by KaleyBrowns
The blood-filled days of my life are finally over. At any rate, I'm better off here. The soulful solitude is bliss and my life is more peaceful than ever. very last bit of my identity, gone. Soon all will fade. Or so I thought. The blissful days of university life begin and so will my life with an eccentric man, Kaley Browns. Yup, saw him. Hanging. Everything is weird, really. Everything is weird at 221 A, Asuncion Street.
by Hanli21DgM0
I'm one out of none, believe me. The world, let's say it will end no matter what. Everything around us surely decompose, nor crumble as the time passes, yeah?However, do you know better than what I discover myself? One abandon the world, the like of you, this lifetime. For what? For the purpose of saving the life beyond, right? You sure find the end you've long for so long.The bitter...end.Why, you ask?Let me tell you why...I even share it to you. You even says we are not that close to begin wit…
by Dr_Aroosa_Mughal
by Mint0000
*Knock knock*There is a heavy *knock" on the door in the middle of the night Mr Philippe supul who is wondering for this whole night. where his wife is thought that its must be her And open the door with a concern face and low *sigh* by fixing his gaze on the clock table.The door opened with a rusty noise which shows the fact that its really old.Crrrr...eeee..k!Maria where you have been and you got hurt again. (Mr. S)........ ( Mrs Maria Xer supul )his wif…
by Elfoxi_Naruto
depends.I like naruto x yasaka (xd)Nuclear chaos lay dormant in the center of the final void, mesmerized by the singing of hellish flutes, gods dancing around them, their awakening would mean one thing, destruction... As easy as I create it, so easy will it destroy it... Or they thought he was asleep.
by Prinxe_Lol
The stories of the prophets are adifferent collection of storiesmentioned in the Holy Quran and theSunnah of the Prophet. They are closelyrelated to the interpretation of the HolyQuran. Many books have been writtenthroughout Islamic times dealing withthe stories of the prophets. The storiesof the prophets include the twenty-fiveprophets mentioned in the Holy Quran,starting with Adam to Muhammad.
by MusicalLeafJuice
Starting to harvest with travel live broadcast system!Read more fanfiction novels: Readwn and Wuxiax.comHidden contents is generated as a countermeasure for bad bot like content scraping or malicious crawler
by sylvanus
1945, after world war II. Nick Ryan a former American soldier now spy uncovers a conspiracy that may lead to world war II. When a hired psychiatrist fails to convince him that all he saw was just a rear case of P.T.S.D, he must save himself, his family and stop the conspiracy anyway he can.
by officialDevil33
The marketplace of drugs. The low-rises. The pit. “Got your yellow tops!”Thin drug addicts stumble their way to young black men, who take their wrinkled tens and twenties. A signal sent to the runners—boys waiting fifty feet away who run over, small vials in hand. The cops staked out atop a nearby building, hoping to get a photo of a kingpin on a random visit to the frontlines, are on break and not watching. Enter a man in a trenchcoat, carrying a sawed-off shotgun. Whistling “The Farmer in the …
by Maycheck_junior
Harris went to high school like every other kid in their Teens. One day it felt different. School was no longer the boring normal he always knew. He met a lady on the road and his life never remained the same again. Things were about to change...,......
by Shi_Jisatsu
Tsutomu has never opened his heart to another person, until he met Kishō, a boy totally opposed to him who seeks a way to change his perspective. Together they must face events that will jeopardize their confidence.
by Sleepymoonchies
"Have you always believed in fairies?"Ekiel always loved hearing stories specially legends frok his deceased mom when she was still alive. She tells him many stories and among all the stories she told him, he always have loved this one story about the mysterious Fairy Knots appearing on the horse's mane. It is said that fairies ventures their large green field all night, and return the horse as the sun breaks in the horizon. He also found the same Fairy Knots his mother was talking about on his …
by MagloireMaucisse01
A new senior class formed six months before the exam with somewhat special students. The students bond in a strong and deep friendship, but the young Aaron and Jelilah develop another feeling that is a little stronger. With so little time left for graduation, things got rushed and no one saw that time was running out. Let's follow the story of jelilah and Aaron in this book. Let the journey begin