by Augustya
Dive into the heartwarming tale of Hiroshi and Aiko, two high school students whose chance encounter in Kyoto's serene setting sparks an unexpected friendship. As they bond over their shared passion for chess at Aika High School, they navigate the pressures of academics and family expectations. Join them on a journey of camaraderie and self-discovery amidst the hushed corners of the school library, where every move on the chessboard brings them closer together
by Lollipop_gun11
He was reincarnated and still chose to be a footballer, but with his second chance will he actually succeed?
by BIRI_SINGH_1432
Story of Suzuki who gets reincarnated in world of tennis and creates his own story as an overlord
by LiteInDark
A 15 year old boy at swim practice. This is short stories of my daily LAC/HS practice at the Colony location. My coach is Andrew Marsh a former college NCAA swimmer and Donzie Lily a former Hebron High School swimmer that played water polo for SMU. Started 1/23/23
by TheGreekMythosGuru
Sent back in time to have a second chance to become a professional footballer.
by Cyro_13
****NOTICE**** This is my first time writing a novel so there will be mistakes so I ask for understanding.Thank You. Have you had the feeling of sudden excitement as you watch things unfold in front of you. Mark Levin or currenlty know as Takagi Yuu found love at the sport known as Volleyball. *NOTICE* I do not own the characters of haikyuu except of the main character of this fanfic and some other people, some of this maybe different so I suggest that dont expect that it will really stick on th…
by Thomas_Hickman
Liam Wilson growing up in the foster system is questioning life and looking for hope. Follow Liam Wilson’s journey and his path to the majors. Will he find hope? Will he find his Family? Will he find the place he calls home? Liam Wilson’s path to the major leagues is a long one with many obstacles and trials that he will have to overcome.
by RenTwoFiveHX
In a world 3,000 years in the future where the world is 99.9% female. There are 3 males on Earth currently and it's been like this for 1000 years, a popular sport in this future is fighting and 30% of the population has supernatural abilities and only a small percentage of these people can fight in the pro leagues. One boy named Yukki is determined to become the strongest fighter he possibly can be but he has to attend a fighting academy to train his body and mind, something says he might have a…
by DaoistHaDcoz
A Spanish Football Fan Unexpetedly travelled through time to his Early age and Became a Football Player Who Grown Up in Barcelona Football Academy , And Became Greatest Player Who will Dominate the Era .
by SurelyNotEli
Ky Kaito was born with an extraordinary gift. As a child, he was a math prodigy, seeing mathematics in every facet of life, including basketball. At an early age, Ky would watch basketball games with his father, revealing his incredible court vision. By the time Ky would step onto the court himself, he was a natural. Still, even with his skillset, Ky found himself on a losing high school team in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, failing to get college recruiters to notice him.After his last game …
by CreamyDurian
SynopsisThirty years have passed since the pandemic struck the world. Since then, the world has gone through a lot of changes and one of them was in the sports world. Due to the government’s encouragement to exercise and fear of the pandemic, people started exercising more and more. Thus, the sports world went through the biggest change. Unpopular and childhood sports became as popular as football, rugby, baseball, and basketball. One of the unpopular sports was Dodgeball. Akmal is a teenager wh…
by Isaac_okocha
Twenty-three-year-old Jeremiah Idahanosa failed his first attempt at becoming a pro player. Opportunity presents itself for him to try again and become the greatest to ever play the game of football.Even with a new opportunity success isn’t a guarantee as the hurdles facing him become even bigger.With the help of the system, only time will tell if Jerimiah becomes the greatest or fails once again.
by imtired_stupid
the story if me untalented at sport