, Evolution of The Boundless Demon. This is one of my older books but Evolution of The Boundless Demon is the prime project that I am currently working on.)
by Dean_Cassidy
The novel starts with Derrick moving into a house with seven demons with corresponding sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. He's never been happier and learns to live his life day by day.Derrick is your average teenager, no friends, awkward in social settings with no style whatsoever. All that changed when he moved in to a house haunted by seven demons each corresponding to the seven deadly sins, together they help.Derrick's life begins to spiral into a crazy filled adventu…
by Parth_Singh_1448
It was prisoners day when all the prisoners were given rings. When Elena was about to give the ring to Jane, the ring in her hand fall and something on the ground caught her eye. Something shiny, and she was remembering something very very important. What was she remembering to read the book to know about it?
by bianhua
A collection of short stories, each with a different theme and could be read separately.
by chiaroscurist
The last chapters of The Banquet Hall presents the ultimate battle of the supernaturals who were born possessed with magic and madness, too. Tatin and Isabella being alive, Bella and Jezebel, who were thought to have been buried deep underground were also alive. The stories also showed the vulnerabilities of the major characters.