Make The Boyish Fall In Love

Make The Boyish Fall In Love

by Hanse_Pen

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She is Marriene Aecy Chandria Ramos, a boyish girl. She is not like other girls who like girly stuff. Maybe because of his male brothers. She meets Zhyro Blaine Acosta, a man who has a secret crush on her. The two always fight, as if their day is not complete until they fight each other. But Mac doesn't know that Zhyro is only doing this to get the young man to notice him. The young man had a secret look at him. Zhyro admits to Mac that he likes her and flirts with the girl. His courtship was no…

Sign on the Dotted Line

Sign on the Dotted Line

by MacElli

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A 17 year-old jack-of-all-trade Eli has her plans all set until her family faced a financial breakdown. To make up for the loss, she spent her Senior year studying and doing at least 3 part time jobs a week. With her unknown reputation, a peaceful year is about to end until Van Cooper, a cunning snob guy gets along her way with a proposal to offer. As cliche as it may sound, a deal has been made. With her intentions based on practicality and need of money and his based on a bet he doesn't want t…

Do what you love.

Do what you love.

by maria_jiahhhhh

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An Anatasia Xyn Ford will recognize and change the life of a Matherious Kayl James Buenavista. Read DO WHAT YOU LOVE to find out if MJ will fight STACEY against all those who oppose their relationship.

My Best Friend Become My Father

My Best Friend Become My Father

by Sho Rin

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Hyun died in a cruel way. But it doesn't end there because he was suddenly alive again as a child of a beautiful young woman. She was left to raise the child by herself and with that, she make sure her son survived this world by working a 4 part time job until she stumbled across a young man who fell in love with her at first sight. Wait, something is not adding up. Hyun recognized this guy! He is his best friend who trusted him until his last breath! He knew his best friend was the one and try …

My Amnesia Man

My Amnesia Man

by Aiyenchii

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Skyler Era De Chavez, a girl who can't move on from her past because she still love her ex-boyfriend that she thought that he died. But what if after two years, she met a guy that looks like her ex-boyfriend, what will she do?!

You Are My Sky

You Are My Sky

by mikeereyes

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"I was in the darkness, I live in darkness until you came into my life, when i'm with you I feel free.....You were my whole damn sky"- Blaine Isen Beltran



by xenos_

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"She's Zhyrine Valeineart, the princess of Valeineart Royal Family, the daughter of the king. Also, my fiance."They stared at Zyco, stunned. After realization hits them, their eyes widen in shock at Zyco."What?!"Disbelief was written upon the faces of the eight men. They didn't expect Zhyrine's identity to be more than what they imagined.-----------------Zhyrine Valeineart is the only daughter of the royal family of Valeineart. She was born with rose colored hair and her skin is as white as snow…

Stupid feelings

Stupid feelings


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Sophia Andra Valentine, a girl that can be easily love and like by everyone but her stupid feelings keep coming up her way, Will these feelings of her can lead to something, or will it just break her heart? The unraveling emotions that exploit the past will unravel in the future.Will andra be able to handle the conflicts that will come in her way? Or will she be affected and manipulated?A story with an unexpected twist of fate, love, and secrets.

The Love Hate Game

The Love Hate Game

by Tomie Laurier

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For as long as they've known each other, Mia Williams and Julian Preston have never seen eye to eye. It's only after their respective best friends begin to date, that they manage to form a conversation that doesn't involve some form of physical or verbal violence. Opposites attract, is the saying. And in the case of Mia and Julian, this holds true. But it's only a matter of time before they have to face their differences.



by x3nn16

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Things didn't fall apart the night i lost the two people in the world who meant the most to me. I hit rock-bottom long ago and i hit the ground running. What's the point of getting out when you're just going to fall back in again? The more i think about it, the more i wonder if my siblings are better off dead. They had no one. Aside from me, but let's face it, i may be clinically insane. They never have to grow up. Ten years old for all eternity. I was never going to be able to shield them from …

Its all began with a bet

Its all began with a bet

by Shivani Sharma

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it's a story of Alex who is a player and Elena who is a nerd which starts with a bet and ends with both of them falling in Love. It's all started with a bet.Alex Williams is the most popular playboy in the school goal high who has sleep with every girl in the school except one Elena Khurana. His friend Mike makes him bet to sleep before the completion of their last high school year. But what happens if when falls each other.Will he tell her about the bet or will he keep it to himself. Will he c…



by Les_Miserable101

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How do you continue to live when the half of your soul has already died***Michael Millar or Mike as his friends call him is struggling with the loss of his sister. And the only way to numb it all is to burn his emotions in drugs."You promised me you'd stop, Mikey" Luke shouted at me, why couldn't he just understand its all I can do not to kill myself. Everyday is hell for me. I slowly lift from the floor where I slept last night. Lila is no where to be seen not that I expected her to stay."I'm t…



by Ilyssa Naih

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Carly was a carefree girl who always wanted to be the best daughter and a girlfriend to her man, Francis. She is pursuing Nursing and had the best time of her life until her boyfriend got drafted to the US for a football team. Her world changed for a moment, as well as their relationship. Raiko lost the love of his life, Kiera. She died from cancer even before she could have entered college. He was devastated, but he stayed vital for their friends, especially his best friend Carly, who just got …

No Tea No Sanity

No Tea No Sanity

by Chlobo

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YouTube star, Lavender Knickers has just split up with the conservative fitness guru, Christian Strippers. Feeling her world fall apart when her YouTube channel is losing subscribers and sponsors, she seeks support from the friends she has drinks with at their favourite cafe. As her favourite cafe closes, Lavender feels that her sisterhood is falling apart when all three of her friends fall for Christian, and she wants him back!

What's Left Of Us

What's Left Of Us

by EmsRising

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Nick Walters had hated Madison Pierce for as long as he could remember. She was everything he was expected to be but failed at becoming. While she was applauded, he was set aside.But when they realize that the only way to make their parents happy is by pretending to be in a relationship with each other, things get a whole lot complicated. Because they don't know that what sets them apart might just be the thing to keep them together.

Insomniac Online

Insomniac Online

by Sakz

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She spends her life in her room to escape the broken pieces of her home life. On a cold winter night, Aspyn receives a message online from a boy she's never met before. She doesn't realise that one simple message will change her entire life. Quickly, Aspyn becomes involved in Cole James' crazy lifestyle.The last thing she expects is for the relationship between the two to take a dark turn. . .

Love Complex: CXJYZ

Love Complex: CXJYZ

by abbot1988


"When it comes to love I am unlikely to choose which of them." - JessicaConsistently, when did the heart follow the brain's words?Some people follow their brain and then, in the end, regret it.What is it really? Which of them do we always follow? The heart or the brain?When it comes to when to love, the heart first dictates to us. And when we hurt, then that is the time we say to use the brain. Odd, isn't it?Right now, we will focus on Jessica Sandoval's love. The woman who loves easily, believi…

The Moon of Xxene: Lunar Petal

The Moon of Xxene: Lunar Petal

by ObadaE

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Emeravwe has a secret.She has no memories of her past and no idea where she came from. This is already enough to cause her deep inner turmoil. But in a palace where rank and social status are everything, she finds herself in the worst possible situation: at the bottom of the food chain, scrubbing floors. Yet, how can she be satisfied with this meager existence when surrounded by grandeur? So, she sets her sight on the very highest position in the kingdom -- the king.Enlisting the help of her chi…

Idol's Persona: Alter Ego

Idol's Persona: Alter Ego

by AngelRoseVi


Content warning: Some chapters will cover on some sensitive subjects including abuse, suicide, and homicide.How can you save others without saving yourself? How can you prevent a terrible fate set for the seven members, full of dreams now shattered because of terrible events that only happened in a different universe?I woke up in a different reality, looked around my surroundings, and noticed that I'm in a familiar place. I'm not the same teenage Filipina. In fact, the person staring at me right…



by Raghad


A STORY OF AN INNOCENT GIRL AND A CRIMINAL BAD BOY.~~~"In his dark world, she rose as the first sunrise"~~~You know those bedtime stories in which mothers used to scare their children saying that if they don’t sleep a witch will come and take them away? Well, the story of Vad is something like that for me; if we do bad things, we will be sent to Vad. Vad is a place for wild, untamed, unregulated, uncontrolled, and troubled teens like me. It is sort of like a jail, but you cannot go to jail until…