by Shipperandfanficer
It was there. After the dust had settled, at the edge of the crater that used to be Sunnyhell, that Buffy Summers realized she really did love him. She loved him and it was too late. She's now living in London, with everything her younger self could have ever wanted, and she'd trade it all in a heartbeat. If it meant she could have him back. (Inspired by the song All I Wanted) (Disclaimer! I do not own the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer or any of it's characters. I do not own the song All I Wante…
by Nispedana_Fanfics
Oneshot. The ABCs of how Gon is through the years in Killua's perspective. Fem! Gon
by Llelo
Shen Wei held two worlds together for 10,000 years, and all the thanks he gets is shuffled off into the darkness.Zhao Yunlan has taken a lot of shit in his life, but this, this he refuses to accept.a.k.a Zhao Yunlan whines at the Universe until it gives him back Shen Wei.a.K.a Shen Wei has no idea what is happening, but Kunlan is back, so he's going with it.A.K.A Zhao Yunlan gets that first date, puts out on said first date, and somehow works it all out.Guardian: Zhen Hun / 魂 | Guardian (TV 2018…
by BlueNeko235
Taking place in Nova Scotia, Mangle must save her new friend, Toy Rosie from a marriage arrangement and help Spring Bonnie (Formerly known as Springtrap) change his ways for good.
by RaptorCobrery
In this condominium amongst City of Angels, there was an one room where this lone woman resided. She was all alone, lost in her thoughts, lost in her past, lost in her fear... and lost in her trauma.P.S. This is my first time writing an oneshot in English, and this is my first prototype. Comments and criticisms are opened, thank you!
by youllbeinmyheart
Aaron doesn't like Tyler, he talks too much.And he definitely doesn't like the weird feelings he gets whenever he's around the younger boy.(They are both above the age of consent)
by Maerlynn_Romanova
I knew Agatha Harkness was not a good person. She was evil, through and through.But I did not care, because somewhere in that blackened heart of Hers, She had taken a liking to me. I don’t know if you could call it actual love or more of ownership, but I was Hers and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
by mnanami
Three o'clock in the morning. Dark clouds hung over Tokyo. Unfriendly weather forced Joro to break into the sleeping blond's room through a slightly open window.---AUKnowledge of the Tokyo Revengers manga/anime is not necessary.Draken/Ken-chin are one and the same person.
by MbthehunterN7
AUish - After the battle for the galaxy they won but Shepard has fallen along with the citadel, Liara has to deal with her own feelings and with a Person she thought was never come into the light.
by Llelo
Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutong have occupied the same space for so long that they'll probably die if they're separated.Not that either of them is smart enough to see what's right in front of their faces.Somehow, they still manage to get to the right place in the end.a.k.a Zhan Zhao has 99 problems, and they're all Bai Yutong, but somehow, whenever he manages to deal with one, a dozen more appear.a.K.a Bai Yutong has no idea what's going on, but he commits anyway because its Zhao. It doesn't occur to h…
by nicteswrath
A late-night argument between Ava and Deborah turns into a heated confrontation, both emotionally and physically. Ava is determined to prove herself, but Deborah’s control might be harder to break than she imagined.
by Llelo
Jake Seresin is a lot of things, and Javy has been his secret keeper since the beginning.Pt 1 of 4Top Gun: Maverick FanfictionMain Pairing: Jake Seresin/Bradley Bradshaw
by YorusRanddie
How a fling between two friends became the perfect couple.Gojo Satoru x Reader.Written by Yorusranddie'From my homie to my only'Song: 'Number 1' by Tinchy Stryder ft Dappy
by RenegadeReelsEnt
In the heart of Vale, Ruby leads a ragtag group of huntsmen into a spooky old clocktower in search of spirits allegedly haunting it. However, when they arrive, they quickly begin to find out there is more under the hood of this ancient gothic tower than meets the eye. And that its residents are far from harmless spooks and frights...
by Llelo
Jake is a work-in-progress. Like all those unfinished stories people start and never finish that everyone forgets long before there's any chance of an ending, happy or otherwise.Pt 3 of 4Top Gun: Meverick FanfictionMain Pairing: Jake Seresin/Bradley Bradshaw
by Em_Dot_1864
Hermione is overwhelmed and overworked but refuses to take a break. That is until Draco decides that if she refuses to relax, he'll take matters into his own hands with the help of his charm and a bit of chocolate.
by ArturoWolff
Stella hides a second personality, one that she doesn't even know herself. Sweet and attentive, ready to love with infinite passion and affection. You can imagine what kind of love story this will be, to have such a troubled woman as the main character.
by CainFitzgerald
(DISCLAIMER: All rights to K/DA and League of Legends belong to Riot Games.)Shortly after the release of K/DA's debut song "POP/STARS", the band decides to celebrate their success. Before a celebration can happen, Kai'Sa receives a congratulary phone call from her father Kassadin. What was an ordinary phone call, turns into a reflection of one important person who was an influence on Kai'Sa's life and the reason she found the art of dance: her mother.An AU one-shot fanfiction by Cain Fitzgerald.…
by Maerlynn_Romanova
After a seemingly uneventful visit to Clint Barton's family, Natasha notices the onset of Wanda's depression, a condition that stealthily creeps into their lives, threatening the fabric of their relationship. As Wanda withdraws further into herself, Natasha's desperation to help her partner leads to a discovery of haunting memories that have long been suppressed, revealing a past filled with unimaginable pain.Through the lens of their profound bond, "Echoes of Sorrow" delves into themes of resil…
by RenegadeReelsEnt
Two souls marred by tragedy. A woman who has experienced loss and abandonment. A man broken by betrayal and guilt. However, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. For true love is found in unexpected places.