by seductivevenus
Years later, Sinag and Iglap would deny to their family and friends that they stayed inside the hotel room for the rest of her vacation. They'd only grin at each other, hold hands and remember that memory with burning cheeks.
by Hawkeyes13
(Story also available on my Quotev and Wattpad. Originally written in 2019.)Flowerkit is the daughter of Tigerstar who is taken into exile with him and trained to be exactly like him, even to the point of killing to get what she wanted. Will she realize her father's darkness and fix her errors, or will she keep treading down the path of bloodshed? WARRIORS IS OWNED BY ERIN HUNTER
by Raychel_Swann
A story about a princess of whom runs away from her home and meets a knight from her rival kingdom. Will they fall in love or become rivals?
by Kaia_Nova_Doyle
Aiyana was a single mom... just living her life. She and her daughter were happy. They had everything they needed and most of all... they had each other. They didn't need more. She thought... till she met him
by Kaluz12
The story revolves around the Kingdom of Chunjo where Kaluz and Cesarc live, who have the duty to save their Kingdom as if it were their own, but without realizing that not only saving the world from the fall of evil will unite them.
by Melinda_Madrigal
Two days after the Pearl Harbor attack, James, & Elizabeth, Joseph & Joanne, and Danny & Rose decide to make a Time Capsule and put in their most cherish belongings, and leave it buried for their descendants to open in 100 years on the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.
by Raychel_Swann
Beatrice is a 26-year-old Spellcaster who has been sent on a mission by her mentor, situated in Universe 7, where she meets Beerus, the God of Destruction.
by Mochi_Works
Simple but connected in different ways — sadness, guilt and joy
by Sister_Vicky
Olivia decides to finally check out Omegle, after her bsf Josh won't quit bothering her about it. Once she gets on she finds Jackson a cute boy about her age, and he turns out to be friends with her brother Payton. There will be drama but that won't break them apart. Read to find out the reason that their relationship is stronger than ever now.
by Shipperandfanficer
It was there. After the dust had settled, at the edge of the crater that used to be Sunnyhell, that Buffy Summers realized she really did love him. She loved him and it was too late. She's now living in London, with everything her younger self could have ever wanted, and she'd trade it all in a heartbeat. If it meant she could have him back. (Inspired by the song All I Wanted) (Disclaimer! I do not own the show Buffy The Vampire Slayer or any of it's characters. I do not own the song All I Wante…
by Isodele_Princess
"It's not only the woods, it's their home."Mysteries and forbidden things are included inside their home. You wouldn't understand a thing. But one thing's for sure... When you see it, you cannot unsee it anymore. --Out of the WoodsShort Story by: IsodelePublished: May 3, 2020
by Gamen_Watch
A prequel story to the Gameverse series, Fairy Sisters, which crosses over Fairy Tail, Steven Universe, Secret of Kells, and other series. Mavis Vermillion, Lapis Lazuli, and Aisling Kells live on Planet Avalar, as three magic girls who deeply believe in fairies. But where do fairies come from, that's what they heavily debate about. Join them as they search for the answer, on their adventure of love, magic, and friendship.
by Olatheii
After getting a fair share of PTSD from seeing Virto alive, Lao killing the clone sitting beside her, and numerous monster girls around the house, she wakes up in her dorm room, with a headache and the urge to forget the last 48 hours have even happened. She ultimately decides to go out, going into her closet to find something nice to wear. Instead, she finds an imp tail poking out from between her hung shirts...
by cosmicwitch0216
She stood there, unable to move while trying to absorb what really happened between them. It's been years but why did she feel like she was already too late? She forced her feet to take steps, to go to him but then, she slumped on the floor while reaching for his hand."Taiki.. I'm here. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know that you were here. I didn't know—" She cried hard while trying to spit out everything she wanted to tell him. She kissed the back of his cold hand. She missed touching him…
by hally_talent
A flower appears by Kitaro’s place revealing a new yokai and her friend having fu
by Jennifer_Moses_Chi
COMPLETEDWe all know BTS right??of course we do, they are our biases and we are their fans!!! Their armies!!from anywhere in the worldbut what if BTS suddenly had a crush on a black girl??blacks should also be given the chance to fall in love with BTS and be recognized too,After all Namjoon said regardless of color or nationality.especially as they all have superpowers that include dragon, werewolf, fox, angel, nine tailed fox..When Jennifer wanted to make a book about loving BTS, and she and he…