by Aisha_Chesnut
When I was sleeping, I heard a voice of woman crying asking for help. At first I thought I was dreaming but few moments later, I realized that I wasn't dreaming. I continued hearing a voice of a woman screaming asking for help, that's when I decided to go out and see what was happening, but when I reached outside I saw something terrible than I have imagined,I saw..............
by Jason_Boyce
Officer Petty was your typical small town police officer. He was good at it but was growing very tired of the system. Laws are laws, no matter how small they may be, and they must be enforced. Officer Petty decides to take things into his own hands and enforce laws by any means necessary. You'll be shocked by Petty's capitol punishment for such meaningless crimes.
by Alex_Parker_9041
The world was dark. Monsters were circling the sky as the voices got louder in the minds of the last souls to flee for safety. Too much for elders, and for children alike, too soon for the young mothers and soon to be fathers. I remember the school's blood bath, the screams of the teachers as they ran with the shadows -the shadows that were supposed to copy what the owner did, just like Peter Pan. -----------Zach and his little sister Calia attempt to survive the worlds apocalypse. Calia looks o…
by BrakingDown
The sky, in the shade of gray,Even so, it would like to play,A soul that lack happiness today. Sadness, it wants to fade away,Is what it sadly pray.Soon, the clouds will start to cry,Causing some bees to die, Contagious, I too want to cry."This feeling will soon dry,"A stranger said as "Hi" "Later or tomorrow we'll see the sun, And what you're feeling will soon be gone, Your negativity, is it done? If it is, let's watch the dawn, My friend Ryan. "Is that an invite,I would rather have a fight,To…
by patriciamanrisa
Book 1 Pt. 1"... is a thin, circular structure in the eye, responsible for controlling the diameter and size of the pupil...""... if you see in their eyes and their pupil expands that means they really, truly love you..."A story of an intelligent man who joined the FBI to investigate a notorious organization and happens to meet a woman, a member of the organization, that supposed to be killed by their boss when he saved her. FBI gave the man the authority to protect the woman after knowing she w…
by Ali Wolf
Phenix is what they call us. We are assassins or as some call us hitmen. This has become a family business but it wasn't always like that. We met on that fateful day my parents died and who knows where this family will go. It soon might turn into more than just an assassin family.
by Darkoray
"Is it acceptable to take pleasure in killing?"Clearly, it isn't. He is well aware of this. Even so, he enjoys killing. He likes to play with the lives of others."I kill to avenge them who have ruined me."I kill to the demands of the devil who's within me.""I kill to ensure my own survival.""I kill to make myself feel more ...alive."This story is about Kai Takahashi, a psychopathic boy who sold his soul to the devil and is now a devil himself who enjoys killing people.
by GhastlyClown6762
A young photographer must fight for survival when he is chosen as a sacrifice for an ancient demon by a cult. He survives the ritual only to unwittingly unleash a curse on to the valley. With him now trapped in the valley he must rely on the few allies he have inside and utilize a power he never knew he had while battling both the cult and the mysterious military organisation hell bent on using the cults power. The odds are stacked against him as otherworldly forces set their sights on him. Will…
by Tyger_Ramirez_117
This story takes place in a High School where the protagonist is surrounded by walking corpses. To survive he must work with the people around him to make it out alive.
by Primordial_Two
i posted the shrek script for the hell of it
by Thatchaini
"My dear no one is normal. What appears normal to a spider, is chaos to the butterfly. Normalcy is what we make of it, what we create and imposed on this society but normal has never existed; and it will never be"A dead man. No evidence found. No lead found. The face has been cut off and sewed around the heart. This was enough to send a nation over the edge and send its authorities a race against time to catch the criminal.Singapore is known to be the safest country in the region of South-East A…
by Aneko_Frankie
Sarah was like any teenager but she has been waiting for that Mister prefect but when she does date they all have a flaw she could not stand. She has been good up until this point.After breaking it off with Bran, Sarah realized she was single for the ninth time she was fed up with guys her age. So now she decided to look for someone a bit older with experience and maturity. But what she will find might be a little more than she expect she would like. Would she fall for him or leave him like any …
by Negative_Infinity
A boy called Kiminito, refuses to enter a great school that can get you to succeed in life. How did he enter? A letter for the school directly, and did Kiminito go? Yes, and by his mother. Kiminito goes to his first day of school and is met with a weird atmosphere. Why are people acting so weird? How did the desk lady in her office know his name? Why do people hate him already? Would you like to go? He meets a girl who seems like is nice to him, meeting him at lunch and has wanted time to escape…
by AmeliaH
This story is based on the medical condition Endocrine Ambiguity and Dissociative Identity Disorder. The objective behind the story is to create awareness about how self-medication or Incomplete knowledge of a condition might lead to disastrous side effects.A person might possess the genetic makeup of both the sexes caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome. They associate themselves with the gender they were born despite possessing traits of the other gender. They are generally discomfite…
Near Eastern Hia-ming Wu Bey and his friends decided to go camping in a isolated place that was next to a long tunnel but before they could go to sleep Xin Qiu invited them to play a game one would go inside the tunnel and then come out just fine but something happened Wu Bey woke up lying inside the hospital beside his bed was also to beds that was accupied by his parents 3 years passed he became a medical student who tried his best to find a cure for his parents coma but before he could gradua…
by Audrius_Razma
Publisher is Hiroshima Office Press.A collection volumes of short stories in anthology about horror and acts of mysterious magic and serious mystery behind the plot our authors had brought us the entertainment to fool you in our scare craze.
by lazuardi_Zu
"Lalu, apakah dia akan menguliti kulitnya, mengoleksi rambutnya, memakan daging serta bagian dalamnya, dan membuat furniture dari tulangnya?" "Aku rasa tidak, kalau dia melakukan itu maka bisa dijamin itu tidak cukup untuk tiga bulan." "Lalu apa yang akan dia lakukan dengan bangkai itu?" "Mungkin mengawetkannya?" Rizal menoleh pada wanita yang duduk disampingnya, "Diawetkan untuk apa?" Zu menoleh balik padanya, "Mau dijadikan asinan mungkin," jawabnya datar. "Ha?" Siapa yang akan membunuh dan si…
by Olivia_Christopher
Whether we know it or not, spirits live among us, each with an agenda. All Rufus ever loved was a life of fun. But his sweetest weakness became his greatest undoing. Someone he wronged in the past has returned to extract her pound of flesh. He now comes head to head with a monster he unwittingly created. He is forced to depend on the most unlikely source for any chance of winning this fight. Will he win or will he be consumed together with his helper?
by Lovereading
Ellie Matthews thinks she has the best job on the planet. She's a nanny to a very special little boy. His name is Brahms, and doesn't cause her any trouble. In fact, he's probably the easiest child she's ever had to care for. There's only one small thing...Brahms is a doll. A doll with a strange set of rules she's told she has to follow or risk consequences. Things are going well, until she breaks a rule and discovers that all is not as it seems with the doll. Odd things happen and before long,…