Godfather World

Godfather World

by Destiny_Aitsuji


In a world ruled by criminals, civilians live a shit life. A cook gets shot to death for saving a man's life and gets an audience with God.“Civilians are humans too!” he complained.As compensation, God shoved him into the body of Zen Taro - the Taro Family’s useless third young master.Given the ability to learn at hyperspeed, Zen has to find a way to survive this crazy deathtrap of an academy. Armed with only his superior gaming, civilian common sense and cooking skills, watch him survive the cr…

Journey of the harem king

Journey of the harem king

by Kukroki


WARNING before reading: the story has a massive harem like Pokemon! this is the fulfillment of wishes and does not expect character development. I write this for funMc becomes Shota Gilgamesh in DxD with the system to become stronger and marry the goddess who reincarnated him. A beta and a massive harem, why not :))))I have read a lot of series on this site and got some ideas from them.

Quest maker

Quest maker

by Microwar

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Born in Canada on the date of August 1, 2005. Manuel likes reading novel books especially the game genre. He especially likes being an NPC. Creating a quest for travelers and such.He dreams of becoming an NPC who can give a unique quest for any traveler.But one day his dream came true. He died in a very unfairly. the way that humans can't comprehend. The pain all over his body being rip apart then regenerated by a mysterious mand or entity for an hour. Then the power that killed him made him re…

StarDuster - Glory of the Umbral Avenger

StarDuster - Glory of the Umbral Avenger

by BreathingMoon

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My Father always told me to stand tall, this is my opportunity to do just that. [ This novel has been discontinued, a redux version of this series is currently in production. ] A glorious reign over the realm only to be hunted, a glorious return only to be haunted. Avery Hall had a fair share of experience when it came to the many layers of humanity. With the death of our real world in the future, everyone gets digitized and becomes... well, Immortal. To a degree.But how to do you spend immorta…

The Unknown God

The Unknown God

by SteamBun

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A few hours after being announced, Novus became the centre of the world's social media updates. It claimed to have created the dream of many: "A living, breathing virtual world, with 'real' NPC and a constantly evolving environment. Backed by the power of the most cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence, code-named the Goddess." Overnight phenomena worldwide, taking the world by storm. Not only had it come out of nowhere... but it was released a week after the announcement. Gamers, disappointed by …

Check last chapter.

Check last chapter.

by Phantom17


I always envied how the protagonist would always find a way to win, each of them having their own secret weapon or ability, something that helped them grow and overcome. I am just a normal human, given a useless system... to gain even a chance at surviving I'll gladly become a monster.Rather than dying as a Hero... I will live as a Villain.

The Great Number Adventures

The Great Number Adventures

by Lustsifer


After 'His' last adventures as the 99th number, 'He' died and wake up in a body and world that 'He' didn't have knowledge prior.Now, 'He' will make a new legend in the new body and new world with new companion.'His' new adventures begin in the chapter 113 "AI - Day 1" or the beginning of 4th Volume [AI - Artificial Immortality].∆If you want story go to chapter 133 "AI - Day 31 (Part I)". Although it just one to ten paragraph/chapter. And I dropped it quickly.So, thus another EXP-Sect about my sh…

An NPC's Reality

An NPC's Reality

by Samantha Kuban

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When three best friends, Ben Drewer, Matt Benders, and Grayson Engle discover that their world is a video game, they go on a search for truth and meaning. They stick together through every challenge and opponent that tries to stop them. Through using newfound powers to find portals, deciphering clues, and speaking to the creator herself, they must grapple with an unknown future and the potential to lose everything they love. Will their friendship and drive for free will save their world? Or will…

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion

The King's Avatar Epilogue - Reunion

by xJugan


An epilogue for the King's Avatar novel, covering 10 years after the conclusion of the novel.

Conquest Carnival: Two Worlds Collide

Conquest Carnival: Two Worlds Collide

by MisterFlare


With a dark past driving him to work harder than most, Zack Rivera entered college two years early as a High Honors Student.As a result, he found himself with just enough money for an Immersive Virtual Reality Kit, and a pre-order for Conquest Carnival.In the two years between then and now, he had developed a passion for IVR Gaming, going so far as to get a world record for his favorite game! Thus, he had become a famed speedrunner known as HypeBeast27. Unfortunately though, due to his strict ac…

Bygone Era VR

Bygone Era VR

by rezerochance

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An ex-delinquent who recovered himself thanks to gaming starts a brand new VR soon after its release with the intent to play competitively in the realism-based virtual reality fantasy world. With a couple years of experience under his belt and a group of 'specialists' called friends, how quickly can he make his rise to fame or fall from grace?I HAVE NO CREDIT OR OWNERSHIP OF MY BOOK COVER BESIDES SLAPPING BLARING WHITE TEXT ON IT, IT IS A STOLEN MEME >=D

Play Or Die!; Ultinum Games

Play Or Die!; Ultinum Games

by Zuxian

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"I came from the future. The elites ruined the world and made it a video game. A one-eyed alien girl infiltrated the system. I discovered her and we became friends. In a quest to stop the elites, I decided to trick the aliens into believing that I was on their side. I had no idea that I was the fool. I was only fooling myself!!! My foolishness caused me the world I came from. The MATRID energy from the aliens couldn't be corrected or taken in by the oxygen. So, the world exploded. When I opened …

Citizen Hill: Autonomous Zone

Citizen Hill: Autonomous Zone

by Simon Sayz

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Citizen Hill's a genetically enhanced warrior trained to hunt infected humans and rogue Gollums. When Elysium moves into the Autonomous Zone declaring ownership, the Therian Federation tasks her with a mission: infiltrate the organization, find the leader, Julian Bless, and disband the followers. Once on the inside, she discovers a horde of infected humans and Gollums responsible for a series of brutal attacks devastating the Township of New Therian.Fearing a Gollum invasion, the leaders of New …

Metal Lich

Metal Lich

by Xmazh

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Today was supposed to be a new day for him, that he would become popular by playing of a MMORPGs can be played with augmented reality.When suddenly mad king with the power of a God, he speak to him directly to his mind. With a promise of change. Coincidentally that day he was on the top floor of the University where he attended. With which all people from his word are empowered to become a fantasy character while they are submerged in a zombie apocalypse.However when he is in the middle of his f…

Evolution of the Strongest Avatar

Evolution of the Strongest Avatar

by FavourEkele_1969


1chs >2 Power Stones 1 chapter >1k wordsDifferent genres will be introduced on each volume... Guy Thomson is a shrewd man in his mid-twenties struggling with his finances in Oregon, although born to a rich family. He is considered an embarrassment. He is a gifted gamer but has nothing to lose, when a tempting offer on M-Tech pops up with a mouth-watering prize of USD 25 million, he takes the chance to change his life but he doesn't know that his life may also change for the worst...+Romance_Yes…

She Rules the Dungeon

She Rules the Dungeon

by Destiny_Aitsuji

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In the year 2050, Earth has successfully eradicated problems such as water shortage and droughts. With advanced technology, it is the age of humans!With nothing mandatory to do or worry about, humans have launched into things like space exploration, research and experimentation.Of course, the world government has decreed that those who do not contribute do not get to eat good food. Nobody likes to live on nutrition pills. Who doesn't love good fried chicken?Driven by the motivation to make lots …

In Game Online

In Game Online

by Oskar_04

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[This story is dropped.](but it will be used somewhere else)White-gray hair, around six feet in height, two beautiful azure eyes, and a good body built.Neel the 19 years old boy.After giving him birth his parents left him in an orphanage.But at the age of 14, he got letters about his parents, left with a house, a robot maid named Lucy, and money in the bank. From childhood his life was normal.However, lady faith had something else in her mind.A game called 'In Game Online' launched and the world…

World of Weapons and Fighters

World of Weapons and Fighters

by Septic_Red

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Imagine going into a VR Game, build by the scale of Earth. Imagine jumping on a Pacifist server and find friends which will help you kill an anaconda who is in located in Detroit. Imagine jumping on an Apocalyptic server and everyone is fighting each other until nobody remains. On this game, it is possible to do these things, and also, it is possible to have a much greater life than in real life.Note:This story is also available on RoyalRoadhttps://www.royalroad.com/profile/167850

The Black Tiger

The Black Tiger

by qT_Tp

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When you always has been looked down on and is an outcast even among your own family, how will this change when you gain powers without any limitations. Still you are getting stronger.Follow the life of Gabriel, an 18 year old boy who ended up becoming the most dangerous person in the whole world.

The Line Between Love & Hate

The Line Between Love & Hate

by oshaneweller

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They say you can't choose your family. But what would you do when family is your rival and wants you dead