by Jya123
At the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty, there was chaos in the world. All the Princes rose to fight for the throne. The four barbarians invaded the border of the country.But the nobles and the rich men ,they still drank and played on the mountains, which piled up by the bodies of the poor. This is an age of despair. For saving those suffering common folks , we can only fight to the death. We are the Valour. We are fierce soldiers. Survived hundreds of battles.We are a group…
by Dali098
The position of the Gospel according to Matthew as the first of the four gospels in the New Testament reflects both the view that it was the first to be written, a view that goes back to the late second century A.D., and the esteem in which it was held by the church; no other was so frequently quoted in the noncanonical literature of earliest Christianity. Although the majority of scholars now reject the opinion about the time of its composition, the high estimation of this work remains. The rea…
by xAcreosx
This is a time of great powers: The vast Persia, Sparta that was founded by force, Athens with its trade and business, Thebes the rising star, The ambitious Macedonia, The twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, The rising Rome and so on.This is an era of brilliant stars: Agesilaus II – the last king of Sparta, Epaminondas – the Rising General of Thebes, Philip II – the founder of Macedonian’s hegemon, Dionysius – the tyrant of Syracuse, Camillus – the Roman dictator and savior…This is an era …
by Ben_Craddle
The Casparon dynasty learns the hard way that it's disadvantageous to have only one heir to the throne, when a hostile takeover by the military leaves the ruling family of Korazin teetering on the edge of extinction. The head of the forces, General Garrera, conspires with the enemy, and obtains military support from them with which to defeat two loyalist garrisons who are now fighting to install the 13-year-old Crown Prince. The King has been murdered, and the rest of the royal family is either …
by Dali098
The two Books of Kings are regarded by many as the last part of a work commonly known as the Deuteronomistic History. The latter tells the story of Israel from its settlement in the land (Joshua and Judges) through the transition from judgeship to monarchy under Samuel, Saul, and David (1 and 2 Samuel) to the reign of Solomon, the disintegration of the united kingdom into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the eventual downfall of both kingdoms (1 and 2 Kings). The Deuteronomistic History alon…
by Dali098
Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), the first section of the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures. Its title in English, “Genesis,” comes from the Greek of literally, “the book of the generation (genesis) of the heavens and earth.” Its title in the Jewish Scriptures is the opening Hebrew word, Bereshit, “in the beginning.”The book has two major sections—the creation and expansion of the human race, and the story of Abraham and his descen…
by Dali098
The Gospel according to Luke is the first part of a two-volume work that continues the biblical history of God’s dealings with humanity found in the Old Testament, showing how God’s promises to Israel have been fulfilled in Jesus and how the salvation promised to Israel and accomplished by Jesus has been extended to the Gentiles. The stated purpose of the two volumes is to provide Theophilus and others like him with certainty—assurance—about earlier instruction they have received. To accomplish …
by Payrx
This is a re-upload from the site I found it and really enjoyed the story. I’m gonna edit quite a few parts because the original author was thinking of adding a system but decided to just ditch the system and go with the main character only using his memory as a college student studying history.Viewer Discretion for uhhh nvm
by Wisdom_Ndukwe1
Africa has a great future, Africa is a greater nation, Africa is indeed the mother of all nations, Africa has fed her evil children the colonial masters for centuries till now the time has come for them to go and work and survive on their own and colonize themselves and use themselves the way they used Africa. Everyone needs to be taught a lesson because everyone needs to learn a lesson, indeed they have thought a lesson we can never forget in our lives,they have really dealt with us.I am the hi…
by Orlando_Camacho_1482
a modern soul is transported to the beginning of the Roman monarchy, during his life he is dedicated to reaching power, but he dies, thinking that it will wait for him in the future, he stays as a spirit helping his descendants to become emperor of all Europe , but it will not be an easy thing.
by EroMaster
Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Ship, DDH-144 Kurama is on her routine patrol when receiving a distress signal. When she comes to rescue, mysterious storm bring them to the unknown place.What will happen to DDH-144 Kurama with all its crews in that place?
by Demenssion_8888
The darkness of horror in a world lost at sea. Prepare yourself for the event that are yet to come and dive into despair with hearts ready for the cold and icy impact that is trenched in disturbing love. Louis with understand what it truly means to have life flash right before he's very eyes as he comes face to face with Gods that are both known and unknown.
by Sharafat514
How learn live life with family friend and huminities...Fact life of human honesty
by zabir_uddin
Quaid e azam round table conference, 1930 allama iqbal speech