Under Colon

Under Colon

by X_Novel

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Masking the Sadness

Masking the Sadness

by WarLor_98

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Fury sends an order to the avengers: capture Spider-Man at all costs. Then Peter Parker receives a text from Tony Stark. A text that was sent on accident. This turns into a father son relationship, as well as a family bond with some of the other avengers. Shortly after, Aunt May dies. And although the avengers try to keep him, he is sent into the system.Peter is kicked out of the house he is sent too. Peter,Tony, and the rest of their avengers family keep in touch and he visits a lot, but how lo…

Standing Alone Against Z

Standing Alone Against Z

by Acep_Saep88

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World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.

Quantum Order

Quantum Order

by gustavkoh


After Earth's destruction, its only survivor, a now eighteen years old boy, named Akin Damijo, finds himself in the middle of a galactic war. With a huge conspiracy surrounding the Galactic Foundation, it is time for someone to prevent the greatest of evils. He will show the galaxy that he can be more than "The Last Human." Once a victim of cowardliness, he will rise to be a hero.Follow Akin on his journey, seeing step by step how he became a legend in the galaxy.Akin was exactly five years old,…

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower

by Ernest_Romero_9485

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orphans Aaron and Zoe have been together for as long as they can remember, though they wouldn't call each other "friends", they know that they need to stick together to survive the warring world that awaits them.

The Changiiing

The Changiiing

by Mia_Kaii

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Disappearance of the Origins

Disappearance of the Origins

by Strata

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A race that has the power to create everything they wanted created a thing that they should never created. A thing that almost destroyed their race."Sister, I will do everything to protect you even death will not stop me from doing what I needed to do"" Arthur, what are you thinking? You might die with that thing in your hand. Think again Arthur."" What is this place? Seems like there is something deep in my soul telling me that there is something important in this place"A universe where differe…

Divergent Stories - Brahk

Divergent Stories - Brahk

by KearDarkfire

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Brahk, a man forced into a harsh life. He finds the things he can do and remembers the past that was taught to him. Thinking of those that made it possible. That past caught up to him as he did the same as those who helped his mother.After his introduction, I write different ideas and throw Brahk in those situations. I wanted to give myself a place to write random ideas that come to mind. I might have cross overs with my other stories, but most are just self contained.

Helix: A Technothriller Series

Helix: A Technothriller Series

by nathanmfarrugia

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Olesya is a spy hunter. In a high-tech world of programmed assassins, betrayal and far-reaching conspiracies, Olesya and her team are the last line of defense against a covert organization that will stop at nothing to control the world.But a new, deadlier enemy is rising.And they have Olesya in their crosshairs...If you love conspiracies and covert ops, this book is for you.

The Legend of drake frex

The Legend of drake frex

by David_Furgeson_0905

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please leave a comment this is my first time writing a story and sharing it so i would like feedback even if it is bad so that i can get better

Devil's Den

Devil's Den

by Smookey_64

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The Universe is a big and mysterious place and what happens if the universe has an End? When Gods and Goddess can't escape and only one has the Key to leave the bottomless pit of the universe. Follow The story of Ugro The Bright Knight in an adventure across the universe finding anything to escape the bottomless pit of the universe even if he has to kill the whole universe for it.The art I took from pinterest if anyone knows who is the original let me know.The Schedule of Devil's Den is Monday, …

Place I Don’t Remember

Place I Don’t Remember

by Juan_Figueroa_4378

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"A place I don't remember" is about a person named Albert Manning which is trying to survive in this harsh world just wanting to go back home.

Re: Incarnation
The Demon of Evelyn Peak Ascends

Re: Incarnation The Demon of Evelyn Peak Ascends

by Zimokita

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A new era is here. Over 900,000 years in the future invaders bring chaos down upon the human race. Unbeknownst to them, something watches over the humans and aid them, Gaia and along with her the spirits of myth, legend, and imagination. Let's see how far our main character Saikyo makes it in this cruel and unforgiving new world.

My Psycho System

My Psycho System

by PsychicCat

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The world is in turmoil and all out intergalactic war is on the horizon for Jericho Reynolds and he has no idea how important he will be in bringing this war to an end. If only he didn’t have to deal with High School life even if it’s still a military school he’ll still have to deal with teenage drama. The only problem is for as long as he can remember he has no way to naturally connect with people because he has been diagnosed with conduct disorder just one step down from total sociopathy. One …

Life in Another Life

Life in Another Life

by Wise_08


“Where am I.” a significant question in Davis’s mind and lips as he tried to understand what had happened to him. Davis woke up to find himself in a foreign country in Lizzy’s house thinking that he was just drunk and wasted. He attempted to look for his friends but finds no one. He realized that he is not in Theo, his home country, and had lost an entire month of his memories. He tried to find out what happened to him. His attempts failed and he decided to let go of his search for an explanatio…

Gather Dispersed Substances...

Gather Dispersed Substances...

by Jeremy_Johnson_1077

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Are "Friends" Electric?

Are "Friends" Electric?

by Teos

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Imagine this. You're living on an Earth-like world named Peiriant, machines are everywhere, humans are a minority, time is messed up beyond repair, and everything looks all retro. Sounds like a dystopian nightmare, right? Well, it is the reality for Gary, one of the human residents of Cybrion, the capital of Peiriant, the trouble for him is that Telekon, a robotics corporation that he works for, is full to the brim of insurgents trying to rid the planet of human life. He is Telekon's biggest hel…

Phase Jumper

Phase Jumper

by Unmemeable

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Two kids discover their powers; one can travel in time, but only by himself; the other can teleport, but only when she’s with him. After falling in love, their powers begin to be discovered by governments that start to hunt them down. They have to find a safe place to live, but things are starting to look bleak...

Wars under the mist (English version)

Wars under the mist (English version)

by iTeshi

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Synopsis: "Sven never imagined that he would enter a world where the strongest is right and only those who return from the battlefield get it all, as long as they are not defeated."My native language is not English and I only manage it at a basic level, when I improve I will update the errors.

Into The Unknown by William Naing

Into The Unknown by William Naing

by Wai_Yan_Naing

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In the year 2153, at the guardian choosing ceremony, they were ambushed by the destroyers. Five young guardians must rise up and defend the universe. Will they be able to save it all and lose it all? Read to find out.